Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 80

On a few Political Shorts
Given all the hubbub of the White House’s tax deal with the Republicans, I appreciate these three op-eds: David Broder, Peggy Noonan, and David Brooks.

Speaker-to-be John Boehner (R-OH) gets tearfully emotional when relating his only-in-America journey to the challenges today’s youth face. I wonder if his tears are also a realization of the obstacles his party provides to that dream.

Both Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck book signing tours have recently stopped in Cincinnati … both not far from me. Sorry to say, I missed both.

On No-Brainer Sports
I believe Brett Favre will finally step away from the football field. Instead of gracefully retiring, his ego got him hurt … well, plus more money … and tarnished the end of his good career. In his prime, a rocket launcher as an arm.

With the signing of Cliff Lee, I believe the Phillies have the best starting rotation in baseball – Bar none!

I believe most of the upcoming bowl games do not grab the attention of viewers beyond the fans of the participating teams.

On Music
I have a difficult understanding why the Moody Blues are not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Is Congress somehow involved?

Happy Birthday (240th) today to Ludwig von Beethoven. Here’s an interesting tribute.

On a Blogger
Checkout Jim at O>w/hole>1.

On a Strange One Indeed
For those who missed this, here’s Vladimir Putin rendition of the Fats Domino classic Blueberry Hill … or in the words of the WriteChic, “Putin on the Ritz”. Another oddity is the Hollywood stars in the crowd at this Russian fund raiser for breast cancer research. Think of this video in terms of the old Lays Potato Chip slogan – Bet you can’t watch it more than once.

Have a safe weekend. I’ll be back on Monday for your Monday Morning Entertainment.