On a Thought for Shopping

I made it through the first week of the project. As an outsider, it is never easy walking into an organization I don’t know to take on a project that is in progress, with a deadline, and about a topic that I know nothing about. Being a gluten for punishment, I’ll return next week. Meanwhile, sometime this weekend I need to reply to the comments here.

Since missing the regular edition of Opinions in the Shorts still bothers me, maybe a Saturday surprise for entertainment purposes is in order. Let’s face it – the malls and other major shopping areas will be crazy this weekend, which exactly why you won’t find me there. But for those considering a shopping trip, keep your eye open for someone who may be expressing holiday cheer through dance. Thanks to H.E. for discovering this video.

17 thoughts on “On a Thought for Shopping

  1. Oh, I remember my consulting days, with all that “hitting the ground running” BS. Good luck with that project, I hope it gets easier as you go along!
    You just know, if any of us tried this video in real life, we’d end up in the drunk tank. Or the looney bin. Or, if you’re as graceful as I am, in the hospital with multiple trauma! 😀
    Have a good weekend!


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