On Las Vegas


For our western tour (our first-ever bus tour in late May/early June), Las Vegas served as both the starting and ending point. Of course, many stops over 2800 miles (4500 km) were in between our time in Glitter Gulch, Sin City, the City of Lights, and the Entertainment Capital of the World.

This was the view from our room when we first arrived. My wife mooned it.


We’ve visited Las Vegas one other time, but we arrived a day before the tour – and went to a fun show.

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Las Vegas at night is spectacular.


Eating on St. Mark’s Square within the Venetian was interesting … and wow – that complex is quite the sight!


We don’t gamble much, but this slot machine caught my attention.


Shopping opportunities are plentiful.


Only in Vegas would you find a unisex ATM.


To me, Las Vegas may be the most unique city in the USA – and a place that everyone should visit once. Have you ever been to Las Vegas?

Next Trip Post: East to Denver

62 thoughts on “On Las Vegas

    • Patti,
      Of the stops on this trip, we had only previously been to Vegas, Grand Canyon, and Denver. The rest were new, so yes – a great time!

      I’ve been told that there are many great nature areas near Vegas, but, I wouldn’t know from experience.


  1. When I worked in the law firm I used to go to Vegas on a few times a year for bond closings (our client was the airport authority). Always stayed at the MGM Grand (but preferred the Signature Towers behind the Grand which did not have a casino…ahhhh) which had a nicer view than you had (bravo to your wife!). My least favorite place on earth and that was before I had to go there often for work. While I used to go a lot with the firm, I had visited it for the merchandise market when I owned a hardware store back in the early 80’s. Young, impressionable but grounded, I wasn’t impressed, preferring the merchandise market in the dead of winter in Minneapolis/St. Paul to Vegas (can you say -70F with the windchill?). There’s something tawdry about Vegas that has never appealed to me. Maybe because a large city was built in the desert and they leave the lights on all day and all night. Seems so wasteful and impractical considering there’s no water. 😬I could go on, but you get the picture-I’m just not much of a fan.

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  2. I love the view of Trump Tower and “mooning” seems well-placed! I’ve been to Vegas dozens of times over my lifetime, starting when I was a child. We always stopped in Vegas when we left Los Angeles to head east anywhere at all. My favorite memory is seeing Elvis Presley in 1971. He could barely get through the set, but I could at least say I saw him in his white flamboyant jump suits. I basically stopped gambling when they got rid of the nickel slots. 🙂 Until about 20 years ago it was a very reasonably priced place to have a mini-vacation. Loud and brassy, but basically cheap! That changed some time ago and now the faux-opulence has taken it in an entirely different direction. It’s certainly unique! I’m glad you had the opportunity!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debra,
      Oh yes – Vegas is what Vegas is and other places aren’t. So many adjectives are suitable for this unique place in the desert. Cheers to seeing Elvis before he officially left the building for the final time.

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  3. Cincy,

    You hit a grand slam with this entry. Vegas trip . . with gambling, shopping, dining and a show. The captures are perfect, as per. And the song . . of COURSE!

    Vegas is one of those towns everyone should experience at least once. I went in 2006 and had a great time. I brought an ‘allowance’ for gambling. I don’t gamble, but hey . . I was in Vegas. I ended up winning some money and quitting when I was ahead, so yeah to that. Went to Coyote Ugly and wasn’t impressed . . went to Gilley’s and had a great time. I enjoyed an outstanding buffet at the Bellagio, saw Gladys Knight at the Sands and ran into Andie MacDowell at Mandalay Bay . . literally. Nothing quite like Vegas.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Marc,
      Wow … thanks so much for sharing your Vegas experience – which included a lot!!!! Andie McDowell? Oh my my! I’m with you that Vegas is a place everyone should visit once. From there, they may return or not – but there’s no other place like it ….. besides, it’s a great place to watch people.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I ran into her whilst gawking at all the country music artists that were gathering in the lobby of the Mandalay Bay for the American Music Awards that evening. I’ve never seen that many great looking people with cowboy hats in one place at the same time, and I don’t think I ever will again!
        I also visited the Hoover Dam, which was really interesting.
        And casinos are a great place to people watch. They never close. And you can walk through one at three in the morning and it feels like the middle of the day.

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  4. I remember being in the ‘Grand Canal,’ in The Venetian, eavesdropping, as I always do, (be careful if you talk near me), and this husband says to the wife, “Well, we don’t need to go to Venice, now that we’ve been here.”
    I just remember being so struck by this.
    And this was before Trumpites began their roar.
    Now they rule the world.
    Now I am really struck.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cindy,
      Oh crap – Wow – that guy has no clue! (and I know you know that). In one big way, Venice and Vegas have something in common – both are extremely unique!!!! But, the Venetian is not Venice – not even close – and you know that! Although discouraging, thanks for sharing.


  5. I have to say, Frank… I have been to Vegas twice and had a blast both times, Honestly, a city one must see once in their lifetime (no matter what Monika says) – My fun was to enter each hotel and visit the public restrooms. Seriously. Insane. I stayed at the Paris the first time and the MGM Grand the second. Wow. Saw “O” and “Ka”. As far as I’m concerned, three days is more than enough per visit 😉
    I’d go back. Why not?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I LOVE that Mrs Angle mooned the Tower 😀 I’ve never been, nor wanted to go to Vegas – though am often equal parts horrified or highly amused by the excesses and stories that come out of there. Just put it down to me being a foreigner Frank 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pauline,
      First of all, Vegas would be quite the journey for you – Unique it is, but I can honestly say that it’s not for everyone – and that’s OK. Then again, some doubters would also be pleasantly surprised (then never return).

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  7. I first experienced Vegas in the late 70’s when you could walk down the middle of the main drag with a drink in your hand. Wouldn’t try that now, but the place remains the ultimate hoot.

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  8. Yes ! Circus Circus for 3 nights in 1986. I drove in with $900 and an empty fuel tank. Had a great time and left the city with a full tank and $903 in my wallet 🙂


  9. We used to go, each year for five years, to a Ballroom Comp which was held over a weekend in one of our Aussie Casinos in Queensland; Jupiters Casino.
    I’m only surmising, of course, however I believe there would be a similarity between casinos and the lifestyle worldwide. The opulence was palpable, though, not being a gambler I found the scene quite boring; wanting only to return to the ballroom and the fun and activity to be found there.
    I do appreciate the glitz and glamour angle, though, once again I’m not really a fan; even Paris bored me, at times! Oh well, I guess I’m just not cut out for certain happenings.. There are so many places I hope to visit in the coming years. Perhaps I may change; one never knows.
    I’ll keep my options open! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Carolyn,
      Thanks for sharing an Aussie opinion of Vegas. I too am not a gambler, but the glitz, lights, glamor, construction, is worth seeing … as well as people! It’s a unique place, but yes – it’s not for everyone. At least you can say you’ve seen it. Thanks for sharing.

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      • Just to let you know I’m not a total ‘killjoy’. During 2010 we spent ten wonderful days in San Francisco at the Fairmont… We walked our little feet everywhere around the city and drove down as far as Carmel… What a great time we had in a fabulous city. We felt so welcome by the people. I have vivid memories of great autumn/fall days…. We did not want to leave!


        • SF is a wonderful city. Sometime in the 90s we vacationed there for a week – no car – just got around on the buses. Fabulous! However, we rented a car one day to dry north to Napa’s wine country. Carmel is lovely. The drive around Monterrey Bay is so scenic! I love San Francisco!!!!

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    • Jo,
      As I say, everyone should see it once. The lights at night are quite the sight – then alone the thematic architecture. … and more, more, and more. Then again, it’s not everyone – but one only learn that after a visit. FYI: Flight and hotel deals are available!!!!


  10. I’ve never been there, and seeing the city has never seemed particularly appealing to me. Good for Ms. Angle. 🙂 We have very dear friends who want to move out there (because her sister lives there). They really like it outside of the glitzy area–and much cheaper to live there than NJ.

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  11. Pingback: Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 379 – A Frank Angle

  12. Pingback: On Heading South from Yellowstone – A Frank Angle

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