76 thoughts on “On Those Emails

  1. Hmm, what exactly are you searching for on the web that you end up with these emails, Frank? Then again, I get tons of emails for Viagra and penile enlargers, so I suppose I shouldn’t talk. 😉


  2. I shall say what Carrie said… just what are you clicking on to get all this, I hope, Spam?
    Methinks, like Jim, you should check your spam filter…. unless you enjoy getting all these invitations!


  3. This was a funny post Frank, made me chuckle, and quite a detour from your usual posting! Half way down reading it, I felt the need to scroll back up to the top, just to double-check that it was indeed one of your posts and I hadn’t clicked on someone else’s accidentally! That’s not a complaint at all, it’s good to branch out and do something different (and that isn’t a suggestion you take up any of those email offers!).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Like many of your other commenters Frank I think you need to do something about your spam filter – As for me, I get many offers of marriage from Russian and other Eastern Bloc women who are under the impression I am looking for a wife. I have no idea how they make this association but there we have it. Apparently I am good husband material 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahhh… isn’t spam bliss?!!!! At least with you, they got their gender right, if you catch my drift… 😉 Actually, for people wondering why you get them… well, nowadays you don’t need to be visiting any weird sites to get spam. Simply existing on the internet is enough. Not to mention twitter or fb pages. Also, subscribing to newsletters can ‘produce’ spam. I’ve had many spam mails for: health issues [all kinds of illnesses – you name it!] – insurance – piano – remedies [so called] – conspiracies – travel – shops [I never subscribed to] – rehab[yep – you hear right!] – financial and of course, every hour I am the lucky person who has inherited a humongous sum of money after a long forgotten relative [and all his family of course] died in a car crash and named me as a beneficiary.
    Some people think it’s easy to avoid them by fixing the spam filter. Well, it isn’t actually. Every day I add about 10-20 addresses as spam in my ‘rules’ box and direct them to my trash. Guess what, they re-appear with a slight change in the address!
    I’ve got to say though that I never imagined that spam mail could ever produce such a pleasant post… so thank you, my friend for the Monday laughter! 🙂
    Happy Monday and happy week! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is hilarious! I’m glad to see you have as much fun with these ’emails’ as I do. All these many splendored come ons bring to mind one of my favorite movie quotes from a Harrison Ford flick. “You know how a woman gets a man excited? She shows up.”
    Have a great Monday Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I might get a couple or three spam emails a month, sometimes none. But then, my blog is not entertainment oriented and my following is minuscule, albeit of quality. Your garden, Frank, is very large but seems to need weeding. 😉


    • Jim,
      These weren’t from the WordPress Spam folder, but rather the Spam folder in my email. I find it to be quite entertaining … then again, I have several email addresses and they aren’t equally entertaining.


  8. I never make it my spam folder, Frank. I won’t reveal the number of emails I have. I’m currently going through them all…should I say deleting them all. I want a fresh start on life. But wow, you’ve had a busy night reading all these emails. Do you need a cigarette?


  9. Your email is a whole lot more interesting than mine, Frank. I’m starting to feel a little neglected! Make wise decisions…with so many options it’s entirely possible you’ll need to take another vacation soon!


    • Steve,
      Welcome first-time commenter …. and glad you enjoyed this one. In terms of ridding this email account … not going to happen because this account is the most generic … that is, this is where I put address for stuff … so it’s where I expect higher spam … thus worthy entertainment! … but something interesting has happened since this post – but I’m not disclosing it until the next post (Opinions in the Shorts) … up tonight. (9:30 pm US Eastern)


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