
AFrankAngle is written by a man who likes to look at all three sides of any issue. Serious, whimsical and cartoonish. Once you become part of Frank’s ‘sphere you will find yourself a touch more willing to think that there is more than one side to an issue. Because Frank makes you think while making you smile. (Elyse @ FiftyFourAndaHalf, Virginia USA)

I’d never willingly deprive myself of your OITS (Opinions in the Shorts) … it’s better than the Sunday paper! (Alisha at AbTwixt, UK)

I love Frank’s page. I always laugh, & he ALWAYS “takes me back” via his cartoons and videos. We must be the same age-ish, because I always recognise the oldies & goodies he puts up there. Best thing about Frank is he’s down to earth … well, frank, really … and regular with posts (so I’m guaranteed some entertainment). (Noeleen @ WordsFallFromMyEyes, Australia)

As someone who suffers severe gastritis, I can say with authority that on any day of the week, Frank’s site is every easy to digest. His Saturday Morning Cartoon Classics posts are also an extremely satisfying read in the midnight hour on Sunday. (Lame @ Lame Adventures, NYC USA)

This creative blog is both an entertaining way to start my day and a challenge. There is something to learn in each one. Frank covers a lot of territory with his variety of posts. I enjoy learning about the popular cartoon characters of the past. The challenge to come up with a news headline from other ones is good for the brain. And, there is much more. Frank is always doing his best ‘with bells on’. (Jim @ The JAR Blog, Iowa USA)

I have been following/reading A Frank Angle for about a year and a half. Shortly after I mailed a check, he started following me too. Maybe it was the money, but it probably had more to do with “birds of a feather” theory. I’m not saying that this blog is going to change the world, but I am saying that this blend and balance of intelligence, humor, and ignorant bliss are not easy to find. (Rich @ Brainsnorts, New Jersey USA)

WriteLikeDanBrownFor me, this blog is mostly about us, the readers. Since I first starting commenting here I’ve always felt appreciated, and regardless of my opinion you always have feedback. (Leo @ Doggy’s Style, Spain)

Every day has a Frank but one – Sunday – and that’s a horrible day. (Marina @ Art Towards a Happy Day,  Greece)

Frank says “comment with respect” and frankly, he is the man to respect. This is a place for crazy fun, old cartoons on Saturday, and song contributions to “Time: the Musical” but also a place to consider new ideas. While you may have heard “never discuss politics or religion”, Frank has created a space in the blogosphere where visitors can do exactly that yet not be met with rudeness or excessive zeal. Join us in a fun community where everyone has their say and a laugh along the way, To quote Spinal Tap “Yes I can, if Frank says its OK.” (Lynn @ Composer in the Garden, Pennsylvania USA)

No matter what your angle on life, add Frank to your dance card. Waltz around the blog and you’ll find something to rings your bell. From vintage cartoons, to music that will make you want to chime in to brain teaser challenges. Go ahead and be a wall flower for a bit if you like. Shortly you’ll discover Frank’s always a gentleman and everyone here plays well together. Only a good heart could assemble such a group. A Salon in the true classic sense: “a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation.” (From WIKI) (Mouse @ Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge, Texas USA)

One of my favorite blogs, A Frank Angle brings humor, politics, cartoons and music together to create a space where his readers can contribute. I enjoy Frank’s posts and the comments equally! Frank has a way of engaging his fellow bloggers to participate in whatever topic he has chosen. I also like the fact that he posts on a regular schedule and rotates topics accordingly. (Cathy @ LargeSelf, Colorado USA)

I really enjoy Frank’s thoughtful and well-researched opinions on a wide variety of topics. He follows complex issues ranging from the deeply philosophical discussion of science and faith, to the frustrations of politics and current events, yet manages to balance the provocative with interesting musical challenges that lift the spirit. To top it all off, the weekly cartoon delights every reader, sparking our own Saturday morning childhood memories. (Debra @ Breathe Lighter, California USA)

A Frank Angle is a wonderful place to visit. I enjoy the welcoming atmosphere. Frank’s blog posts are versatile and filled with the right dose of humor. This is a place I like to visit over and over again. (RoSy @ Sharing Me Myself and I, Wisconsin USA)

Frank is a generous blogger. He takes time to know his fellow bloggers and he enriches the entire blogging experience for all of us. Take the time to get to know him. You’ll have a new friend.” (Darwin @ Breathe Lighter, California USA)

13 thoughts on “Testimonials

  1. This page is awesome, Frank! I just started collecting testimonials myself when I thought about words from my fellow bloggers carry so much more weight than any badge imaginable. Except for that Le Frank Angle badge which is, of course, magnificent. 😉 I agree with every testimonial written here– you are wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Frank’s “Take 5″! | marina kanavaki

  3. Pingback: on blue… by Frank | marina kanavaki

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