On a Beach Walk: No. 52 (Sight)

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

I think of our eyes – those two moveable spheres on the front of our face looking straight head while other organisms have them on top of their head.

I think about the importance of the eyes in balance – the way we keep our eyes on the single rail as we attempt a balanced walk on a railroad track.

I think of the eyes and the sense of sight that they initiate. That upside down, mirror-reversed image that red, green, and blue sensors on the retina of each eye detect – and these messages are the ones that our brain interprets and puts it together as the one image of what we see.

I think of sight as the one sense most of us fear losing. Some of us have lost the sight that others never had while others have experienced threats their eyesight. Ever wonder how people cope with losing vision after they had it?

Ever wonder what those with a visual abnormality see? The colorblind, whether red-green, blue-yellow, or even the monochromatic? Or the limited views caused by glaucoma or cataracts? It’s hard to imagine visual problems for those eyes aren’t mine.

Color is all around us. All the color we see is based on light signals received by those three sensors – yet we see so many colors. Somehow, a person with monochrome vision can be a painter of vibrant color.

Eyesight – that mechanism that puts a world in front of us to see – to interact with, to note danger, and more. But those are only true if we take the time to look – to notice the world and its detail found directly in front of us. Otherwise, we won’t notice what our eyes see. Then again, our biases, perceptions, and distractions influence our interpretation of the visual scene.

Whereas the eyes gather light’s input of our world, our vision is a gift from our mind that is a higher level and purpose of vision. Perhaps this is what Helen Keller meant when saying, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”

The eyes – those two small spheres that show emotion, interest, confusion, confidence, insecurity, and more. The locking of eyes can be a special moment – that is transcending what one sees to another level of emotion.

No matter where we are, our lives are surrounded of things to see, but do we take time to notice what is around us – even directly in front of us. After all, awareness is a conscious activity. But for everything there is to see, we cannot see without light.

There is much to see when I walk the beach, and my observations are in many beach walks – but this remains unchanged – I like walking the beach is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

40 thoughts on “On a Beach Walk: No. 52 (Sight)

  1. Very artistically told, Frank. The video is also evocative.
    This post is especially meaningful to me. I am well now, but I’m recovering from cornea surgery, to remove cataracts that were caused by retina surgery, earlier in the year. 😳

    Liked by 1 person

    • Archon,
      Not only thanks for the kind words, but mega-thanks for validating the post with your personal story. Although I know eye surgery has greatly advanced in recent years, I find the mere thought to be a bit scary. Is your recovery going well?


      • It is indeed, Frank. After each operation, for a couple of weeks, it felt like I had a tiny bit of sand in the eye, but that passed.
        The retinal surgery in Jan., leaked vitreous humor (eye jelly) onto the lens. That apparently can accelerate the very minor cataracts that were developing.
        I thought that they ‘peeled’ the lens surface, but they just suck it out, and replace it with a perfect soft plastic one. Now, the right lens reflects light differently, and sometimes gleams in a dark room, like a Cylon. 😳

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for the update. Glad all is proceeding well. The retina is a delicate thin layer, so thought of its surgery is definite YIKES! Regarding the lens, has anyone reported that you may have a new glimmer in your eyes?


  2. This is wondeerful dear Frank, I think beach is always so inspirational and giving us a time to think… I love reading your beaching walking thoughts… (besides the walking in the beach) Thank you, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel,
      About 5 years ago I had a scary happening in my eye. For a short bit of time, if I place a hand in front of my right eye (about 30 cm in front of the face), I only saw the tips of my fingers. But I’m about 98-99% recovered.

      Glad you’ve enjoyed my journey through the senses. One more … balance! (Next your Monday)

      Liked by 1 person

      • That would have been utterly terrifying Frank… I can only imagine. So glad you recovered so well, I hope that recovery was not an arduous one. Sight truly is a gift…

        Glad you are including balance, I look forward to reading that.

        Liked by 1 person

        • The “eye event” happened on a hot day while golfing. I was with an eye specialists within 2 hours – who didn’t see anything wrong – and my vision was improving as I was sitting there. Weird – very weird. But over the next few days, vision was come and go. Saw the specialist again 7 days later – then a retina specialist a few days after that. Over time, it improved without treatment. Amazing.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. To answer your question, no. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose your sight after you’ve had it. There is so much our eyes accomplish beyond just sight, and you’ve done an excellent job of discussing just that.

    And the video is perfect for this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marc,
      Lose of sight is hard to imagine. Guess that’s way the thought of any eye surgery makes me squirm. Glad you enjoyed the video – finding one wasn’t easy – but once I saw this one, I know it was the one.

      Liked by 1 person

      • All things considered, IF I had to choose between losing sight or hearing, I would have to choose sight only because I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t hear music.


  4. That video was certainly a trip. Vision is so important to me – it really spells freedom and independence. Wouldn’t be driving without it, for sure.😉

    My husband had 3 Lasix surgeries ( one eye done twice), plus cataract surgery for each eye. It all creeps me out. I’ve never had any serious eye issues. Whew!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m missing being right next to the beach. Yes, our eyesight is so very precious. Having had three eye surgeries in the past few years, I value my sight so much. My grandmother went blind because such surgeries weren’t possible when she most needed it. Thank goodness for ongoing progress in this field.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nicely written, Frank. I do think about sight quite a lot. My son-in-law is color blind, but he didn’t know until he was 18 and tested for the Air Force. I know someone else who has the most extreme type of color blindness. My mom has macular degeneration. She used to read a lot, but she hasn’t been able to for years now.


  7. Interesting! You said many things about eyes and seeing, all fab & true. However, you didn’t say anything about what you saw on the beach, or out on the water. I fnd this quite interesting. Fab post, Frank!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. After reading your post I got to thinking about how last Wednesday I was exactly like a blind person as I listened to Robert Mueller’s testimony while driving in my car. Could be I got a truer picture of what he was saying.

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  9. Dear aFrank,
    The video is vividly graphic. Outstanding selection for your lyrical post.
    I’ve often wondered about losing my eye sight. What visual wonders I’d miss.
    I wear glasses so when I get a new pair each year it brings those thoughts into prospective.
    “The eyes are the windows to the soul” … “and heart.” When I talk to people I look into their eyes. I can feel through them if they are good or evil. I used to be misinterpreted by men sometimes when I did that. I’ve always done it even as a child; perhaps, I’m supposed to see something I haven’t seen yet. This has been a very thought provoking write.
    Thanks for letting me join you on your contemplative walk on the beach …. It’s been good for the body, mind and soul.
    Have a lovely Tuesday … Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

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