Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 99


  • A post this weekend
  • The next edition of OITS will be #100
  • A 40K hits passed without celebration
  • Friend A Frank Angle on Facebook

On Politics
Republicans asking for the resignation of Rep. Weiner (D-NY) is as pathetic as the congressman’s actions. If you can’t practice what you preach for everyone, stay quiet. Meanwhile, given the information at this time, it’s a matter of his constituents.

At the time of the death of Osama bin Laden, political pundits were proclaiming a 2012 lock for President Obama. I said (at the time) the pundits were out of touch, and the current polls are already validating my position.

I listened to Tim Pawlenty’s (R-MN) recent policy speech from Chicago. Two points: he’s boring and although he caught my attention on some points, he had a difficult time convincing me.

Politico wonders if there will be a Bachmann-Palin cat fight.

Another week goes by without a jobs bill from House. To be precise, 5+ months and counting. To quote Speaker Boehner (R-OH), “Where are the jobs?”

My governor, John Kasich (R-OH) continues to delay implementing the people’s vote – building casinos in the state.

Two good reads about the political football known as the debt ceiling debate

A great quote from Beaglezmom: You can believe in a candidate and still admit they made a mistake. You can support a leader and still call them on a lapse of judgment. You can acknowledge disappointment, and still support a person, idea or party. Our country needs voters who are a lot more real, and a lot less “star struck.”

On the Potpourri
Aging brings interesting problems. For instance, this week I received a cortisone shot in my shoulder. For what you ask? I strained my rotator cuff when putting on a sweatshirt this winter. Physical therapy starts soon. For those that don’t know, rotator cuff refers to the area where several shoulder muscles and tendons connect to the shoulder blade and upper arm bone.

It looks like the NFL labor situation means fewer losses for the Bengals!

Bill Tammeus provides this short post about Muslims fighting terrorism.

I also appreciate this quote from a different post from Bill: The struggle for peace — and the routine failure to achieve it — is an ancient story.

See the winners of the photo contest from The World at Night.

Congratulations and good luck to a classy lady, Today show host Meredith Vieira. Once I got to know her personality, I could appreciate her work. Enjoy her highlights video.

On a sad note, Al has taken down his 2012 blog. My interactions with him have always been enlightening, positive, and in good spirit – thus I will miss him space. On the plus side, I am grateful for his genuine presence. A tip of the hat to you Al. Best wishes to you and selfishly, I hope you make your presence known through visits.

Thanks Moe for taking me back to junior high and this interesting 1966 look at future computers. Have a safe weekend. You come back now.