On Blocks of Granite

Not all that long ago while poll results were hailing Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) as the front-runner, I calmly suggested, “Keep her talking.” She did, fact-check observers did their job, thus down in the polls so goes. With that in mind, is there any surprise to the latest news that her New Hampshire team has imitated Elvis and left the building? I appreciate the paragraph below from the New Hampshire office’s statement.

The manner in which some in the national team conducted themselves towards Team-¬NH was rude, unprofessional, dishonest, and at times cruel. But more concerning was how abrasive, discourteous, and dismissive some within the national team were towards many New Hampshire citizens. These are our neighbors and our friends, and some within the national team treated them more as a nuisance than as potential supporters.

Meanwhile, today is a day with another new theme/layout. What do you think? The images below are of Possible Sample 1 and the Original. Meanwhile, tomorrow will show the third (and hopefully the last) sample.

Sample 1
