Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 224

On Politics
From the partisanship-clouds-the-issue file, some Republicans say that the only thing that can explain Bowe Bergdahl’s release is that US negotiators are working for Al-Qaeda.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) loss in the primary shocked the US political landscape. Oh boy … and I wonder what the Democrats in that district are saying now? Meanwhile, Mr. Cantor will probably triple his salary.

David Brat (R-VA) is the one who beat Cantor. When asked about his stance about raising the federal minimum wage, he responded, “Um, um, um, I don’t have a well-crafted response on that one.” … now that’s an interesting response by an economics professor.

Problems in Washington are many and obviously deep and problematic, but I’ve narrowed it down to two … Nope … not Obama and Biden … Not McConnell and Boehner … Nada to Pelosi and Reid … and surely anyone named Bush or Clinton … Nope – not any combination of the previously named, nor even the lobbyists. The two biggest problems are the Democratic and Republican parties!

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
Parents at graduation to celebrate child’s last accomplishment
Residents plagued by roving pack of feral celebrities living in Hollywood Hills
Cable companies announce they are just going to take $100 from everyone
Man nothing but lumbering golem of reward cards
Child entertained for 5 minutes by plastic toy that will take 1,000 years to biodegrade

Interesting Reads
The last interesting centrist
Interesting article about climate change from a conservative paper (the title is worth a peek)
Foreseeing the digital future in 1982
The answer to Does Size Matter?
Mathematics: patterns and structures
Photo gallery of Detroit’s faded beauty

On Potpourri
Regarding my eye issue, although problems still exist, I can honestly say my issue is better than it was last Friday.

Another unexpected crazy week in the books also means a delay in the next Saturday Morning Cartoons.

The music for Life: The Musical – Dreams was outstanding! Many thanks, thus I invite all to return to the post to listen. I even added a song in the comments for everyone! (Click here for the great collection)

Your weekend celebrations

  • (Weekend) Banana Split Days, Superman Day, Duct Tape Days
  • (Fri) Blame Someone Else Day, Work at Home Father’s Day, Poultry Day, Kitchen Klutz Day, Lobster Day
  • (Sat) Dollars Against Diabetes Days, Bourbon Day, Blood Donor Day, Juggling Day, Knit and Crochet Day, Magic Circles Day, Missing Mutts Awareness Day, Pig Callers Day, Strawberry Shortcake Day
  • (Sun) Global Wind Day, Family Awareness Day, Father’s Day, Husband Caregiver Day, Magna Carta Day, Native American Citizenship Day, Nature Photography Day, Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Worldwide Day of Giving, Pet Fire Safety Day, Go Fly a Kite Day

To send you into the weekend, here’s an old tune from a group whose original name was The Mars-Bar … but the people at the Mars (candy) Company were not happy campers. Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.