Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 63

On Democratic Whining
House Democrats are upset because President Obama is distancing himself and the White House is accepting a possible GOP majority in November. Tough nuggies! House leadership and President Obama obviously misread or ignored the public. Yes Mr. President, I can honestly say, I told you so.

On Blaming the Previous Administration
President Obama and his White House operatives continually point to what they inherited. Mr. President, we already know that so stop the excuses and get the job done. Oh that’s right – you would rather be a good one-term president than a mediocre two termer. Sorry, this moderate independent isn’t buying that lame excuse, so continuing to point the finger at President Bush is both getting old and is also a risky tactic. Here’s an interesting column by David Broder (Washington Post).

On the Job Front
It does not take a Rhodes Scholar to determine that too many people are out of work. Let’s see – less income for the general population means less spending, fewer people seeking new homes, less income for governments from payroll taxes, more cuts by state and local governments, and on and on. There continues to be a huge gap between Wall Street and Main Street, and Washington does not seem to understand – regardless what Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell say. I enjoyed this David Brooks column about the economy.

On Judicial Activism
Senator Sessions (R-AL) speaks for many when he worries about nominee Kagan being an activist judge. On the other hand, these people are forgetting that appointing someone who favors their own personal and political view is also judicial activism. Justice Sotomayor’s appointment did not alter the court, nor will Justice-nominee Kagan. The last judicial activist appointment was Justice Alito. Hmmm .. and Senator Sessions and his cronies voted YES. Isn’t that right Senator Hatch (R-UT), Senator Kyl (R-AZ), Senator Coburn (R-OK), Senator Cornyn (R-TX), and Senator Grassley (R-IA) ?

On a Wrangling Rangel
I nominate Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) as the symbol of Washington – one who stands for what is wrong on both sides of the aisle. Then again, is having an Ethics Committee in each chamber an oxymoron?

On a Tea Party Thought
The Tea Party hailed the Scott Brown’s (R-MA) election, and now turned against him because of his vote on the financial reform bill. Here are a couple of questions to ponder. If the Tea Party leads the way in nominating a Republican, can the nominee capture the center necessary to win? If a Tea Party candidate makes it to Washington, can they successfully legislate? After all, Sharon Angle’s record in Nevada is filled with being the sole NO vote and, polls currently have her trailing a very beatable Harry Reid. Here’s an article.