On August 2014

August is the eighth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and one of seven months with a length of 31 days.

In non-leap years, no other month starts on the same day of the week as August, but in leap years February starts on the same day of the week.

August and November end on the same day of the week every year

August (then called Sextilis) was the sixth month in the ten-month Roman calendar

August (still Sextilis) became the eighth month around 700 BC by King Numa Pompilius, but it had only 29 days

Julius Caesar added two days to August (still Sextilis) in 45 BC

Sextillis renamed August in 8 BC to honor Augustus

August’s birthstone is Peridot, a greenish said to have magical powers and healing properties to protect against nightmares … plus bring power, influence, and a wonderful year to the wearer.

August’s birth flower are Gladiolus and Poppy … meaning beauty, strength of character, love, marriage, and family

August’s Zodiac signs are Leo (ending August 22) and Virgo (starting August 23)

Moon for August as multiple names: Grain Moon, Green Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Fruit Moon

Only two Shakespeare plays mention August: Henry VI Part I and The Tempest

Anglo-Saxons called August by the name Weod-monath (weed month)

August is also called Augustus (Afrikaans, Dutch), Gusht (Albanian), Avqust (Azerbaijani), Kolovoz (Croatian), elokuu (Finnish), Αύgoustos (Greek), Ogos (Malay), Awissu (Maltese), Thang-Tam (Vietnamese), Awst (Welsh)

August is a month-long holiday for many Europeans

August and February are seasonable equivalents in opposite hemispheres

August is the month to increase awareness of Children Eye Health & Safety, Bystanders, Traffic, Immunization, Psoriasis, Child Support, Motor Sports, Minority Donors, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Children Vision & Learning, Pet Immunization, Cataracts, Romance, and Studious Behavior

August is the month to celebrate Black Business, Panini, Goat Cheese, Catfish, Indian Heritage, Breastfeeding, Dirty Harry, and Peaches

August is the month to appreciate American Artists, Water Quality, Tomboy Tools, Neurosurgery Outreach, Audio, and Inventors

August is the month to participate in American Adventures, American History Essay Contest, Truancy Prevention, Don’t be a Bully, Get Ready for Kindergarten, What Will Be Your Legacy, Mutt-i-grees Rescue, Win with Civility, Happiness Happens, Midnight Moon Parties, and Plan Ahead for Halloween

Take time to celebration these anytime in August. Did you listen to any of the August songs? If so, which?

49 thoughts on “On August 2014

  1. I listened to the last two songs. I didn’t know the Bon Jovi title, but recognised the song when it was playing. Van, because I am very fond of his music 🙂 I enjoy your posts at the beginning of every month Frank 🙂


  2. “August is a month-long holiday for many Europeans”—Ooh, that would be nice! I’ve been away for the week (and from the Internet too), but now it’s back to reality. No month long break for me. Thanks for passing on some interesting tidbits about August!


  3. The Julie London calendar clip was a real gem, Frank. Nice catch. (Man, you do work hard at this!) This was an august post.

    Standard dictionary:
    august |ôˈgəst|
    respected and impressive: she was in august company.

    Political dictionary:
    august |ôˈgəst|
    the opposite of what the Tea Party thinks of president Obama.


  4. Happy August month to you, Frank…wow, how fast this year is going…can we slow the merry-go-round a bit? 🙂 i like the idea of a midnight moon party month…very interesting and well, enjoyed the last video by Bon Jovi. 😛


  5. I listened to part of the Van Morrison video. It’s cloudy and rainy today, and the satellite goes in and out on days like this so I had to give up. But I did enjoy what I listened to. 🙂 Interesting tidbits about August.
    August is a busy month for me. Lots of birthdays and anniversaries, and it’s typically the beginning of the harvest when I spend a lot of time trying to preserve it.


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