On Retrospect: The People

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“The majority of people in the world are good.”

I’ve written those words many times here. I not only believed that statement, blogging cemented that belief into my personal ideology. It’s a personal mantra that I use in conversations and posts. Some just stare at me, but most concur.

People from Argentina, Australia, Canada, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Greece, India, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Whales, and more became important parts on my little corner of the world. Regardless of politics, religions, cultures, statements by world leaders, and more – YES – the majority of people in the world are good!

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me
(“We Are The World”, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie)

I also believe the most important decision a person makes in life is their choice of people to be in their personal orbit. No matter if friends, neighbors, work colleagues, fellow parishioners, hobbists, or wherever – others can build you up while others tear you down. Some will support you in your time of need while others abandon you in a blink of the eye. Some are positive and encouraging, but others are negative influences in a variety of ways.

Bottom line is simple: In life, each of us decide who will be around us – and blogging is no different! However, this involves luck because in cyberworld, we don’t know who is behind the words we read. On the plus side, gaining personal relationships has been the biggest and most rewarding surprise for me. No wonder this post is longer than the others in this series.

Names stick with me – so I wonder whatever happened to some bloggers. They suddenly stop – vanishing into the cyber-abyss – which is one of the reasons I’m doing this series. I don’t want others to wonder. After all, my readers respect me and I respect them. Besides, I’ve been here so long!

As with any type of social media, blogging is about making connections. For instance, I know El Guapo served as my connection point to Raye and Marc (who was Cayman then). I discovered John through Marc while Dale found me through Raye. Monika found me through Marc, plus Dale found Marc (and others) through me – and so on. I also connect with Susannah through Marc, but not through his alter ego Cayman. Goodness has a way of finding goodness!

At the risk of forgetting someone, I want to mention many fellow bloggers (sometimes in alphabetical order). Some I’ve encountered for many years, others less than a year. Some bloggers have faded away, others have cut back, and some are still going strong.  I originally wanted to say something about each of them, but I’ll group them instead. Plus I want to keep it short, otherwise this post would be a book.

Carrie, Elyse, Guapo, and Virginia no longer blog. I miss them. They were regulars and I loved the way the handled themselves and treated me – plus they excelled at their end in their own style. Although chances are slim, I hope they see this and stop by.

Nia, Robin, and Debra are my longest-running visitors – and they still visit, comment, and shine at their end. Debra and I laugh about how much we seem to have in common. I collaborated with Robin 5 times, and Nia is genuinely nice.

A special salute to two Canadians. Resa is not only a treat and frequent visitor, she got me interested in murals. Her tribute post to me will live with me forever. Dale – well – She’s one of the best interactive people I’ve encountered. She’s genuine and a hoot – and what a fabulous maitre’d she’s been at my musical events. After me, she must be the one making the most comments here. 🙂 I can’t thank her enough! After all, we are a great team.

Although relatively new here, cheers to Monika for her sense of humor and her volunteering effort with her comfort dogs collectively known as The Knuckleheads.

Marina, we go back a long time. The more we interacted, the more our bond grew. I am eternally grateful for you being you to me. Yamas!

Raye, I love your wit. John, you are a writing machine. Marc, you may be the best writer I’ve encountered. Merril, you are kind, smart, insightful, and consistent.

Archon, Betsy, Bumba Steve, CAL/Mudge, Catherine, Charlie (SoCal), Cindy, Drew, E R, Eleanor, Holly, Jo (Texas), Jo (England), Karen (Mouse), Kerry, Mary, Melanie, Mobius, Otto, Padre Steve, Pamela, Patti, Phillip, Ray, Sue, Theodora, and Yahooey like to keep me on my toes by keeping an irregular schedule for posting and/or visiting … and that’s OK.

Special shout-out to Aussie Debra who posts about her time in Italy. Her tie to my family’s region always causes me to smile, plus she knows how much I love Bagni di Lucca and that valley.

AmyRose, Eilene, Rachel, Tara, Trent, and Wendy are relative newbies, so thanks for joining us when you can and for what you do at your end – yet our time together has been too short. Fiery and Nina were also new, but gone with a flash as neither is blogging now – one announced and the other vanishing into thin air. Susannah is also relatively new, but she has a great heart and wit; plus (I think) we click.

John Erickson, wherever you are – thank you for bringing your wit and energy to my little corner of the world. I’ve missed your presence.

Lynn doesn’t post or visit as much as she once did, but our time linked together has been long.

I salute Al, Alex, Alisha, Amanda, Amy, Angela, Audra, Bulldog, Calvin, Cathy, Charlie (Aussie), Claudine, Dave (Fasab), George, Ginger, Hansi, Jackie, Jeff, Jim (Iowa), Joanne, John (Canada), John (Seattle), Kathy, Kayjai, Kellie, Kelly, Lenora, Leo, Les, Lizzie, Lorna, Mags, Maria (Aquileana), Mary, Meesh, Melissa, Moe, Mollie, Noeleen, Nonnie, Renee, Rich, Rosie, Rosy, Roxie, Sarah, Sekan, Shimon, Starla, Spinny, Suzanne, Tim V, TMB, Val, Viveka, Vanessa, Weebs (Madam Weebles), and White Lady in the Hood who were prominent here at one time. Many stopped blogging,  others still blog but have moved on, and a some occasionally stop by. I have to mention Cynthia, Larry, and Third Stone who died along the way.

Bloggers come and go – Isadora, Jim W, Pauline, and Sylvia may not be 100% regulars, but they visit and comment when they can and have done so for many years. Others like Barbara, Steffy, and Yvette I don’t know where to include, but I want to mention.

Although I previously mentioned (in the first post) those that I consider as “Pioneers”, they helped get me started. I always smile when one of them unexpectedly pops in here. Cheers to Cheers to Tim (Beeze), Mo, Chris, Ryan, and Dave from my days at The Sporting News. A tip of the cap to Joe as he was one of my early frequent visitors and commenters.

I want to mention a few readers who actually know me. Tim has probably read a very high percentage of the posts – and eventually became an active participant. Gary also reads and occasionally tosses in his two cents – and he loves the musicals. Jim is a gentle, good person that was my work colleague for many years. He has read a lot here, but sparingly comments. Thanks gentlemen.

To the one known here as The Right Angle. I don’t think she ever understood this place or the attachments that develop with others – but she tolerated it and let me do my thing. After all, she’s the one who observed my many hours with my laptop as she watched television.

No matter the-when over the past 11+ years, everyone listed here and all the unnamed have been a joy and an honor to know. You have been good to me here, and welcoming at your end. You have played a big role in learning that blogging is about you (the readers), but not about me (the writer). You are good people.

Countless others have visited and commented here. They too have kept me motivated. I say with confidence that I wouldn’t have lasted 11+ years if not for all of you!

Everyone has a selfish side – after all, we are human. In real life, I don’t consider myself as selfish. I recall a discussion at work with a young colleague as we were discussing potential curriculum changes. I knew she understood when she said, “I get it. You are more concerned about how the changes impact the department and what students get instead of your course.” A ballroom friend told me that they’ve never noticed me bringing attention to myself while dancing.  So yes, to me, this blog has been more about you than me – hence the personal salute to many.

Preparing this 5-part retrospective closing has been easier than I anticipated. Well, until now because thinking about all the positive relationships built in my little corner of the world chokes me up. Yes, tears rolled down my face several times. To me, I have learned that blogging is more about the people than the posts – but the posts have been the vehicle for making the connections with people.

Cheers to the majority of people in the world who are good.

Next Post: The Finale (To be published Tuesday 4 Feb @ 9:00 PM Eastern US)

151 thoughts on “On Retrospect: The People

  1. Ah, dear Frank!
    You took the time to mention so many of us.
    I feel a bit of a star, in your corner of the blog universe. 😘
    I’m sure everyone does.
    Usually, I might say to a blogger… this post is a lovely tribute to so & so.
    Here, it is the opposite.
    I say, Frank, thank you for this tribute to all of us. ❤

    Liked by 5 people

    • Resa (Canada),

      First of all, the fact that you are the first made me smile – and only 17 minutes after the post went live. After all, many may be watching the Super Bowl.

      Reaching out to so many was the only way I know how to do this post – and it was difficult to write and quite time consuming. I think it’s the people like you that have kept me around so long. Now I’m curious to see if the pingbacks work to get the people here.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Wow. I’m late to the game here, since I’m on winter vacation in a place that is warm, sunny, and full of loving vibrations. JUST LIKE THIS POST! You have put into words exactly how I feel. I began my blog (I’m going on 8 years) to practice my writing and share my stories. But I’ve learned that blogging is little about that, although as you say the writing helps begin the bonding. But what I’ve learned about our world and the people who inhabit it !! – priceless. I believe that the friendships we forge in the blogosphere are no less important than those we create at home and at work. We share our thoughts/fears/joys/loves with vulnerability and open hearts. Now, if everyone blogged, maybe the world would become even kinder.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. ❤️ Thank you, Frank, for the shout out, and for reminding me of how many people I met and befriended through blogging.

    May you enjoy your non blogging life as much as we have all enjoyed your blogging one!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Elyse (Northern Virginia),

      Yeah …. you being the first of the pingbacks to work! We go way back to the hay days, and surely had a lot of fun. And oh yes, we crossed paths with a lot of people. Glad this served as a reminder for you. I hope you come to the final post Tuesday night!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Sylvia (South Africa/South Florida),

      I’ve always said you were my favorite English-born South African who spends time in America. Although you are in the US now, I still remember the many images of the beautiful beach in South African where you spent so much time. As a musician, I knew I could also count on you saying something about the handbell pieces. More importantly, it’s your kindness that I will remember the most. Thank you for the kind words here, and for you being yourself.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Oh, now I have tears in my eyes, Frank. I expect you will be helping ring those handbells far into the future. I’m hoping to be in South Africa in a few months’ time, although now that my sister and her husband are seriously considering leaving for Europe in the very near future, my visits to Umhlanga may cease. Nothing stays the same and all we can really be sure of is that change is inevitable and we must learn to live with it.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m still around, kind of, just not blogging as my husband died this past August. I miss it though and when my world straightens out a bit more I’ll probably get back to it at some point. Thank you for remembering and mentioning me, Frank. I appreciate your kind thoughts.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jackie (Canada),

      I’m thinking Winnipeg – correct?

      You actually came to my mind within the past week – so I visited your space and saw the post about your husband’s passing in August. I didn’t feel right saying something so late to you (at least at your end). I know he was in poor health for some time, at least there is no more suffering. Peace and strength to you.

      Yes – in time you will return to blogging. After all, I know you love to write. I’m guessing that will help give you peace.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Frank, I received a message from WordPress about being mentioned in this post. That was very kind of you. I always enjoyed our banter. So, it sounds like the time has come for you to bid farewell to the blogosphere. I didn’t know when I stopped that I was stopping, which is why I never invested the energy in writing a farewell post, or in your case, five farewells (?). I wish you well with whatever lies ahead, and maybe that will include even more hand bell playing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lame!!!!!! … all the way from the Big Apple – NYC!

      I am so happy that you saw the pingback! We had a great run together, so I’ve missed you a lot – but (as you know) life goes on – even without The Grind! 😉 I remember how much you love the Saturday Morning Cartoon series. As one who enjoyed the classic cartoons, that series was so much fun to do. I have one more post to go, so I’d be honored if you stopped by for it!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Awww, Frank…. We ARE a great team! I have enjoyed my tenure as Maitre d’ – who knew? And I truly appreciate your kind words. And have to thank you for introducing me to such wonderful people, too. We’ll keep in touch, of that I am sure.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Frank,

    Cayman is sending you his best. I dig how we’ve navigated two different blogs (for me) and remained blog peeps. How interesting it is to look back through your last few posts, and to think back in time from there to here. As much as things change, our connection thankfully remained strong.

    I marvel at the connections you have made in your time here in the blogosphere. It’s remarkable, and it’s special. And I am really grateful to have been one of those people.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Marc (Pennsylvania),

      You see Cayman live and in person? WOW … pass along my best right back to him! But I must say, we’ve grown closer together than Cayman and I were – well, at least from my perspective. As I mention, you are one of the best writers I’ve encountered – maybe the best – and certainly the most unique. I know you love a good challenge, and I actually have a couple for your future (if you chose to accept them) – but I’ll get them to you in time.

      The connections here with people around the world has blown me away. Something I knew about, but the experience amplified my thought. The more I think about it, the people are probably the reason I’ve stayed around so long – so thanks for being one of them!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Frank (Ohio),

        Cayman is very melancholic over your leaving the blogosphere. But he wishes you all the best.

        As for your sentiments. Yes, I do feel we did get closer in the last couple years. Cayman was very good for my writing, but it was a very not great time for me personally and I withdrew a lot.

        As for your compliment, well . . I am humbled. And grateful. Thank you.

        I totally agree. I have not had a bad experience with another blogger since my way back days with the Dame. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  7. You have a fine list of friends of your blog Frank, and I’m so pleased to be one of them. You know I agree with you that the world is full of good people – and blogging has been a way of finding them and enjoying their company for most all of us I guess.

    While reading the bit about who met who where and how I recalled that you introduced me to Robin at one of the last parties. You said I should visit her and you were sure we would hit it off. You were right. So I thank you for that.

    You are certainly setting a fine example for how to go out in style, it has been quite touching to read these last posts and to feel your attachment to the people who have come here and built a relationship with you. I know I shall feel sad when I come to read your final post, but if the time is right then the time is right. I understand that fully. Still, you shall be missed ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Pauline (New Zealand),

      To the longest-tenured Kiwi here, thanks for the wonderful thoughts. (Tears). Going out this way for primarily selfish – that is, bringing closure for myself – but I also knew readers who appreciate It because we’ve seen so many just vanish – leaving us only to wonder. That I couldn’t do. People are connected, so I had to respect that … and I’ve noticed you at Robin’s place! 🙂 Nonetheless, cheers to your kindness … and excellent artistic skills!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey Frank, I only came to know you these past 4 or 5 months, but my blogging experience has been enriched by this time, and for that I extend a big thank you. Your longevity is to be applauded, but not only that – the way you have taken time to ‘wind up’ your affairs is admirable. You’ve kind of made a blue print here for the best way to sign out, by acknowledging your contribution and the presence and influence of others. I know when I eventually go, as we all must at some point, I’ll remember your series of posts as the good way to go about doing it. Kudos to you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, heavens, Frank! You’ve got me with the lump in my throat. By pure coincidence you have a brief twirl in the spotlight over at mine today. I may engage you to write my farewell speech. Thank you very much! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the journey. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Frank, this post…. is such a testimony to the kind of person you are. It’s beautiful. People matter to you and it’s so clear. I love your belief in the goodness of others, I share that belief.

    Thank you for mentioning me, I’m honoured. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, you will be very widely missed.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rachel (New Zealand),

      Our time together has been short, but I know how much you enjoy the beach walk series – and I love your poems. I believe Fiery was our connection – but she suddenly vanished. I miss her & hope she is well.

      Yes – people are important – and connection to people have been the biggest surprise I’ve received from blogging – which is why I had to do a post just for the people. Plus, I think the people are the main reason I was able to do this blog for so long. Yet, I will miss the people and hosting here – but yes – my time has come. Thanks for your kind words and overall kindness. Hope you stop by for the finale on your Wednesday.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yes Frank, I will most certainly stop by for the finale.

        Yes, Fiery was our connection. I miss her too…. a lot actually and I have no contact details to touch base with her. (Fiery, if you read this, please email me). And Andrew. I fret about both of them. I think you were blogging friends with Drew as well? In my heart of hearts I always kind of fantasised the two of them would run off into the sunset together 😂.

        I never expected to make friends on WordPress. But somehow, that happened. As it turns out it’s been the best thing about starting to write poetry.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh, Frank…
    YOU are the magnet of good people.
    It is YOU who has us orbiting around you!
    I’m moved at the beautiful words you have for each and every one of us.
    I’m so proud to be your friend and part of a wonderful and very dear community.
    A big big Yamas, my friend!

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Thank you so much, Frank, for everything. You attracted a good group of people because YOU are good people. I’m so glad you didn’t just disappear. So many do. Some can’t help it (three of the bloggers I used to follow have died). I hope you’re going to leave your blog open, at least for a while. I have some beach walks to catch up on.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Robin (Maryland),

      Oh yes. Good people attract good people …. and good people stick together during crazy times. Thinking back, every blogger has a personality they want to display – also meaning the personality they want to attract. People here have been over-the-top wonderful, so the least I could do is have a closing post dedicated to them. In terms of my future, well … I’ll save it for the finale. I like the closing post as it is personal and positive – one not meant to be sad.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Ah Frank, you were one of the first bloggers I followed and who followed me and your thoughtfulness has always influenced me. Thank you for including me in your poignant post, I am a huge fan of yours as you probably know. I am planning to get back to a blogging routine this spring; the past few years have held many steep challenges for me but things are finally settling down and the composer is returning to the garden, both literally and figuratively. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • . . . and (I hit the button too soon) I feel a real sense of sadness that you are retiring your blog – you have been a mainstay in my blogging world, even when I don’t post or visit. One more thing – your ability to encourage honest dialogue and request civility from your readers has been a constant guide for me as I navigate social media as both a blogger and a follower. You have made an incredible difference in the world, I think. And have provided us all with many treasured Musical Moments. Thank you, my friend.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Lynn! (Pennsylvania)

        You were one of the people I hoped would see the pingback. So glad you did!

        I didn’t realize I went so far back in your blogging history. Thanks for letting me know. Always loved how you share two of your passions: music and that fantastic garden. At this end you shared thoughtful, respectful insight. My use of “Father Time” suddenly flashed into my head. Thanks for the thoughtful words as they mean a lot to me. Being a “guide” is quite the praise. With one more post to go, I home you return for it.


  14. Oh, Frank! What a moving tribute to your reader/friends/collaborators–and a testament to you, as well, since you’ve attracted us all here. And from you, many of us have met and further interacted with each other. I’m pretty sure I met Dale from you?
    Thank you for the kind words above–I’m honored. And thank you for all the interesting posts and comments. I will truly miss seeing you here in cyberspace.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. A lot of amazing people have been through here, including the host 🙂 I have met a few new ones from here and already knew a few when I showed up.

    I guess it takes more than three tenors to do Leonard Cohen’s song right so they had to get 10 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Trent (New Hampshire & Massachusetts),

      I had to laugh noting two states for you – especially with the approaching NH primary. Thanks for sharing (previous post) about meeting the candidates.

      Many good people have gone through here. Interesting how many people I have found through visitors, and how many visitors have found through here. The community feeling is something non-bloggers don’t realize – well – simply because they don’t understand.

      You are the first to mention the song I selected for this post. I never waivered on my choice for this post – but finding the right version/artist was the key. For me, this is it as it still moves me.

      We connected through Isadora – but I haven’t seen her lately. I hope she’s OK. Thanks for the touching kind words, and I hope to see you one more time here.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, two states… There is an old NH saying “I haven’t met (insert name of presidential candidate) so I don’t have an opinion about him or her” 😉

        Thinking of presidential candidates, I loved the SNL version of Hallelujah that Kate McKinnon did dressed as Hillary (Yes, I met her last election cycle (Hillary, not Kate) 😉 ). It was both the perfect concession speech and a great tribute to Mr. Cohen.

        I think I saw Isadora a couple of weeks ago – I don’t think she has been on Friday Fictioneers much lately either… I hope she’s OK.

        I will be sure to stop by for another visit.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Thanks for mentioning me Frank, that’s very generous of you. I am a relative newcomer and an irregular but I am so pleased I found your blog. I think I came to it through Debra which says a lot about both of you. I have enjoyed the humour and the music (especially the concerts). Your humanity always shines through – and you introduced me to Flora-bama!
    Good luck in your post blog life.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Phillip (England),

      Glad you remember that you came here via Debra. (I’m assuming Breath Light for So Cal). She’s a gem and we’ve bonded well. Simply so much in common! As for the Flora-Bama, it is a classic establishment – and a great place for music. Because I know you want to fly in, Pensacola, Florida is the closest airport, and it has connections to all the major hubs. I’m not only please that you found me, but that you also took the time to stop by here. Thanks for the kind words and I hope to see you at the finale (your Wednesday morning).


  17. I cannot even imagine how much TIME and EFFORT you put into this post, Frank. You boggle my mind! I take my hat off to you for what you accomplished here. Wow! I also thank you for the touching inclusion of me in this outstanding post. I won’t forget you or A Frank-Angle.

    Liked by 2 people

    • AmyRose (New York),

      I will say that this post took a while to get published ready. After all, that’s a lot of links to inserts one by one. But because of the importance that readers are to me, it was worth every second! Our time together has been short, but I can tell you are a gem – so my appreciation for you finding your way to my little corner of the world.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Frank,
    This is such a lovely way to show appreciation for all the people you have connected with over your extensive blogging career. And it’s clear that all have appreciated meeting you here in this sphere, as have I. You actually offered me a personal invitation after seeing me on Marc’s and Susannah’s blogs – I don’t think anyone’s ever done that before or since!

    I’ve enjoyed sharing some of our common Ohio experiences, participating in a few weekend concerts, and walking on the beach with you. The OITS pieces always intrigue me. You’re a gem!! Enjoy your blog retirement.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Eilene (Colorado and some Ohio time),

      Glad you remembered how we found each other. I believe I found Susannah through Marc. That’s have connections work. As you noted, showing appreciation for my visitors is very important to me … and I know I left out many, especially from the early days. Fortunately, none of them have stop by! 😉 Thank you for the kind words, and I hope you stop by for the finale!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Thank you for the kind mention, Frank. I have enjoyed our association. I especially have enjoyed the opportunity to witness your passion for your city, travel, philosophical musings, dance, bells, golf, The Reds, music, Italy, and humor. It has been a real delight and you will be missed. The fact that you have decided to stop blogging is Obama’s fault and this may be one of his greatest mistakes.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Thanks for the mention, Frank. I was sorry to hear you were leaving since we just got to be friends and all. 🙂 I’ve also been silent a lot lately. I think my blog brain is just on pause and then spurts something out every now and then. Otherwise, I’d say I was leaving, as you have. It is nice to be reminded of the good people in the world what with all that’s going on, eh? And you’re one of them. It’s been nice *meeting* you and spending cyber time with you, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tara (Pennsylvania),

      Remember my phrase – Blog breaks are good – better yet, make it a mantra! There simply are times one needs to step away and reasons can vary. If posting becomes forced, it’s either time for a blog break or time to shutdown. For me, I can honestly say that I haven’t run out of ideas and I’m not feeling run down. After a long run, I simply ready. The time feels right for me.

      Your time here has been short, but I do recall you came via Dale. (To me, she’s a treasure). Goodness is all around us – so goodness must stick together – especially during the tough times. There is a lot of good here, and I’ve tried to share my brand of goodness. So thanks for the kind words. Hoping you stop by for the final post (Tuesday night, 9 pm Eastern)

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Frank, how nice of you to visit my playground. I hope you keep those dancing shoes shiny. What a fantastic post … I don’t know anyone that can write like you. I totally agree with you – most people are good people, but they don’t shine as the less good ones.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Viveka (Sweden),

        Hooray – you saw my pingback! I’m so happy you came by my side of the playground. Yes – my dancing shoes are still active – which is a good thing. It’s good exercise, a good mental challenge, and wonderful socialization.

        As you well know, blogging is more about people than anything. I couldn’t walk away from here without recognizing many of the good people who have played an active role in my little corner of the world. Again, thank you and I hope you return for the final post (your Wednesday morning).

        Also, thanks for the kind words. I’ve always appreciate your sense of humor – after all – have many can comfortable talk about their sorry ass. Cheers to Oscar!


  22. Grazie per il pensiero….
    Thanks for the thought, Frank….
    you must have a fantastic and precise memory, to remember so many details about the people who have passed through this virtual house of yours.
    My blogging is not really capable of collimating virtual knowledge… I love meeting people on a physical level, which is why I always have a feeling of a profound malaise in not being able to personally know a sharp mind like yours, so hearty and good.
    I’ll be in NYC for Easter, but I don’t know if any of the people I met on WordPress are from that city… I use to travel with Swissair so many times to New York… but last 25 years I didn’t and for this reason, I’m over happy to get the chance to bring my husband and kids to the Big Apple.
    It’s nice to think that you believe in the Human and in his/her ability to be good.. especially in moments as sad as those since the beginning of 2020.
    I, too, as I have read other of your readers, are not very frequently on the blog. Too many commitments and in the evening I am very tired… but it has always been a pleasure to read you when I had the opportunity!
    A strong hug and may serenity always harbor in your heart love :-)claudine

    Liked by 1 person

    • Claudine (Switzerland),

      I had to laugh about the remembering comment. I seem to have a gift for remember tidbits – and the people here has been fairly easy. Then again, we are all different.

      The hug made it all the way here. Thank you … and thanks for your nature kindness. I hope your timing works out that you can stop by (from your Wednesday morning) for the finale.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Betsy (California) … and Super Mom! 🙂

      Unknown when I started, and still undiscovered by many bloggers – people are an important component to successful blogging – maybe the most important. Blogs are naturally selfish, but how one interacts with visitors doesn’t have to be selfish – it actually shouldn’t People have been more important than I ever realized – so I had to do a post featuring them – the readers – many key pieces of the puzzle that is this place.

      Thanks for the kind words, and I will miss you, too! Now – one more thing – I hope it works out for you to stop by Tuesday evening for the finale.


      • You’re so right, Frank. Making blog buddies is the very best part of blogging. I so enjoy my virtual friends. I got to meet one two summers ago in MN, and she’s coming to CA in March. I’ll get to see her again and am so excited!
        I hope you enjoy your blog retirement, Frank, and don’t miss us too much. I have most blogs set to come to my inbox on Saturday mornings, but I will TRY to remember to stop by tomorrow night for the finale!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Wonderful that your relationship with a blogger you met continues. That’s wonderful. I’ve only met three. I know they don’t blog anymore but I haven’t heard from them in years. So much for first impressions.

          I have no doubt I will enjoy my time away from this space – but I will also miss it – plus, I will miss the people. As far as my future goes, I will say more in the finale.

          Liked by 1 person

  23. The City of Roses chimes in.! Again, I say…WHAT??? I asked you about what sounded like a fond-farewell speech several posts (yours) ago. When you didn’t respond to my query, My Lovely aFA,..naturally I figured I was making stuff up. Again.
    Not. Not. Not. I see, she says.
    Ok ok ok let’s set some ground (floor) rules: you must save the last dance for me or else Mrs. Right Angle are hogging all the popcorn AND remote as we watch TV together….on YOUR couch! Loving you for connecting Missy D and me. (Don’t spread this around but she’s not as good a Tango partner as you are….but….she does look sharper in high heels than you.) See you on the dance floor My Lovely Friend. Xoxo Raye

    Liked by 2 people

  24. I’m going to miss this corner of the internet. It is no like other I know: the concerts are communal posts where I interact more than on my own blog; the opinions frank and free of adjectives; and so many more things. Thank you Frank!.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yahooey (France),

      Stating that my little corner of the world is not like any other brought me to a sudden halt. For me, doing a variety is good for both the host and the readers. Then again, specialty blogs also have a place! I recall that you didn’t interact here for a long time – but eventually you did – and I knew I could count on your for a touch of the blues or The Doors (when possible) for the musicals. I loved that! Meanwhile, I take your kind words to heart – so thank you. Hope to see you at the finale.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. aFA:
    I know what you mean about bloggers to whom you have become attached who simply disappear without a trace or just stop blogging. Thanks for the long goodbye.
    By the way, I may be an irregular blogger but thankfully am not irregular.
    If I am ever in Cincinnati, you are a person I would like to meet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • C-A-L,

      First of all, I just realized something. Which state are you located? How did I ever miss knowing that!!!!

      Long ago I determined I wouldn’t suddenly vanish. I just couldn’t do to readers and to myself. So that’s a reason why I have a 5-part closing series. Thanks for recognizing that.

      I’ve always appreciated you sense of humor and wit. Curmudgeons have unique way of winning over others. 🙂 If you are ever coming to Cincinnati, my email is on your Admin Dashboard – so please let me know. Thanks again for you kind words – hope to see you tomorrow night or Wednesday.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. What a great thing you’ve done – bringing us all together for the last time. I’m having a difficult time saying goodby to aFrankAngle, but I’m grateful for the 11+ years of goodness and knowledge and fun it’s been. I know everybody feels the same way. Thanks especially for including Resa’s “On A Frank Farewell.” I leave be saying: Sunkmanitu Tanka Ob Waci “Do you see that I am your friend? Can you see that you will always be my friend?” – Wind in His Hair, from the ending of Dances with Wolves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLABrjgZ2PU

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tim (Ohio),

      For others, this is the Tim I mentioned above and in the first post about how my little corner of the world started. We worked together, still talk on the phone, and play a few rounds of golf together every year.

      I know that this place has been on your regular reading list for some time – a list that includes many of top newspapers and new websites. To be in their midst is an honor. Thanks for your interactions here, ideas, questions, and general support. Your role here has meant a lot to me!

      And thanks for the video! 🙂


  27. Ah Frank! No wonder we all love you. You are so genuine, caring, inclusive and responsive. Thanks for always being a response to my few irregular posts. I always look forward to your posts–they brighten the world just a bit. Enjoy your next adventure.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Patti (California),

      Your time words stopped me in my tracks … genuine, caring, inclusive, and responsive – I can say that is what I tried for, and I can’t thank you enough for validating that for me. I’ve also appreciated not only your kindness, but for you love for nature – and how can I forget your now trademark mirror pics! 🙂 For the record, I’m not done yet – this adventure is not over – so I hope you visit the finale (your tomorrow evening)! Thanks again for stopping by to this tribute to you and the others who frequently stopped by my little corner of the world.


  28. This is so lovely to read. Frank. You really have opened your blog and used your time and space to create a community. I’ve enjoyed knowing other bloggers because of being first introduced by you. It’s true that some people have left a mark and impression, but then moved on, and I’ve wondered about them. I think we all must have known that our blogging relationships were not necessarily intended to be active forever, but I like to think that we’ve all enhanced one another’s lives in some small fashion, and that moving in new directions doesn’t diminish that impact. Your words here would reflect that, I think. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debra (California),

      You go way back. I can’t recall how I found you, but I do remember that my first comment was at your end, and it was something about astronauts. Who knows why and how that sticks inside my head.

      Since then, we’ve not only come to respect each other, we’ve discovered so many similarities. Seemed to get to a point where it became funny when discovering another common tidbit. I simply love and respect my little old lady from Pasadena.

      I had to dedicate this post to the people. One,, that’s me. Two, the relationships here are the driving force of blogging. Yes, we are a community.

      You’re words in this comment are poignant, elegant, and from the heart. I’m so appreciative of that … tears flow. Thank you!


  29. thanks for thinking of me. I’ve kind of lost my drive for writing. partly because I’ve been focusing on health and fitness as I approach 60, and partly to spend more time with people who I’ve gotten closer to. this was a good reminder of something I miss and should revisit.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rich (New Jersey)!!!!!!!!

      I am more than thrilled that you saw the pingback and decided to visit. We had a good run together, and let’s face it, those were good CNN days. 😉

      Everybody leaves blogging for different reasons, and losing the drive is one of them … even other factors in life. For me, I just feel the time is right for me – plus, I wanted to go out so people knew – therefore never had to wonder.

      Interesting that how we think about health as we get older. I’m approaching 67, and I try to stay active a variety of ways. So cheers to your new-found passions. One more post for me, so hope you drop by. (It’s already up).


  30. Frank, thank you ever so much for the kind mention. And for the links to some other people you have mentioned… I shall be doing some blog-exploration because anybody you recommend is sure to be worth reading. You will be greatly missed.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Many, many thanks for the shout-out and the great posts in the short time I’ve been following you. You have brought a smile to my heart on more than one occasion for which I am very grateful. All best wishes as you begin another life chapter. The Knuckleheads send their best tail wags in appreciation as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. I will never forget the time you went out of your way, looked up my contact information and called me just to let me know you cared. That meant the world to me, and continues to more than a decade later. The majority of the people in the world are good. I’m reminded of that every time I think of that call.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mo!!!! (Massuchusetts),

      Cheers to one of my Pioneers – as well back to the TSN days. Glad you made it … and I hope you also visit the final post.

      I remember not only making the call, but also thinking about do it – so I talked myself into it because I felt it was the right thing to do – and it sure was! Not only glad I did it, but glad that it was well received. Hope all is well with you .. Keep running!

      Liked by 1 person

  33. What a very special call-out Frank, it means so much as you worked through your last few posts. For you to remember me . . . I think I came upon your blog many years ago when I first started mine while just searching through this thing called wordpress – your header and interesting topics caught my eye. I truly enjoyed reading through your posts – from the varied topics, to what seemed like an immense level of research that must have done into each of them. I was a dedicated blogger for a long time until life circumstances kept popping up and I had to limit the amount of time and energy that I was putting into blogging – it was all consuming (I know you understood and understand today) and I dropped out of sight for quite awhile, coming back every now and then. I hate walking totally away from it, so you’ll find that I post but not nearly as often. I agree, the majority of people in this world are good with kindred souls – many I’ve met through this beautiful community of ours with wordpress. I so enjoyed our communications – you seemed to always connect in a personal way to each of our followers through your comments. Thank you for staying in touch and for putting so much time into calling out each of the bloggers in this very special post.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Mary!!!! (Texas),

    So glad you found your way to this post (and I see you’ve commented on the next one, too – I’ll get there!) 🙂 Are you still in Texas? (up north if I correctly recall).

    One of the reason I did this closing series is because I didn’t just want to walk away – I wanted closure for me and my readers. Just something to remember when you feel the time is right for you.

    Thanks for your kind words. I’ve tried to involve the commenters – that is give them more than a “thank you” or “stop by again.” To me, that’s an important part of building a community. (although I know others either don’t believe it or don’t practice it.) With that in mind, putting a lot of time into this post was a true joy, even with the fear of leaving someone out. Bottom line – this place wouldn’t be special if it wasn’t for the reader and I working together – so I had to have a post honoring the readers!


  35. This is wonderful, Frank! I’m here I’m back writing—something (me) needed to “die” to be reborn. A journey I had to make deep down inside to find some thing I had been missing…
    This encourages me all the more. Thank you. And thank you for inviting me into your corner of the world.
    I do believe that people are mostly decent with both positive and negative aspects. I believe we choose (unconsciously or not) how we behave. Free will?
    It’s good to be back.😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nina (Oregon),

      As I thought you were done blogging, you suddenly reappear. Great seeing you again.

      Yes, all of us have positive and negative forces within us. Think Stars Wars – The Force vs The Dark Side. Aren’t Harry Potter movies similar? But yes – and we are the ones who make the choice of which will prevail. Although I also think that the human tendency is to dwell too much on the negative. Bottom line – cheers to the good people of the world!


      • I agree—the human tendency is to dwell on the negative side. I wonder why? Something I’ve been contemplating in myself. Yes, cheers to all the good people—to those who struggle to find their way.

        When I started my blog in Jan 2019–I had no idea where it would lead me—except that I wrote each post as part of a story. My story. That story came to an end. Now, I’m recalibrating and refocusing my direction open to where the road leads. A little scary and exciting too.

        Trusting the process—I am healing old wounds. Writing, sharing, connecting with others here is part of the process. And some days I struggle more than others. That is also part of it. Accepting each new day as it comes.

        Thank you for the kind words, Frank. Great to see you too!


  36. I stopped getting emails about your posts some time ago. I don’t know why. I have just read your final post. I am sorry you are not continuing.
    I am still writing my blog. I don’t write as often as I did. It can be difficult to be motivated. Having said that, I am writing more often in this lockdown. It is really a diary for myself. These are strange times that I hope will never happen again.
    Stay safe and maybe we will meet in Italy one day.


  37. What a beautiful way to sum up your relationships in the blog sphere. And thank you for all those of us you have commemorated. I am late in saying I am sorry you have decided to stop, but I also understand. I wish you all the best for your next phase.

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    • Otto!!!! (Norway)

      I may not be posting, but I still respond in a timely manner. Thank you for the kind words. To me, the relationships have been one of the biggest surprises during my 11+ year journey – so this is the way I want to thank a few. This was the next to the last post, so I invite you to visit the next one where I mention the next phase. I was happy with the last post because I kept it positive. Thanks for stopping by and the kind words.

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  38. What a lovely goodbye tribute! I can only imagine how long it took you to create this post and insert all those links. So kind of you. And thank you for including me as well. So many of the bloggers you mentioned, I once followed too, and although we didn’t technically know each other in real life, they were still a part of our weekly routine, and I often find myself wondering what happened to those who are no longer blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Carrie,

      In my closing I had to give a tribute to the people. Encountering so many good people was one of the biggest surprises about blogging. Yes – collecting and creating those links was a bit time consuming, but well worth it – especially because they caused some pop-ins. On the other, a bit of disappointment when some didn’t appear ,,,, but hey – all is good! … THANKS for being part of my little corner of the world.


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