On a Beach Walk: No. 54 (Soundscapes)

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

How many layers of sounds do I hear as I walk? What if I could magically turn off all the sounds here; then bring them back one by one? In what order would they appear?

From the depth of silence, I would first return the sounds of the waves because they are the beach’s heartbeat. Ever present – always steady – sometimes louder – but the sounds of the sea serves as the conductor of the steady symphony I experience as I walk in this place.

As I stand facing the water and feeling the laps gently caressing my feet, I can hear the tiny bubbles of foam. That air trapped in the water being released into the atmosphere. Maybe that’s my transition sound.

Then comes the wind. The wind can greatly vary in its presence through direction and speed. The wind can pass my ears as a roar of a passing train. It can also be a soft whistle – or even the calming sound and feel of a gentle touch. But wait – the same wind sounds different depending on the direction as I walk.

The next layer would be the birds. As a whole, they are not a noisy lot. The seagulls squawk, but not constantly. The pelicans are stealth as they effortless soar just above the water’s surface. I occasionally hear the tweet of the sanderlings as they fly by.

I don’t hear insects or the sand crabs but it does not mean they don’t create sound. Nor do I hear human traffic or construction – but that may be a different soundscape.

I could add the sound of my feet. That steady bass drum that only I hear as I walk – or the splashing with each step as I walk through the passing water.

People would be the next sound. This time of year numbers are few. Humanity’s auditory presence is not constant – actually infrequent would be more accurate. The sounds in peak season would be different with the kids romping, teens playing beach volleyball, and radios blaring.

A soundscape at home in Ohio would be different than here. Would it be rural or urban? In a meadow or the woods? By day or at night?

Maybe I would start with rustling leaves; then add the gentle waters of a babbling stream. Insects would then buzz followed by birds chirping. Nightfall would remove the buzzing insects and chirping birds of the day, but replaced by the crickets, followed by the chorus of croaking frogs, then the occasional screeches of owls and the howling of mammals.

No matter where nature’s symphony plays, what if one of the sounds were eliminated. A concert with missing instruments. A piano concerto with missing keys.

I think about the lyrics in a Nat King Cole song – Mother Nature and Father time.

Every robin is my brother
They sing their songs to me
The tiny black-eyed daisies
The mighty red wood tree
There all my family

Then why do I feel so lonely
Like a king on an empty throne
There’s one thing that’s missing only
A true love to call my own

Won’t you listen mother nature
And listen father time
Please help me to find someone
To fill these arms of mine
Mother nature and father time

I wonder how many pictures can a soundscape paint? Thoughts of soundscapes are more complex than I imagined – but thinking about soundscapes is a good reason why walking the beach is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

46 thoughts on “On a Beach Walk: No. 54 (Soundscapes)

  1. Soundscapes are also signals… Paying attention to those [whether urban or rural] we can hear little secrets or hints on changes, sometimes even more than from visual ones. Beautiful post, Frank. Have a lovely week ahead and …with no missing keys from the piano concerto! 😉 Yamas!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your soundscapes idea compares with what a music conductor tries to do in a rehearsal to isolate and prioritize sounds. The purpose is to help the performers hear other parts besides their own and make adjustments related to volume balance, tonal blend, intonation, style, and in choral music, word pronunciation. In a similar way, thanks to your post, I look forward to peeling back the layers of sound I hear next time I walk on a beach or sit outside on my deck.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The sound of the beach especially walking on the sand. That sound captures the relaxation, the winds blowing our hair and listening all around the people having fun.

    “Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one’s voice.” ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is wonderful, Frank. It’s lovely when we can pick up all the different parts of nature’s symphony as we walk or sit. I love when I walk outside and hear nothing but silence. There is a moment where time stands still and then a chirp of a bird starts the next movement.
    And, of course, you can never disappoint me by using Nat King Cole 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the song, and don’t think I have heard it, even though I have several old Nat King Cole LPs. I love the words. And I am very tuned to sound, beach and otherwise. Listening to the water in my backyard or the birds or even the children playing can boost my mood any time. I think the soundscape on the beach is particularly lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debra,
      Glad to introduce you to this song. The words are fitting for this post. You have written many times about your backyard sanctuary – and I recall pics with the fountain – so I can imagine a bit of your soundscape. Thanks for walking along.


  6. You have described the beach sounds wonderfully, Frank. I can hear your orchestra, instruments joining the symphony, one at a time.
    I fear many would not be affected by the loss of all beach sounds, unless they took their ear buds out, and listened to mother nature, instead of ITunes.


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