On a Beach Walk: #59 (Sunsets)

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Although the sun is high as I walk toward the west, the sun will set in a few hours.

Personally, I favor sunrises over sunsets – an event that only we early birds see. Whereas the sunrise appears as the faint music we hear arising from the quiet that continues crescendoing until its midday peak, the sunset is the corresponding decrescendo that fades away into the silence of the night.

Sunrise is a time when we patiently watch the sun without squinting – without worry of harm – a time when we are taken by its peacefulness and feeling of comfort.

However, now I wonder: Will today’s sunset be brilliant? Time will tell, so now I think of the time of day that captures many hearts – sunsets.

Sunset is a time when blues, pinks, yellows, and oranges paint a beautiful picture that is also unique. A time when colors depend on the presence of particles, water droplets, and just enough clouds in the sky to display the day’s final brilliance.

Sunset is a time when the shadows are long and point to the east – but they will soon disappear into the dark – very soon.

Sunset is a combination of fascination and melancholy that says goodbye to the day, then hello to a new evening.

Sunsets mark the end of the day and the beginning of a time to rest. But for the night owls, the day is young as they will embrace the dark.

Sunsets over the water our sensual as we watch the lowering sun softly and slowly kiss the sea. The sun appears as a candle drip that disappears while leaving a brilliant light in the west while darkness is engulfing the sky from the east.

Sunsets symbolize the end of one’s life. Starting at the birth of sunrise, our life is the sun’s arc across the sky. A life full of ups and downs – happiness and sadness – successes and failures – a journey when we interacting with many – even influencing some. As our sun disappears, our memories live on in those who remain – yet in time, most of us will be forgotten – simply fading away as the sun that never rises again.

The sun is gone, but the bright sky of dusk remains as a distant bonfire celebrating the passing day that is now a memory.

While the sunset is full of wonder, mystery, and symbolism, I will watch today’s sunset with a renewed sense of its meaning – all because I like walking the beach for it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

43 thoughts on “On a Beach Walk: #59 (Sunsets)

    • Patti,
      Glad you enjoyed this week that captured something you enjoy. About sunrises, I see beautiful ones on the Gulf coast, but not at home. Sunsets there are OK … a few glorious .. but sunsets are very good here. Seems strange. Thanks for walking along.


  1. I am a big fan of vacation sunrises and sunsets. When I camp at lake Huron I get the sunrise, at Lake Michigan I catch the sunset. My favorites are the sunsets over Lake Michigan from Orchard Beach State park in Manistee. The park sits on a bluff overlooking the Lake.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m with you on sunrises – I prefer them too, however, sunsets by the sea are more likely to be colorful and generally more interesting. Sunrises can be as spectacular mainly when clouds are present, whereas, sunsets can do the trick without clouds too! 😉 Take it from a person who’s been photographing sunrises everyday for about two years [still do, on/off]. That said, Sunsets have an element of melancholy which I enjoy. Beautiful post, my friend! Lovely music for sunsets. Happy Monday and new week! Yamas! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely piece, Frank. I watched many wonderful sunsets on my recent holiday in Scotland. It gave me much pause for reflection and reminded me to be thankful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m getting to this late–but I hosted dVerse yesterday and the prompt word I used was “set.” 🙂
    I see the sunrise most mornings because I’m up and can see the sun rise from where I sit in the kitchen. Sunsets over the ocean (or rivers) are beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am not a beach person because where I grew up near a big river, girls were told not to go there because of dangerous hippos. However, I remember walking on the beach at Lake Malawi one early morning and communing with the rising sun. I made a life changing decision that morning which saw me letting go of some pain and humiliation that I had undergone. It was the beginning of a new day for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lady,
      Welcome first-time commenter. My apologies for not replying sooner. To be honest, I missed it. Thanks for sharing a personal encounter with sunrise. Regardless where home is located in the world, there are so many stories to share! Because of the situation, linking a sunrise to a personal, life-changing event makes me smile. I hope all is well with you now.


    • Rachel,
      Thanks for walking along and you kind words. I’m touched. … Oh …. my current post (just published) is a walk of a different kind, so I hope you see it. You’ll see a bit of my city.


  6. I loved reading this, Frank. Sunset is my favorite time of day! And when we have our beach vacations, I encourage (force) all the family members to accompany me down to the sand to watch the sun sink below the horizon. As a child I really did think the sun went down into the ocean! It’s a blessed time for me. I always say that if it was a hard day, then the sunset is the time we can focus on how we’ve made it through and now we rest. If it was a very good day, we can just say “thank you.” Thank you for reminding me of how much I love my beach sunsets. I really do!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debra,
      I’m so glad that this is a special walk for you. Whereas sunrises over the water are special on the east coast, the sunsets on the west coast are also special. So each coast has something the other doesn’t. I recall two of my west coast sunsets – one on Pismo Beach and one on Kauai. Simply wow. Thanks for sharing your personal thoughts and experiences.


  7. Nice beach walk, Frank.
    Sunsets can be very glorious, but you point out the melancholy of it being the end of a cycle, nicely.
    It’s a bit difficult to watch sunsets in the heart of the city, what with all the tall buildings. However, I can climb on the neighbours roof, and get a decent view. Next time I climb, and one is coming up soon, I will think of you.

    Liked by 1 person

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