Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 206

On Politics
The holiday was a good break from the goofy world of politics. Even in that setting, microphones have a way of keeping the idiots in the news.

Speaking of goofy, I saw CNN’s interview with Dennis Rodman in North Korea live, and he actually makes Nincompoop seem sensible.

To me, the recent Bridgegate episode involving the New Jersey Governor’s office is an example of abuse of power for political gain.

This week’s preview of Robert Gates’ upcoming book was interesting. Here’s an interesting commentary by a visitor here, so thank you Jim Wheeler.

One way governors (primarily Republican) balance the state budget is by keeping money that would have gone elsewhere in the state. This recent Cincinnati Enquirer editorial is a good read. (Note: Southwestern Ohio is strongly Republican.)

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
Mannequin must think he’s pretty hot
Girlfriend overdoses on lotion
Beijing air solidifies
Man unknowingly purchased lifetime supply of condoms
Pizza Hut unveils new cheesed-stuffed delivery guy
Scientists believe hockey players communicate by banging sticks against boards
Man on first date cunningly leaves behind one of his fingers in woman’s house

Interesting Reads
Columnist David Ignatius on a perspective about national despair
About political independents in America
The Odessa (Ukraine) Catacombs
About the inventor of leaded gasoline and chlorofluorocarbons
A bit of Churchill

On Potpourri
Because winter is not yet over, The Onion’s tips for keeping warm are excellent.

Recently, (thanks to a tip from Alex) just below our crescent-shaped moon was a crescent-shaped Venus. See this wonderful image from NASA that I found.

Special thanks to my top five commenters: Elyse @ Fifty-Four and a Half, Rich @ BrainSnorts, Lame @ Lame Adventures, Marina @ Arts Towards a Happy Day, and GingerFightBack @ GingerFightBack. For those interested in annual reports, here’s mine.

For me, it’s been a very busy time, thus why I haven’t been visiting as much as I like.

Sorry – no cartoon post tomorrow because there is simply too much on my plate. However, I will aim for next Saturday.

This week delivered the final act of Time: The Musical. The applause was a roar, but I saw a few tears as guest were leaving. Just for those who stick around for the movie credits and the occasional extra nugget, a prologue is coming soon.

For those wondering, yes – a new musical is on the horizon – but the theme remains TBA (to be announced).

Here are your weekend celebrations

  • (Fri) Peculiar People Day, Bittersweet Chocolate Day, Cut Your Energy Costs Day
  • (Sat) Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day, Hot Toddy Day, Secret Pal Day, Fruitcake Toss Day (again, but I like them!)
  • (Sun) Feast of the Fabulous Wild Men, Marzipan Day

In honor of a Saturday celebration, this song was a hit in 1967 – and yes, I remember it! It’s .– . … – . .-. -. / ..- -. .. — -. / -… -.– / – …. . / ..-. .. …- . / .- — . .-. .. -.-. .- -. … By the way, what’s your name in Morse code? Click here to find out. I’m ..-. .-. .- -. -.-

Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

69 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 206

  1. Oh Frank. Thanks for a good kick-off to the weekend. First, I realize that Friday celebrates two holidays very pertinent to me–you will have to guess which two. And although in CA where my days are a balmy 60 degrees, I loved The Onions tips on staying warm. The video was a great relic. Imagine: Telegram–the first really slow tweet. Have a great week. Don’t worry about no Saturday Cartoon; we will survive–and can watch some ourselves if we need the fix!


    • .–. .- – – ..
      Although it doesn’t apply to where you live, glad you enjoyed The Onion’s tips! Meanwhile, I’m going to take the high road on the celebrations, thus guess bittersweet chocolate and cut your energy costs.


  2. Thanks for the shout out from MY most frequent commenter, too! I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine …

    I plan to start celebrating Hot Toddy Day right now!


    • . .-.. -.– … .
      Being that you are going into a more-swamped-than-normal period, having Hot Toddies on stand by may be helpful! Hang in there …. and I always appreciate your presence here and your hospitality.


  3. Rodman is a real study: “LOOK AT THESE MEN!” As if the fact that he could convince others to join his brand of diplomacy makes it legit. I don’t think he will ever “get” why everyone is so upset with him.


    • -.. . -… .-. .-
      I’m with you. When I first heard the bridge news, I simply shook my head while saying “that’s pathetic” …. Glad you enjoyed Western Union … and cheers to us who remember it!


  4. Frank, my longtime Christie-loathing close personal friend, Martini Max, lives in Fort Lee. He is LOVING watching Christie, who he refers to as “a bloated hack”, try to weasel his way out of this mess.

    I completely forgot that song “Western Union” as well as that band’s name. It was never one of my favorites but I did watch the entire video because it is such a period piece. So thanks.


    • .-.. .- — .
      Savvy people at the top know how to have a fall person. We used to call a former boss “Teflon Man” because nothing stuck.

      The Five Americans didn’t have another Top 20 hit.


  5. I can actually summon up some sympathy for Rodman. He is a deeply troubled man. He seems so lost in this world and I don’t think he’s getting good advice from his handlers and friends. The Christie scandal will continue to unfold, but I think that in the end, no one will ever be able to confirm that he knew about the bridge closing all along. I believe he did. But lying has become a skill among politicians.

    I’m celebrate Hot Toddy day on Saturday!


    • … -.. …
      Good points about Rodman. To me, not only is he lost in this world, he may be lost in his world! Yes, Bridgegate will continue to unfold, but will it continue past next week? Oh well, time will tell.

      Enjoy that Hot Toddy!!!!


  6. Currently living in NJ, it makes perfect sense to me that Bridgegate should dominate the news here, but it confounds me how it dominates the news all over America and even abroad… this proves to me that the media (and, by extension, consumers) love a good scandal, regardless of if it affects them in any way.


    • With all due respect, abtwixt, Mr. Christie has been the hands-down favorite to be the GOP nominee for president in 2016 and as such, he deserves the full attention of voters in every state, not just NJ. The last time we weren’t paying attention we got 8 years of cowboy adventurism that wrecked the national treasury and started two wars, one of which still hasn’t ended.


      • .— .. –,
        Correct, anyone in the national spotlight will be amplified. On the other hand, I know many who would say that the public didn’t pay attention in the last two presidential elections.


    • – .– .. -..- –
      If Gov Christie wasn’t a strong possibility for a presidential nomination, the situation would be only a blip on the national news. I’m curious to see if this is still news in 10-14 days. … and yes, people love a good scandal … thus why I think is one of the reason for the success of reality shows.


  7. LOL on tips for keeping warm! 😆
    I actually do this –> Whenever coming inside from the freezing outdoors, remember to shiver and say “brrr.”
    Happy Friday – Happy Weekend 🙂


  8. “Man on first date cunningly leaves behind one of his fingers in woman’s house”–what? Bizarre! LOL!

    I spent a good portion of Thursday moving around the radio dials listening to radio commentators from San Francisco and Los Angeles to New York and New Jersey, some known to be very Conservative and others Liberal, just to catch the different perspectives and angles on “Bridgegate.” It was a fascinating exercise. I heard everything from it being the worst thing anyone has ever done, to political conspiracy theories, to “the making of a President.” Wow the spin! And each person was quite the authority. I’d say I was entertained except that it’s a lot of muck to navigate through. I won’t be overdoing it trying to keep up with this one!


    • Debra,
      Are you telling me that’s not the way Jay won you over those many years ago?

      Great point about radio talk shows. And to think many people treat the host’s words as gospel!

      I must agree, what you did is an interesting exercise, especially if one can listen with open ears. I recall listening to three press conferences about oil prices … either all the same day or 2 one day and the other the next … and I will say three were Speaker Boehner, Minority Leader Pelosi, and President Obama … and surprise, surprise … all differed from the others … and two were very full of misleading and incorrect information.


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