On an Aerial Sherpa

Mother Nature is always speaking. She speaks in a language understood within the peaceful mind of the sincere observer. Leopards, cobras, monkeys, rivers and trees; they all served as my teachers when I lived as a wanderer in the Himalayan foothills. (Radhanath Swami, clergy)

I flew aeroplanes, parachuted, walked on my own across the Himalayas – you name it; if it was dangerous, I did it. (Scilla Elworthy, activist)

I was never comfortable with the risk of climbing in the Himalayas, or the amount of time in idleness that is involved in the Everest expedition. (Steve Fossett, aviator)

I would love to go to the Himalayas and cross over into Nepal to do the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. (Natalie Dormer, actress)

Last week, Nia (from Turkey) mentioned the two places in the world that she wants to visit the most are Alaska and the Himalayas. Because last week’s Explore took us to the Alaskan sky, this post takes us on a brief aerial journey from Kathmandu to the highest peaks in the world … the Himalayas. Enjoy your trip with Nia.

32 thoughts on “On an Aerial Sherpa

    • It’s obvious, Jim. Drone videos are all the rage, and this is yet another one. They all have the same “flavor” in common….they hover over an exotic, usually natural, landscape, (although the “travel” ones zip over monuments and more populated tourist areas) in a god-like yet mechanical way, in a speed or cadence that is monotonous, and they never hone in on particulars, or anything of human scale. There is no “personality” to them, and they always move to something like new-age elevator music that is intended to implant a “mood.” I usually find them irritating.


  1. I’ve just been reading and viewing photos of a blogger’s experience traveling to Nepal to help in the re-building of a school demolished in the earthquake. Comparing the documentation of that experience to this pretty, aerial drone video with its romantic music is mind boggling.


  2. Whether Mt. Everest, Rainier or the hill two blocks from where you live…there should always be a challenge one should have jotted down in their diary. A goal. An achievement. No matter the size…large or not-so-large. Not unlike…learning how to lead when dancing.
    Grins and hugs from Mt. Hood!


  3. Since I don’t have an “adventure gene” anywhere in my DNA, I know this isn’t for me, but it doesn’t mean I’m less fascinated. I truly think it must be one of the most incredible places on earth. I love reading about it, and this video is very impressive! I really enjoyed it!


  4. So beautiful. But I’m with the crowd who is happy to view the video. There is one thing I can be certain of, and that is that I won’t be climbing Mt. Everest in this life.


  5. I love Himalayas… I have never been there and I am afraid will never be there too. But this is my dream, will be always my great dream… I don’t know what is the connection between us, but Himalaya finds a place in my heart, I can’t explain why. But I really did this travel and I will go on to do this… Thank you so much dear Frank, Love, nia


  6. I’m catching up, Frank, and coincidentally your post is the third in a row that has contained a video… something is telling me to slow down, I think!
    Fabulous scenery; as I was watching a voice was saying to me that I could climb there, but I have to say that the thought of doing it is somewhat different to the actual doing of it. No. I’m happy with videos, I feel!
    Thanks, Frank!


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