On Somethings New

Click for instrumental music to provide a background for this post.

Those who have watched The Price is Right are familiar with the phrase, “It’s a new car!” For me, It’s a new header! Images from deep space are very meaningful to me – thus a reason why I continue to use them. This one is of the Orion Nebula from the European Southern Observatory. See the Past Headers page for a history of the headers here. On the other hand, the second new item is worthy of an explanation.

Embed from Getty Images

Blogging resembles real life in multiple ways. I’ve always said that the most important decision one makes in life is their choice of people to be around. Blogging is the same way as each of us attract certain types of people – plus we visit certain types of people.

Blogging is also like real life because encounters vary in time. People can suddenly appear, but also vanish as quickly. Others remain loyal for extended time. Why one hosts or visits a blog vary – sometimes known, other times unknown. I think life’s encounters as converging lines whereas some remain close for a long period of time while others are brief encounters that are brought together, then quickly separate.

My links to bloggers were in three different places, thus became inefficient – so I took some time to think about those links and a way to organize them. As everyone knows, there is no one way, but it is important to have a way.

Many of the bloggers who have vanished came to mind. Paulette is from my first year as we interacted in the time leading up to the 2008 presidential election. Starla comes to mind as we frequently chatted to start our mornings. Les (@Best Bathroom Books) was a hoot, and I miss his wit. Even after he stopped blogging, his occasional comments made me smile. Tim Valentine was one who cut to the core in his thoughts.

I recall getting the word that Third Stone from the Sun suddenly died (in his 40s), but at least I knew what happened. Same with Larry (Nutball Gazette).

Others have stopped blogging for whatever reason. While Noeleen, White Lady from the Hood, and others no longer display their blogs – but the blogs from Terry, Rose, Mags, and more are accessible, but remain dormant.

Others have passed through these pages, hung around a while, then move on. Some bloggers are regular commenters, while others frequently visit without commenting. One doesn’t know when other will drop by, but when they do, I smile. There are also those who frequently visit without commenting.

With the above said, I encourage everyone to visit my new BlogRoll page, which accompanies changes on the sidebar. Odds are good that I’ve forgotten someone or provide some incorrect or incomplete information – so feel free to let me know.

100 thoughts on “On Somethings New

  1. Your headers are always wonderful Frank. And thanks for including me in the blog roll. You are one of my favs, Frank.

    I do wonder what happens to some favorite bloggers. Do they lose interest or … I think we all need to leave instructions for our loved ones to let our blog gin’ buddies know!


    • Elyse,
      I’m guessing you are one of my longer-tenured bloggers who frequent here … thus I’m very appreciative … but the mutual respect is even deeper.

      Bloggers just disappearing without word is always a concern. Sometimes it could be for very serious reasons, but I don’t imagine that’s true most of the time. …. and yes … I’ve thought about having an “emergency post” on file … but … I just don’t know. In actuality, a spouse/friend could simply comment on the last post. … Meanwhile, glad you enjoyed the header!


  2. The header is beautiful. I was stunned and honored to be listed on the a-list and must say your blog is a must visit for me. If I don’t show up it’s because I have somehow fallen and can’t get up. This post was nostalgic, philosophical and very touching. Thanks for being here.


  3. Wow, Frank, you’ve been busy! Very impressive blogrolls. Thanks so much for including me!

    I often wonder where Starla and White Lady from the Hood went. I always enjoyed their posts along with their visits. But I understand people have lives, and perhaps the online world was keeping them from participating fully in the ‘real’ world. It can be tricky to find that balance, but hopefully once we do, we can find the joy in both.


    • Carrie,
      Well stated about Starla, White Lady, and others. Part of it is our selfish nature … from our standpoint wanting to know about others we’ve become attached to … from there standpoint, the need not to tell – to break away. Meanwhile, putting together that BlogRoll page was much more time consuming than i ever imagined.

      Starla was our link together … so thanks for sticking around so long!


  4. A-Team visitor, thank you. AlwaysARedhead is meant to be one word, even though it hasn’t been acknowledged by merriam-webster…..yet. I do like the blog roll list and have already checked a few out, with hopes of checking them all out in the coming weeks.


  5. I have fallen woefully behind on here. I am still around Frank, just busy, busy, busy. I do stop by every now and then when I have a minute or remember. LOL My memory has not been the best lately. Too much on my plate. I love your header, it’s very relaxing. Carry on Frank!


  6. Cool, I’m on the A-Team! It’s an honor. Thank you, Frank. I appreciate that. I know what you mean about blogging resembling real life. People come and go in our lives just like in our blogs. I know many who have stopped blogging, yet their blogs live on. I call those blogs ghost blogs because their spirit is still there. I love the new header! It’s heavenly.


  7. I like the fresh new cosmic banner, Frank. Carl Sagan would probably dig it, too. Thanks for including me on your A-team. It’s nice to be appreciated. I’ve been on overload in recent weeks so I understand why bloggers drop out, but I do enjoy visiting your site. You’re an excellent host and the comment stream is reliably witty and intelligent. Plus you often post fun videos, hilarious Onion headlines and those great classic cartoon posts.


  8. The banner really is a work of art, Frank. I appreciate how you see the cosmos as a work of art. You help me be sure to take notice. I appreciate all you shared about bloggers who have come and gone. I think the ones we know have died really leave us a little stunned. But the ones who just disappear are hard for me in another way, although I do understand that everyone has their own reasons for blogging, and are entitled to take down their blogs anytime they want to. I still miss them. Your blog looks great–you’ve made it very easy to use as a good resource for topical reading. I just wish I had a little more time. I really do need to retire! 🙂


    • Debra,
      As you know, my history here with cosmos-related banners is deep. In this case, the green in this one goes well with the rest of the blog.

      To the bloggers who simply stop, I wish they would have a farewell post because it would give readers a sense of finality. I know that’s not always possible, but I bet it is for most.

      Thanks for your kindness and long-term tenure here.


  9. I’m happy to be part of team A, I read all your posts. I know what you mean about people coming and going. When I look back at my early posts there are comments from people who have disappeared…I know not where. I never hear from most people who drop by, but I have a few regulars who always take the time to say hello. As you said, it is just like life. Happy blogging Frank.


  10. I discovered you because of our mutual interest in the cosmos – I stick around for the variety, even though I don’t comment on US Politics, and because I like you 🙂 You’re a man who dances. With his wife! What’s not to like!. I see I made the A list – that’s nice, thank you Frank. 🙂 I read somewhere that lots of bloggers quit somewhere around the year 3 mark. I’ve just hit two years in, so if I disappear in the next 12 months or so you’ll know why. You have a very large following, but I wonder how many actually read your posts? I have quite a small following, 380 I think, but only about 25 people regularly read and ‘like’. Even less comment. But I post for those folk and myself. For me it isn’t about the numbers, it’s about the people who have become friends – I really enjoy this aspect of blogging.


    • Pauline,
      The number of followers can be deceiving,so don’t let it fool you. See my reply to Mary, who is not too far below you in the comments.

      US Politics and US Sports were my main feature when I started … but I’ve morphed into hardly even posting sports and carefully posting politics .. .and that’s because it is important to know one’s audience! So when I do post politics, my non-US visitors have been patient.

      i can’t recall how we came together, but you do bring joy and smiles! Many thanks!!!!


  11. When I started my blogging life with my second language, to be honest, I didn’t think that it would be a long journey for me… I watch, I listen, I read, I feel, I learn,… and how nice, they are all alive… Thank you so much dear Frank, you are one of my amazing blogger friends who I follow… To know that there are nice and good people in this world make me always happy and hopeful… Another beautiful post I read again from you,…. Thank you, for being there… Blessing and Happiness, love, nia


  12. Good Morning Frank – I won’t make you blush by sending kisses and hugs again, but thank you for the A-team honor. (And I’m sending them anyways) Love your new header and it was interesting hearing your take on bloggers coming and going. I think that could get emotional for me, so I hope no one I know and visit regularly is thinking about leaving! Thanks for always keeping things interesting, and for being a good friend who I consider a true gentleman as well. xo


    • Kelly,
      I’ve done this long enough to realize the many comings and goings. You are correct that some of them really cause sadness .. even bewilderment … but it’s just like other encounters in life.

      We haven’t been connected very long, but I do remember that you reached out to me … and for that I’m grateful … and cheers to a fellow Ohioan as well. Maybe someday we will meet on one of my journeys to your area … or if you happen to come this way. …Thanks for the kind words, and I don’t mind blushing.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Your blog is unique, I learn from it, and I get to play golf with the writer.
    I like your new “passing from darkness to light” header. It calls for an abstract!


    • Tim,
      You’ve been reading from the beginning, … and it was our conversations at breakfast during 2008 that got the idea of this place going. Many thanks!!! … and good luck of with abstract.


  14. Appreciate the inclusion in your premium list Frank! I feel like an imposter with my erratic appearances! 🙂 Your header images are fantastic. Love the new one.


    • Vanessa,
      Oh my … the inner extrovert of you introverts know how to deliver a great line! Like I said, the pop-ins make me smile because I know there routines are more erratic … besides, you were busy busy with school!


  15. Orion Nebula is a wonderful choice for your header! 🙂
    Awww…. I’m on your A-Team! 🙄 [proudly!]
    My goodness, trying to organize the BlogRoll must have taken many many hours!!!!
    Cheers to your fresh look and rejuvenated return and a very happy Wednesday [or Hump Day] 🙂


  16. Happy Wednesday to you Frank and your dancing feet! Happy to have made your A-Team, nice to see how you’ve organized your blog roll and do like your new header. Has this ever happened to you? I receive notification that someone is now following my blog, w/n minutes after notification I click onto their wordpress blog and there is nothing there, blog doesn’t exist or just a picture of the blogger. Is that odd or what? So I wonder why go hunting for blogs to follow if you have a shell of a blog? Have you run across this before – it is coming up a lot lately for me.


    • Mary,
      Regarding the followers … oh yes … I have 5,000+ followers, to which I say so what because of the points you made. Some are businesses. Some are blanks. Some are new bloggers trying to gain followers (they favor followers over visitors who comment) – thus figure if they follow me, I will follow them. Yada yada yada. I do the courtesy thing to do, visit, and maybe even comment, but most seldom return. Many thanks for smiles from Texas.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Whew. You’ve really spiffied up the place. And nothing could be more heady than a cosmic welcome up top. Sometimes real life’s art work is so dramatic and of such quality you wonder why mere humans attempt to create. Blog looks really great. Love the sidebar organization. (So appreciate to be included. It’s an honor.)
    You do worry when blogs go silent. Are they OK – just busy you hope. I’ve considered having a draft with instructions to post something in case of emergency, but wondered if that was weird – but you get to know so many through conversations, it’s like a friendly old fashion neighborhood. (And in your sidebar are some new to me blogs, so new places to visit.)
    Always appreciate your efforts here. Always a good party going on.


    • Mouse,
      Glad you enjoy the new header. I was actually aiming for a touch of green, which I think jumps out on this layout.

      I too have thought about the emergency post. On the other hand, a spouse/friend could easily post a comment on the last post for others to see.

      I did move a few bloggers onto the sidebar, but many more went to the new BlogRoll page…. BTW … I appreciate your presence here.


  18. It’s give and take Mr Frank. The world is MUCH smaller now and we can wander across the globe in the comfort of our own computer chairs. Tapping our fingers across nations makes what was once foreign and untenable, completely possible. We learn so much from our exchanges on social media that it almost makes up for the invasiveness that having portable social media inflicts on us.

    Learning to manage the addictive nature of social media is a skill we all need to master. You can end up a slave to something that has great potential to open up different worlds if you aren’t careful. You get very little time to connect with a stranger. It’s all about “first impressions” I am told, BUT I believe it’s all about honesty and candid good humour. I think people appreciate honesty in social media because it’s such a rare commodity. If I was to believe social media, I would think that I had come from alien D.N.A. I was SO far off the beaten track of “Normalcy”.

    It is very easy to hide the bits that you don’t like about yourself and your life on social media. You can live a completely fake life online, an escape from who and what you really are which in my opinion is very unhealthy. Social media opens up a means of communication for people who might otherwise be severely restricted in mobility and in the wider community. Disabled people, the elderly, the immobile are now able to let their fingers do the walking and can form amazing networks of friends, and like-minded people where their physical restrictions have no boundaries.

    At the end of the day, social media is what YOU make of it. It can be a wonderful tool to enhance your life, or it can be a slavemaster and means of telling fibs to boost your ego. If someone resonates with someone else they stay. If they feel like they don’t matter, they go. Simple really. In this day and age of immediacy, you can’t be sure of a means to “capture” followers but you can be sure of a way to communicate. That’s all it really is, to be honest.

    Why does the narf stick around? Because I feel appreciated here. Simple really 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Narf,
      I must say that your comment was very professorial … and right on. Social media is something that we learn to deal with regarding both the ups and the downs. … including managing it so it does become one’s slavemaster … which is one of the reasons I take breaks – but not planned to the calendar, but more to the mind.

      Liked by 1 person

    • LB,
      Agree … curiously fascinating. Bottom line is that there are numerous factors. However, with this format, I can (and probably will) periodically move people around. I admit that moving some from the sidebar to the BlogRoll created a bit of personal angst, but I tried to be fair.

      Take a look at the BlogRoll, which contains many bloggers who are arranged in groups. Again, easy for me to move around. Your visit made me smile, and I’ll be over soon to see about an island I haven’t visited.


  19. Don’t play tricks with my mind Frank, I thought I won a new car for a second LOL. And you’re so right, blogging does resemble real life in a lot of ways. And hey I give you that Jack Nichols smile? That is just the best.. my friend :). I smile when you come by too LOL. Seriously lol.


  20. Oh, yay! I’m a premium, too. Thanks, Frank. 🙂 I have always enjoyed your headers, and so it’s no surprise that I like this one, too.

    I really should update my blog roll. I’ve been having an internal debate with myself about it, wondering if there is a need for it since WP has a reader (and there are other readers available too). It’s hard to keep up with everyone, and I know some of the bloggers I used to follow have stopped blogging (some announced, some unannounced, and some unexpected deaths). I admire your energy and your organization. 🙂


    • Robin,
      Thanks for the kind words.

      In terms of a blogroll, I briefly thought about doing away with it, but I see it as a way to promote the people here. The hard part was trying to establish “where” the blogs go … and I can say that the final result isn’t where I started. Looking back, what I did here is better than what I had …. and she should be easy to add or move bloggers.


  21. I took some time to check out your Headers. It’s a great collection.
    Your perspective on blogging is pretty right-on as far as I can see. It’s more than a many splendored thing.


  22. I’m feeling kinda special being on the side bar and all. Blogging is a weird and wonderful universe. It can be a bit unsettling when those people vanish. We weave in and out of each other’s space so easily. Becomes a routine to say hello and be ” together”. I’m glad our paths have crossed thanks to Lame Adventures.


  23. Top of the list, eh? Well I am deeply honoured. Sorry for my delay in responding to this latest ~ I had a most hectic three days and saw my email that you had posted and thought I would respond later and well, next thing I know you’re worried about me! I am only one day late. Geez! I’m here, no fear! To think we’ve only “known” each other a few months! And yet, there is a comfort there that feels years in the making. Says a lot about how being authentic and real attracts like-minded folk.

    As you know, the Blogosphere brought me much comfort and love at a most difficult time (and still does). The people I have met have touched me, made me laugh, made me think and made me feel heard. I never expected that when I decided to start blogging “for realz” (I did attempt on two different platforms for brief periods of time) and when ones I have gotten close to decide to quite blogging I say the right thing: “So happy for you that you know what you want and have made this choice, blah, blah, blah.” Then I sit and lament the loss!

    I used to think “What would happen if I suddenly up and got really sick or died? Who would advise my readers? Would they care?” Then Mick was suddenly gone and I tried my best to advise his friends and co-workers through his Facebook page (he would NEVER have had a blog!) Would he have done the same for me? I think not. I shall have to have a special section in my Will to take care of this issue! 😉 It’s nice to offer closure…

    Love the new look and since I’m a newbie here, gonna go check out the past headers!

    Thanks for being such a great host and for always responding to each and every comment you get. I stop following people who cannot/do not acknowledge me!


  24. The music Frank, oh the music. Then there is your new header, so fabulous. You always have the very best headers!

    I love your Blog Roll, it is nice to remember all our friends isn’t it. Thank you for the inclusion, truly. I always try to make sure to get here, even if I am late to the party.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Val,
      You have been here a long time, plus you don’t miss many posts … and I recognize that! The BlogRoll page was fun to do (well, once I figured out how I was going to do it). Just thinking of those for the Salute section was a task in itself … and I’m sure I’m missing many worth mentioning.

      Glad you enjoyed the music … cheers to you for using it as I intended.


  25. I’m late here, Frank, but I wanted to thank you for including me in your A-team. Glad to be a participant in aFA. I love your blog and am so glad you’re here in the blog-o-sphere!


  26. Yes, many bloggers come and go. A few months ago I checked out my first few posts and many of the bloggers who commented on them no longer have sites (or at least not the same ones). I’m not in the blogroll but maybe that’s because I’m a newbie here compared to many others 🙂


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