On a Beach Walk: #58 (Quiet)

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Today I think about quiet – that calming word signifying no sound. Quiet – a time and place that questionably exists. Quiet – when there seems to be little noise, action, or activity – a time of still – an important personal time – They are all quiet.

The sea’s roar is not quiet – yet it can be the white noise for solitude. The sea is never quiet –  never still – but it can be a quiet for calming the mind. The wind whistling by my ears and the waves clapping as they wash ashore – yet, I can hear the popping of small bubbles on my feet, Yes –  walking on the beach can be a place of quiet for listening to nature and for quieting the mind.

Our mind is seemingly never quiet. It may be removed from one’s regular routine, but thoughts continuously race – and frequently bouncing between subjects, which is far from quiet. Sometimes when I walk the beach, my mind is like the perpetual activity of the sea.

Quiet is like an open meadow or standing on a mountain top overlooking serenity – but it is not void of sound – yet the mind may slow down to enjoy the relative quiet of the moment.

Life today is not only like a perpetual motion machine, it seems to be going faster and faster – yet quiet is an important mental health club – a time, a place where one can enjoy the spirit of reflection, imagination, or just rest.

Quiet is a reason some meditate or practice yoga. Others find quiet while jogging or riding a bicycle. Others find it in music, reading, or sitting by a crackling fire.

Quiet is being on the road that goes nowhere – a time away from the noise of life.

The roar of the waves can resemble societal noise. From the rambling anger and tremors of political pundits trading political soundbites over seeking meaningful solutions to real problems to the mountains that are really mole hills, they are far from quiet.

The news focuses on negative events of the day is far from quiet – therefore, mirroring the sounds of busy traffic.

The roaring waves resemble the roundtable discussion where being heard is more important than listening. It is in quiet that we learn to listen to ourselves and ponder what others have said.

The roar of the waves is the metaphor for now. Think of the immediacy of voice mail, call waiting, call forwarding, texting, email, and other modern technologies. It is on of these beach walks that I typically go without my phone – a respite from the immediacy of today’s world.

The sounds of the beach serve as a white noise. While my walk is absent of crowds, the active water delivers an inner stillness to the mind and soul – a time when the mind can both relax and focus – yes – a time of quiet. A time of solitude. A time of resting the mind. Even a time for focusing the mind.

Quiet is a time or a place where one finds peace and tranquility. Away from daylight’s activity, the quiet of night provides twinkling moments of reverence under the sparkles of the stars and the glistening moon.

Quiet is a place for the still without noise or voices – yet also the muted, the faint, indistinct, the inaudible, or the whispered.

While cruising in Alaska, I remember with its night still being like dusk, seeing the outlines of the mountains that were dark shadows with only a very rare sighting of an electric light. That’s also quiet.

I also recall one morning when cruising the Danube. All alone on the top deck, I could hear the splashes of water as the ship moved as well as the constant breeze – yet it was quiet enough to hear the morning birds in the distance. That’s also quiet.

I enjoy walking into a church where I am alone – that quiet sense of awe and wonder. Libraries are another place of reverence with a hush driven by the power of the knowledge found in the printed words that are bounded by covers.

Quiet – hush, still, faint, peace, tranquility, reverence, pleasant, soothing, restful – Not only are all quiet, quiet is a reason I like walking the beach. After all, walking the beach is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

79 thoughts on “On a Beach Walk: #58 (Quiet)

  1. Quiet as stillness, as peace of mind.


    I am always in search of that; through meditation and running mostly. And it’s not about actually ‘being’ quiet, but the resonance of it. That’s the goal.

    It never fails to amaze me as to how connected we are to technology, even when we don’t think we are! Going on a beach walk without your phone is a great idea. I do it now and then when I run.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Inner quiet is the quiet I seek Frank and somehow the rhythmic sound of waves brings me that. I remember many years ago when I moved away from my beachside home not being able to go to sleep because the sound of waves coming ashore was missing from my pre-sleep quietness. It was such an odd thing to come to terms with, a case of more sound equals more comfort perhaps? This is a lovely post full of little snippets I enjoy to think about. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I love that song so so so so much.
    With a messy head like mine, I crave quiet. Brings me to my Centre.

    Love your thoughts here. I think your beach walks are the epitome of peace. Such a wonderful subject you chose

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Loved, LOVED reading this.. There is something so beautiful about the sound of waves just sitting in that silence as they either lap on shore or roar in with the wind..
    Enjoy your day Frank and I have always enjoyed the song The Sound of Silence..
    Have a peaceful week my friend 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love walking on the beach, too, and I never tire of watching the ocean. Silence can be so loud sometimes. I’m getting better at silencing the whir of noise in my head, so that’s good. 🙂 Thanks for bringing me on your walk.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. One of the quietist places on Earth is the South Pole. No beaches and a little hard to get to – I can find no regularly scheduled flights or excursions – but absolutely no sound, at least according to a recent news documentary.

    It always amazes me that, when travelers “need to get away for peace and quiet,” they bring along laptops, cell phones, radios…

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Love the song.

    And here’s a quote for your post. Hope it connects.

    Meditation is to be aware of every thought and of every feeling, never to say it is right or wrong, but just to watch it and move with it. In that watching, you begin to understand the whole movement of thought and feeling. And out of this awareness comes silence. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

    Liked by 1 person

  8. There are times I just crave quiet, Frank. With intention I can most often quiet my mind, but external noise is quite another thing. I realized recently that perhaps one of the reasons I love the ocean as I do is that the sounds of the ocean are calming and have the dual purpose of drowning out other noise. In today’s hyper-noisy environment and no one really listening to each other, we really do need those beach walks! I’m so glad you have that experience, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. One of my favourite beach walks I think Frank. I love quiet, I crave it in fact, sometimes, too much. What you said here:
    Quiet is like an open meadow or standing on a mountain top overlooking serenity – but it is not void of sound.

    This is so true.
    Great post

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Todos los caminos llevan a algún lugar, aunque algunos, como el silencio, no lo parezcan…

    (aFa translation) All roads lead somewhere, though some, like silence, do not seem


  11. reading this post close to midnight with the city noises dimmed down and my own company to enjoy-that is also quiet…right?

    But honestly in that setting, reading this post, it added to the peace of the moment. Caught now between listening to the linked song or letting the quiet reign-either ways thank you for such a lovely post Frank, your words are always so fun to read and yet have so many layers!!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The Sounds of Silence … a perfect song for this post. I think it may be because I went to Catholic school that sitting in silence seems very comfortable to me. No talking in church: lest we go back to class and get what for. I crave having quiet time.
    I think we all need to go back to when we had less concerns about media. I know it’s difficult. Yet, we all need it. Perhpas, it’s the reason people enjoy going to the beach. Your screen becomes impossible to see. LOL
    An intriguing write, aFrank. I enjoyed this very much.
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

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