Sky: The Musical – Act 3: Clouds

The Story
The sky towers above – seemingly endless, but is it.

The sky is a place for imagination – imagine the swift flight of a local bird – imagining the float of a butterfly – imagining the soar like an eagle – imagining being on a plane to an exotic land

The sky is a place for dreams – of course, the dreams to fly – but also the dreams to go beyond – dreams of a future love we don’t yet know – dreams of the love we have – dreams of a love that remains for someone who is gone.

The sky – a place for contemplation – wondering about what to do – wondering what will be – wondering what has been.

The sky as a metaphor – a smoke – whether haunting or hopeful – a sign of brightness and darkness – for calm and storm – a blanket – infinity.

The sky is a place for everyday things – a place that never seems the same – the place that is the steadiness of the sun, the moon, the clouds, and the stars.

Welcome to Sky: The Musical.

Act 1: Sky
Act 2: Sun

Act 3: Clouds

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. (Maya Angelou, poet)

Happiness is like a cloud, if you stare at it long enough, it evaporates. (Sarah McLachlan, musician)

Nature is a mutable cloud which is always and never the same. (Ralph Waldo Emerson,author)

Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself. (Pythagoras, mathematician)

The writer is a mysterious figure, wandering lonely as a cloud, fired by inspiration, or perhaps a cocktail or two. (Sara Sheridan, writer)

If you learned how to make a cloud, your time is not wasted. (Bob Ross, artist)

In Hong Kong, ‘wonton’ means swallowing a cloud. (Jose Andres Puerta, chef)


  • Songs with Cloud, Clouds, or Cloudy must be in the title
  • Caution: No songs using Cloud as a compound word (cloudburst, cloudscapes, etc)
  • No duplicates songs regardless of artists

Production Note
To prevent browsers crashing from loading too many videos, please 1) include the song title and artist in your text, and 2) paste the URL as part of your last line (not a new line). The latter will provide a link, thus not embed the actual video … but I don’t mind unembedding, so apologies are not necessary.

Besides being worth 8 Scrabble points, cloud is noun, a verb, and even an adjective – but also (as the quotes show) a significant metaphor. Ladies and gentlemen. David, Melvin, Paul, Otis and Eddie came all the way from Motown to be with us tonight. Let’s give a rousing welcome for Rock and Roll Hall of Famers – The Temptations with their 1969 hit – Cloud Nine.

110 thoughts on “Sky: The Musical – Act 3: Clouds

  1. Dear aFrank,
    I think Maya Angelo was a great poetess. She made words melt as she spoke them. A poor Black Woman from the impoverished South becomes a grand lady of the word. This quote, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” (Maya Angelou, poet) you selected is very true. A rainbow is made up of many, many colors we all have inside and should be displaying. Hope you enjoy Cloud in my Heart by Muddy Waters
    Isadora 😎


    • Cathy,
      A classic song from a great era. Well done … and I was wondering how long this one would last, so thanks for coming through. Gotta love early film footage … oh my how things have changed.


  2. Hi Frank. I thought this act could be a tricky one to come up with “cloud” songs for, but remembered a recent-ish (1998) song by Bryan Adams, “Cloud Number 9” ~ And I did notice that it is almost the same title as The Temptations “Cloud Nine” and checked….it’s definitely a different song.

    PS ~ Love all of your cloudy quotes added today. 🙂


    • Joanne,
      Good choice as you stole one from the Canadian contingent. 😉 … and that’s OK. 🙂 … I like your choice off the opening act – plus I added Cloud Nine (George Harrison) earlier – (See my reply to Danica). Glad you enjoyed the quotes … oh so many from which to pick.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. No video for me, but I could sing you a sorrowful ditty about the clouds we had yesterday. But then you’d probably have to see an ENT doc for treatment of auditory assault, so it’s best I just stick with a ‘hi.’ Hi.


  4. Pingback: Sky: The Musical – Act 4: Moon | A Frank Angle

  5. Pingback: Sky: The Musical – Act 5: Stars | A Frank Angle

  6. Pingback: Sky: The Musical – The Song List | A Frank Angle

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