On Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 32

On the Freed Journalists
Watching the reunion of the two freed journalist reunite with their family touched me. AS CNN’s John Roberts said, “There’s not a dry eye in the house,” I too had a tear. But then to hear some Republicans complain about President Clinton; wonder why him instead of the Secretary of State; complain about the negotiation process. That’s pathetic.

On Congratulations and Well Done

  • To the Swedes who helped broker the deal to free the journalists
  • To Sonia Sotomayor on her approval to the U.S. Supreme Court
  • To the readers of this blog for generating the 10,oooth hit in a tad over 11 months … thank you!

On My Senator
George Voinovich (R) is one of my senators from Ohio. He’s a moderate Republican and one that has gone against his party in the past; including yesterday’s Sotomayor vote. Interestingly, in a recent interview he to a shot at his own party; after all, moderates aren’t the most welcomed members of the GOP tent. This recent Kathleen Parker column provides take on the comments.

On Senator McConnell
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is the Senate Minority Leader. As one of the leaders charging Sonia Sotomayor with using bias in rulings by providing no judicial evidence. Sadly, 30 senators followed his lead. Thank you for demonstrating partisan bias.

On Speaker Pelosi
Responding to a question about her lack of popularity with the public, Speaker Pelosi responded by saying it’s more important to be liked that trusted. According to Politico, her trusted rating is 24% – about the same has her approval. How about that!

On Wingnuts of the Week
I appreciate John Avlon’s Wingnuts of the Week report on CNN where he honors extremes from the left and the right. Here’s the latest.

On the Bengals
All this news about the tight ends within 24 hours: The starter tears his Achilles tendon (out for the year), #3 sprains an ankle, #2 is knocked out, has a concussion, and some wonder if he’ll ever play again.

On My Evolution and Theology Journey
I’ve finished my reading (actually a 4-page bibliography) and essentially completed my first draft, which goes out for reviews and feedback soon. At this point, I will simply say that I learned a lot!

On a Trivial Note
In case you were wondering, in John Maier’s song Say, Say what you need to say is said 38 times. Nice song, but that line does get old.

On Two Farewells
I was a regular reader of the American Heartland Bar & Grill blog. Out of the clear blue they not only stopped blogging, they took down the site.  Thanks for what you did and you are missed. It was a sad moment for me to remove the link from my list. Best wishes and good luck.

But the next one was a bombshell and a sign of the times. Hal McCoy covers the Cincinnati Reds for 37 years and is in baseball’s hallowed Hall of Fame. Thursday, the Dayton Daily News said that they will cutback Reds coverage in 2010. Sports fans should read his farewell message. Thanks you Hal McCoy for your dedication to Reds fans.

On a Musical Note
With racism so much in the news of late, this is good musical montage. What a hoot!