On a Paper without Salt

I hope everyone had a good weekend, so a Monday greetings to all! Gads – I know that some hate we morning types.

A different weekend for me since my wife is cruising the Caribbean without me – Duh – What’s up with that! But hey, I made the best of the weekend by some ballroom dance, a salsa pattern workshop, a delightful evening with two friends (which include wine and deep discussion), plus attending a party for my great-nephews first birthday. Come to think of it, he reminds me of the person is yesterday’s post. Meanwhile, on to your Monday Morning Entertainment.

Last week featured an artist making outstanding art with a salt shaker and a piece of paper. For this week, what if we take away the salt? Watch and tell me what you think, plus about your weekend. I hope everyone has a good week. Thanks Kay for finding this video.

26 thoughts on “On a Paper without Salt

  1. VERY clever video….and good morning Frank! There are few things I enjoy more than an evening with wine, friends, and deep discussion….on any subject (except politics!).

    Hope you have a great week!


    • Alex,
      Good afternoon … (I’m running behind from my routine). Deep political discussions can be good as long as the tone and discussions remain deep, but I know what you mean. The wines were good though! Thanks for visiting.


    • Mobius,
      Ah ha … I appreciate your deeper look at this video – just as Tim did in the upcoming comment. See – you set the tone and he followed. 😉 Well done and thanks for sharing.


  2. Greetings! Interesting uh, video. Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for the visit. It takes me awhile to get around to visiting folks. Thanks for the Monday morning push start! ~Abundant peace to you! 🙂


  3. Good Show Frank! Just what I needed to face the upcoming week: a blank page, with limitless possibilities, and the hope that something might come together. Thanks for getting me up and running!


  4. Hey Frank…this is a bit off topic..but I notice your “likes” on my site but there is no indication of your posting anything. Perhaps you might want to register your comments again, it’s the only thing I can think of.


    • Kay,
      Many thanks for contacting me. I just commented on your Monday RoundUp post while not being logged into WP. Still seems to be gone. Others have found my comments in their blog’s Spam folder (not their email spam folder).But who knows as WP doesn’t have an applicable answer. Oh well … I’ll keep trying.


  5. My weekend? After sky-diving, scuba-diving too, went to the Hamptons and after had to jet back to the West coast. I had to get my attire ready for the “Red Carpet” my hair done, manicure, facial etc etc. Yeh I was there too at the Oscars…Hahahaha

    Actually, I finished my “goodwill offerings” sharing the wealth that I told you about several months ago…my last “meal on wheels” was on Saturday night The racks of baby back ribs that I purchased, I prepared them..the meat fell off the bone which I served with cheddar topped double baked potatoes. This made a wonderful “surprise comfort meal” for some unsuspecting individuals..

    Now Frank, if I should get another opportunity to “share the wealth” I certainly will do it hands down….. You know what? Cooking for more than a couple is as easy .. I plan on making this a ritual in my life, it felt good!

    Now, about the great looking “little-angel” on your previous post…that’s you? Yeh the huge blue eyes with such a healthy look, a very happy baby! But you know what else I noticed, you’re wearing a scapula…. that it seems you are proudly trying to reveal…what a little angel….you were…..er still ARE!


    • Meesh,
      Now that’s one heck of a weekend. You comment reminded me of my favorite Seinfeld episode where they went to the Hamptons, George had shrinkage, his girl friend was topless on the beach while he was away shopping for tomatoes, the ugly baby visited, and Kramer stole the lobster traps.

      More importantly, I comment you on your goodwill offerings. Doing that is one thing, doing and enjoying is taking it to another level. Thumbs up my friend!

      Yep … yours truly in the picture. I just looked at it again and noticed something – I think I have those shoes in a drawer!!!! Hmmmm … a possible post about shoes. Oh boy – that sounds like a thriller! 😉

      Thanks for the kinds words and for commenting.


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