On Beach Walk: No. 19

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

I stand looking at the water. As I turn my head 180 degrees from east to west, the distant horizon appears as an arc where outbound ships disappear. No wonder many years ago civilizations thought our world as flat.

Perhaps the horizon is where the known and unknown meet. Each of us know different amounts of different things. Nobody knows all – so for each of us, the unknown lies beyond the horizon.

Perhaps the horizon is a different edge – an edge separating graspable concepts that we can comprehend – but beyond the horizon lie concepts one fails to approach – failing to comprehend. But the bigger question lies in the same one-word question for all – why?

Perhaps the horizon separates our life known up to the moment to the unknown of tomorrow. The horizon separates our yesterday from our tomorrow. Looking across the water to the horizon that separates our past from our future.

Perhaps the horizon is a metaphor beyond the waters that refresh my feet. After all, the hills of home have a horizon. What lies in the uncertainty over the next hill? Yes, looking up the hill is the same as viewing across the water. Thinking about what lies over the next hill is the same as thinking beyond the horizon that I see at the moment.

Perhaps the horizon is about the dreams of today and the unknown of tomorrow for all of humanity. The dreams of curing cancer, reducing poverty, travelling to the great unknowns of the universe, and more.

Perhaps thinking beyond the horizon is wondering about the unknown of the next frontier – whatever it may be.

Perhaps the horizon is where geniuses reside – those few who have the ability to think beyond the border – beyond the horizon – think in an inspired, creative way with an uncontrollable curiosity that is different from the norm – to see more and more deeply than others – thinking beyond the horizon.

Meanwhile, as I ponder the arc-like horizon that I see, I’m reminded that I enjoy walking the beach, for it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

77 thoughts on “On Beach Walk: No. 19

  1. My favorite line is “Perhaps the horizon is where the known and unknown meet.” We live in an area with so many trees that I struggle finding a view of the horizon unless I am at the beach and I love pondering about the next frontier. The beach is a wonderful place for deep thinking! Lovely, Frank!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This beach walk really spoke to me Frank – my eyes are so often on the horizon as I walk. It pulls me out, into the world and then beyond. When I was very young I wanted to know what lay beyond the horizon line and it grew in me as the urge to travel. I still love the horizon and all the contemplations it arouses.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pauline,
      Glad this walk touched you and thanks for the kind words. As one who enjoys travel, I appreciate you linking horizon and travel. Oh yes … the world has much to offer … so much variety, let alone the cultures within it. Some day I hope to see your land!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That mystical line where the sea and sky meet and ships like bobbing specters disappear beyond is elusive. So beautifully pondered here Frank. Though we pursue the horizon it is always just out of reach. Have a lovely day out there.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is my favorite of your beach walk meditations, Frank. I love “Perhaps the horizon is where the known and unknown meet.” and “Perhaps the horizon is where the known and unknown meet.” Beautiful and thoughtful. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I envy you for your beach walks. There is something spiritual about living near water and being able to listen to the water rush up to the shore and then return to its body. Thank you for sharing. Favorite graf: “Perhaps the horizon separates our life known up to the moment to the unknown of tomorrow. The horizon separates our yesterday from our tomorrow. Looking across the water to the horizon that separates our past from our future.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for a wonderful, thought-provoking, beach walk, Frank. Like others who have already commented, I love ““Perhaps the horizon is where the known and unknown meet.”
    This was timely, too, in that I was just looking up the definition of “event horizon.” I’m still not quite sure I understand it, but maybe horizons of any kind are difficult to understand without taking time to explore them as you did in this walk. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve liked all your beach walk posts, but you hit this one out of the ballpark and into the Ohio River! Really beautiful writing linking the horizon idea to the video. I’ll be thinking about your post when my wife and I are driving along U.S. Route 2 in Nebraska this summer and looking out upon the vast prairie horizon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tim,
      Glad you enjoyed this walk and thanks for the kind words. I imagine numerous thoughts engage your nerve cells. Driving through Nebraska is something that I haven’t done … not even sure if it is on my bucket list … but I imagine the sky would seem endless.


  8. Nice walk today Frank. The horizon tends to be unknown to most of us. It is there but not. It is like those shimmering wet looking spots on the highway. Once you reach them they have moved. The horizon does the same. So to believe that maybe very magical things go on there is not too far fetched. I like your line “perhaps the horizon is where the known and unknown meet.” Maybe it is also where ignorance and knowledge trade places. Enjoyed the post.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I’m here! I’m here! Apologies for my tardiness… I am still catching up on the Beach Walks and am on Beach walk no.10. However, because of your chastising, I have jumped to this one. And you’re right. I am in agreement with everyone. This one is particularly enjoyable and thought-provoking. I am no more original than everyone else in loving this paragraph:

    “Perhaps the horizon separates our life known up to the moment to the unknown of tomorrow. The horizon separates our yesterday from our tomorrow. Looking across the water to the horizon that separates our past from our future.”

    Some fabulous writing, Signore… Fabulous indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Frank,

    I’ll have you know that I didn’t even read your comment on my blog yet . . nope . . had to rush over here on the intel of a certain individual who resides on the north side. Okay . . maybe I did catch your first line as I was hopping over. And yes sir, I think this is your finest beach walk post yet.

    I love how you paint the horizon as this place beyond our grasp but always worth the journey, because that’s life. Not knowing why but even so, turning it into how. A wonderful metaphor, indeed!

    To horizons, lost and found. To the knowing and the not knowing. And to the mind and body and soul that gets replenished for the journey towards that horizon. And to turning the ‘why’ into ‘how’. It’s the dream.

    Beautifully penned, Cincy.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This is so beautifully written Frank. And it mirrors the contemplative nature of my infrequent beach walks. I always love the sound of the ocean and the feel of the rough sand beneath my feet. As you say, it is very good for the soul.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Colline,
      Glad you enjoyed this walk and thanks for the kind words. This walk has been well received – maybe the best so far – which is a good feeling. Unfortunately for me, I’m only at the beach for part of the year, but that’s better than not going!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Pam,
      Wow … I had no idea I would be an example for a creative writing class. If you want to share it with the class, you have my blessings – and I would be honored. Otherwise, thanks for the kind words.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Whatever the horizon may be, we need to move toward it with all speed. The adventure keeps us sane. Without that forward moment, we can self destruct, and I worry that we maybe doing that on this small planet. Just thinking about what we don’t yet know, without fear, can save us.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Pingback: Horizons: NaPoWriMo, Day 5 – Yesterday and today: Merril's historical musings

  14. Your wonderful words evoked me Kitaro’s music: “Shimmering Horizon”. When I was teenager, this old enough, spiritual enough music made me cry. For the first time, I understood the english vocabuary “horizon” and its meaning.

    Your beach walk again let known meet unknown. To meet unkown, it means hopes, right?
    “Say Yes! to the future” –said Derrida.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Velvet,
    This walk has turned into one of the best received by readers. Your Kitaro song is perfect for this walk. I know Kitaro’s music, so thanks for the remind because I may use some in the future. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Pingback: Horizon–Pantoum – Yesterday and today: Merril's historical musings

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