On a Beach Walk: #66 (Communities)

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Community is an interesting word – a word with multiple meanings – a word used differently by biologists, sociologists, and the general population.

I’m confident the initial thought for most people fits into the sociological word. In the biological world, a community is a group of different populations of organisms living and interacting together. All the small mouth bass in a specific lake form a population – not a community.

The lake community made up of different fish, turtles, insects, frogs, algae, single-celled organisms, plants, and more – all living and interacting together in various food chains interwoven into a more complex food web.

There is a biological community on this beach that I walk, although I don’t know enough about the organisms here. Another community exists within the shallow water that refresh my feet. Different communities exist with changing depths and distance from shore.

Whereas in terms of biology, we humans are one population of the same species – Homo sapiens – yet we relate to sociological communities – a group of people identifying themselves in a common spirit.

I think of the main (but different) communities in my current life – my neighborhood, my dance friends, my church, the golf club where I work, my golf league – all are groups of different people with common interests. Work and hobbies also unite people into communities.

I grew up in a small town that would be more of a community than a small city – yet the town had neighborhood communities: Sugar Run, Mulberry Heights, Lincoln Heights, Naylor’s Run, and more.

I think about the community of my nearby neighbors in my small town. We kids within a few streets who played together – and the parents who knew each other. Parents who would watch over all of us while we played – or even provide a snack to the group. It seems those days are not only gone, but I question if they will ever return.

A college campus is a distinct community within a municipal community. The two interact in a variety of ways, yet are quite distinct.

I think about the wave of immigrants who left their homeland to find a new life in America and other countries throughout the world. Many live in the same neighborhood, some of which live on today as areas known as Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, Greektown, and others.

I think about other types of communities today where people gather for support around a common interest – LGBT, a variety of personal support groups, like hobbyists as knitting, modern trains, Civil War reenactments, wine and many more. Let us not forget the political communities – groups of like-minded people around an ideology.

Technology has created electronic communities. Facebook connects a social network as a way to keep in touch with people you know. Blogs have fostered new connections of people who didn’t know each other and may never meet – yet join together to form a community of common interests, support, and genuine respect – so yes, technology and travel have brought the world community closer.

As I walk the beach on this day, I can’t forget the snowbird communities found here and throughout the southern US. Snowbirds – mainly retired people from northern locations who migrate to the south for warmer temperatures during winter. Snowbirds know that no matter how cold it gets here, it is warmer than home.

Being a snowbird is good because walking the beach is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

42 thoughts on “On a Beach Walk: #66 (Communities)

    • Yahooey,
      Thanks for the kind words. The beach walks are fun to write, but now you’ve got me wondering how many are left. Less than 10 for sure. Hope you stop by for my holiday post – given your location – your tomorrow morning.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Now where else besides AFA would I two days before Christmas find myself thinking about the diverse communities you mentioned? Looking forward to stopping by the Christmas Post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That one passage really brings me back.

    About neighborhoods that were sewn tightly together. Neighbors knew their neighbors and they did indeed watch out for us, and at times . . they even brought us home by the ear when we did something we weren’t supposed to have been doing. Never me . . of course.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Interesting that you point out that science uses the term community differently than the general public. There are many other words like that and people don’t necessarily understand the difference, confusing the two. That creates a barrier to a like-minded community.

    Good food for thought, as usual, when you go for your beach stroll, Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. While the beach is only five minutes away from my home, I never walk it. I do enjoy your beach walks and now get a chance to wish you a Merry Christmas from one of those in your blogging community.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Karen!
      Greetings to you and thanks for stopping by … and Merry Christmas! Beach is a wonderful place just to get away from everything and let the mind do its thing – and that’s what has happened to me in this entire series. Thanks for strolling along … and hope you return for the holiday post to will be published soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Yeah I remember communities growing up our whole building was a community and we had “block” parties and we knew each other, celebrated families. Today I guess, right now a lot of communities are online. I imagine after the pandemic most people will gather again just for that sense of closeness. At least with similar interests, like sports, reading clubs, nature, hiking and all that. Maybe even beach walking:)

    Liked by 1 person

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