On a Remembrance

I didn’t plan this post, however, listening to the news this morning motivated me to write. After all, this day 11 years ago started much like today – a beautiful fall day with a mild temperature and a clear sky – but then something changed the world as we knew it.

On that day I was in my work cubicle with our local NPR station in the background when I first heard the brief report, and my colleague and I talked about a small-engine plane running into a tall building. As more news became available, our mood quickly changed.

Whether shock, terror, grief, or any other emotion of the day, the mood of that day stayed for months. The world had changed. Our routines changed. Our awareness changed.

One that day and in the days ahead, we were one. We were one as a nation, and yes, I believe one as a world. – well, at least the vast majority. The events blurred the differences of politics, ethnicity, culture, salary, profession, and many more. I still look back at that time of need and continue to believe that President Bush’s leadership during that time was the crowning achievement of his presidency. On that day, we also gained a greater appreciation for first responders, which eventually led to greater appreciation for those serving in our military.

Unfortunately, we lost that oneness. Before 2001 ended, politicians used the event and the issues to divide. Others reinforced the thought that the event was an attack by Muslim on Christians. Our elected legislators turned medical and financial support for the first responders suffering side effects from their work into a political football. All one has to do is look at the current election season to notice that our oneness has been replaced by something much less graceful.

Meanwhile, those in primary school at the time are now high school seniors or college freshman. Families still feel the pain of their loss on that day. Some lives have moved on – others remain crushed or embroiled in bitterness. September 11, 2001 affected many – and in different ways. Yet, in today’s time of economic need, I still yearn for the oneness beyond selfishness.

41 thoughts on “On a Remembrance

  1. Great minds, my friend, great minds. I’ve posted those same sentiments on two other blogs this morning.
    The most memorable event for me, of that whole horrific time period, was sitting in our suburban home on the 12th, with the windows opened. Since we lived right under a landing pattern for O’Hare airport, we would normally have a plane roaring over every 90 seconds, which meant the windows had to be closed to block out the noise. Since all planes were grounded the previous day, my skies were devoid of airplanes for the first time in my life.
    Heck of a way for us to spend our wedding anniversary, no?


    • John,
      I can’t imagine the uneasy feeling of the silence from O’Hare. I recall the walks I took at lunch and seeing no planes in the sky. Definitely weird. Meanwhile, great to know that we had similar thoughts today! Thanks for sharing.


  2. I think we remember where we were when we heard the news. We had come home from being out for dinner and turned on the TV to watch a program we’d wanted to see. It flashed across the screen that a small plane had crashed into the World Trade Centre. We changed channels so we could find out more and stayed in front of the TV for the next six hours. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. We saw it all unfolding live and witnessed the second plane fly into the building and then saw the buildings come down. It was something you hope to never witness again xx


  3. cant believe been 11 years. Yes politccal football is a very kinda way of putting what went down with first responders and their health issues after 911. Having a family of first responders it makes me disgusted. I am hoping that the most current decision to add 50 more types of cancer (of coverage) will help many.


  4. Incredible, the memories we all share from that day! I was 5 blocks away in my office when that happened. New York was never the same for me after that. Such a horrible happening 😦


  5. Excellent post. It’s one of those posts so good I don’t feel like I can add much through my comment other than to just say I appreciated reading this.


  6. Frank, the Budweiser tribute made me cry, mostly because it illustrates grief without words. There really are no words to express the grief that still shrouds us! I am in such agreement with you on all points that I’m grateful you shared. To somewhat illustrate how much I relate to the divisiveness…post 9/11 the church I’d attended for years quite literally “split in two” when reactions to the “event” stirred emotional political diatribes created opposing camps–in church! As for the political divisiveness, it’s heartbreaking to me. You are an island of reason in a sea of insanity! Debra


    • Debra,
      Many thanks for the kind words. I wanted to find the right video, thus avoid scenes of the destruction and chaos …. and this one seems to hit the mood I wanted. Fasab’s video is also good. Too bad about your church. After all, church is the one place where divisions are supposed to be accepted. Thanks for commenting and your support! Make sure you stop by on Saturday … or at least Sunday for the celebration party.


  7. What a beautiful post Frank. I also miss the unity we had the following days after we were attacked. The Budweiser commercial I never saw before! Thank you for posting it. Very moving, touching and sad.


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