On Windows

Windows are openings in a wall of a structure as a building or vehicle.

Windows allow for the passing of air or light.

Windows can have frames, sashes, panes, or blocks.

Windows receive treatments as shades, blinds, curtains, drapes, and shutters.

Windows display merchandise.

Windows contain information on a computer screen.

Windows are a surgical opening.

Windows can be a range of electromagnetic wavelengths for which a medium is transparent.

Windows operate computers.

Windows are strips of metal foil dispersed in the air to obstruct radar detection.

Windows are an interval of time.

Windows are a means of learning.

As you can see windows can things, but they can be for enjoyment – as these from my recent trip to Italy indicate. Which is your favorite?


The Collection



Hinged Shutters


Arches, Vines, and a Pillar


Private and Mysterious


Eyebrows and Flowers


The iron balcony

The Iron Balcony

How Many?

How Many?

95 thoughts on “On Windows

    • Red,
      The iron balcony is in Pisa and mysterious is in Florence. The shutters are interesting because I saw that style many times! Regarding the mysterious glass, I wonder it is can be opened, but I just don’t think so. Glad you enjoyed these.


  1. This time I can’t decide between the two with flower boxes. That is one of the things I miss most about France/Switzerland — flower boxes everywhere. Of course they are easier to tend to when you don’t have window screens (but they DO have bugs).

    Once again, thanks for the trip back to the Old country.


    • Curry,
      Welcome first-time commenter. Thanks for sharing your fav as that one is in San Gimignano … a wonderful place. The post before this one was on arches, so I invite to visit. Thanks for commenting, and I hope you return.


  2. When I was in Milano, buildings and doors and windows fascinated me. In today’s building we don’t see them now… Thank you dear Frank, you did a wonderful post, I loved it. Love, nia


  3. Frank, these are wonderful shots. I have always loved windows, doors and archways so you are hitting me with all my favorite things.

    The beauty of ‘Mysterious’ strikes something in me, draws me in. I love the Town Square though, just lovely.


    • Val,
      Windows and arches are done … which means doors are in the future. 🙂

      The mysterious window is in Florence, and the town square is San Gimignano. Glad you’re enjoying this series!


    • Mudge,
      You are absolutely correct … doors are on the agenda … actually whenever I press the publish button! But with my normal routine returning soon, I’m not sure what day it will be. Meanwhile, your fav is in San Gimignano.


  4. I thought that was San Gimignano. We stayed a couple of nights at an agriturismo right outside the walled city. We had a terrific night there after the crowds of tourists had departed at the end of the day.

    We also visited Florence, although I can’t tell which photo/s of yours were from there.

    Another great idea for a group of shots. I may borrow your idea the next time I travel somewhere interesting.


    • Christine,
      I identified the pics in the comments … but I believe the windows are from Pisa, Florence, and San Gimignano. It was fun looking for windows, arches, doors, and other stuff after I learned to look beyond the obvious.

      Being non-tourist season, not many strolling in San Gimignano on my day there.


  5. I like the arches, vines and pillar, Frank. The elaborate brick-work evokes images of a talented craftsperson planning and executing that lovely arrangement. Architectural studies fascinate me – maybe partly because I had to study Architectural History while getting my degree in Industrial Design at Georgia Tech.


  6. You have really found away to present your photos – all the sentences around windows, very cleverly done. Frank, you have a creative mind. Very found of windows – caught from both inside out and outside in – same with doors and Italy have many beauties of them both. Great gallery.


      • One of my best photos ever .. is take from inside out – lovely lace curtains – a bed & breakfast in Cornwall.UK
        And I have a fetish for outdoor laundry hanging. Loads of that in Italy.


  7. Pingback: Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 335 – A Frank Angle

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