On a Beach Walk: No. 36

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

I walked thinking about my early morning experience that we call dawn.

I awakened early today. The sky was dark and clear, the moon set, the stars still shining, and the sun providing a very faint glimmer in the eastern sky.

Everything I could see was a shade of gray – essentially the darkness was responsible for eliminating colors. I’m reminded of Nights in White Satin (Moody Blues)

Cold hearted orb that rules the night, Removes the colours from our sight, Red is gray and yellow white, but we decide which is right. And which is an illusion?”

I stood on the balcony high above the sand watching the colors of the predawn light slowly unfold in the eastern sky. The narrow red stripe at the dark’s sky edge is what caught my attention. A distant light source was proclaiming the nearing end of night.


I think about dawn.

Dawn – a time when deeply inhale to capture the freshest air.

Dawn – a moment in time when we can open our minds without future fears.

Dawn – a feeling that is a moment that can flow into the new day that lies ahead.



Dawn – the seeing of the light to lead us out of the darkness of tomorrow into today.

Dawn – a time for renewal, rebirth, a fresh start, a chance to make amends.

Dawn – a time of hope, a chance to move forward, a change for the better

Dawn – something that we can’t control that marks the transition from an end to a beginning.


Dawn – a time for the conductor to drop the baton for the cacophony of nature music by the aviary chorus.

Dawn – a beginning of the golden shower from above that rains upon life.

Dawn – a free magical moment that too many miss.


This was my morning experience – Thinking about dawn – and simply another reason that walking the beach is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.