On Exploring a Storm

Look for me in the whirlwind or the storm. (Marcus Garvey, publisher)

A good beginning makes a good ending. (Icelandic proverb)

Neither mine nor other people’s prospects seem particularly pleasing just at the moment, and I have fantasies of going to Iceland, never to return. As it is, I tell myself not to remember the past, not to hope or fear for the future, and not to think in the present, a comprehensive program that will undoubtedly have very little success. (Edward Gorey, author)

I’ve walked a lot in the mountains in Iceland. And as you come to a new valley, as you come to a new landscape, you have a certain view. If you stand still, the landscape doesn’t necessarily tell you how big it is. It doesn’t really tell you what you’re looking at. The moment you start to move the mountain starts to move. (Olafur Eliasson, artist)

In Iceland, you can see the contours of the mountains wherever you go, and the swell of the hills, and always beyond that the horizon. And there’s this strange thing: you’re never sort of hidden; you always feel exposed in that landscape. But it makes it very beautiful as well. (Hannah Kent, writer)

Eye of the Storm (the video below) is a winter saga in Iceland. In Iceland there are many kinds of storms. Ice, snow, rain, sand, ash, solar, magnetic, and more. Storms are agents of change. While often destructive and unpredictable, they also demonstrate the unyielding power of nature. They reveal nature’s beauty and its hand in creating the landscapes we see today. (From the YouTube notes, Shaun Diaz, Evosia Studios)

67 thoughts on “On Exploring a Storm

  1. When I started reading the quotations, I thought perhaps you were planning a trip to Iceland. I like the quotes, especially the one by the artist about the mountains seeming to move, and the video is beautiful.
    In a bit of synchronicity, I was just thinking about Iceland the other night, and how cool it would be to visit there. I was watching an episode of Sense 8 on Netflix, and one of the characters was back at her home in Iceland.


    • Catherine,
      Summer temps are better … here’s the scoop from Wikipedia. The average July temperature in the southern part of the island is 10–13 °C (50–55 °F). Warm summer days can reach 20–25 °C (68–77 °F).[1] The highest temperature recorded was 30.5 °C (86.9 °F) at the Eastern fjords in 1939. Annual average sunshine hours in Reykjavík are around 1300, which is similar to towns in Scotland and Ireland.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I never thought about visiting Iceland until a couple of years ago when some friends went. When I started researching it I wondered why it was never part if my bucket list, which now is. Beautifully done.


  3. A beautiful piece for sure, and the music fits perfectly. I couldn’t help but think of light pollution as I was watching Eye of the Storm. There are fewer and fewer places left without it. I wonder how many people have never seen the galaxy’s glory undiluted? Well done, Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That was a gorgeous video. You get me thinking about places differently when you post these. But sometimes it’s bittersweet because I don’t really know if I will ever make it to all the places I want to go. I would go there, though, to see the Aurora and the sky. What an experience that would be. I like your new header as well!


  5. As Derrick says, it’s really an amazing video…beautiful colors, swirling motion, music….I always wonder what it would really be like to be there, though, without benefit of background music and the hype of special photography…maybe I’ll get to find out someday. Iceland certainly makes one curious, with it’s cool remoteness and unspoiled natural beauty….


    • Cynthia,
      The music and video combination are wonderful … but yes … those two elements give us something that in-person doesn’t … then again, the personal experience is all to itself.


    • Gol,
      Welcome first-time commenter for a traditional Saturday Explore. If all is normal, next week will be a different person, place, or thing in a similar format. Glad you enjoyed this trip in my little corner of the world. It’s a friendly place … here that is … so I welcome your return.


    • Debra,
      Storms come in many forms. Then again, I’m not sure I would have come up with the same name of this person. Regardless of the title, this video delivers a certain degree of fascination.


  6. Interesting quotes and a beautiful video about Iceland. I hope to visit there sometime.

    Looking online to see where Iceland is in relationship to Greenland, I happened upon the website “Today I Found Out: Feed Your Brain,” where I was reminded that Greenland is the world’s second largest island next to Australia, but that Australia is considered a continent.

    Turns out also that there are no official conditions that each continent has to meet in order to be considered a continent, which explains why there are so many different models of thinking when it comes to how many continents there are.


  7. Pingback: Artist Olafur Eliasson Builds a Bridge in Copenhagen – WSJ | mostly music

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