Opinions in the Shorts, Vol. 20

On a Bipartisan Plea

It is time for both parties to come together and find a way to keep the promise of a sound retirement for future generations. (President Obama, 4/14/09  at Georgetown University)

Both parties come together? Ah come on! Why should the bullies and the G-NO-P find common ground? Mr. President, some of us think your biggest challenge is getting the two buffoons on the same page.

On Norm Coleman
It seems that the cards are aligning against Norm Coleman in his race against Al Franken. With a track record of losing against a comedian and a wrestler, my I suggest Mr. Coleman move to Toledo, OH to prepare a challenge against Joe the Plumber.

On Bo: The First Dog
I can’t believe how many articles and commentaries exist about the White House dog. As soon as I heard the dog came from Senator Kennedy, I muttered, “Here we go.” Congratulations to Newt Gingrich for the outstanding comments for saying it best.

It’s great they have a dog. It’s great they are adjusting. Where they got it from, who cares, and it’s a nice gesture on Senator Kennedy’s part to give it to them. But, who cares.

On Taxes
1913 was the first filing year, which required a two-page form.

Another tax deadline has come and gone. Instead of in November, what if the elections were the first Tuesday after April 15th? Thank you Tom Griswald.

Humorist Dave Berry take on the tax season,

It’s income tax time again, American: time to gather up those receipts, get out those tax forms, sharpen up that pencil, and stab yourself in the aorta.

On a Great Question
The Pew Research Center asked this question: If you were setting priorities these days, would you place a higher priority on reducing the budget deficit or…spending more to make health care more accessible and affordable? Results: 59% Health care spending, 35% Deficit reduction.

On a Book
I’m about to finish an outstanding book: Finding Darwin’s God: A Scientist’s Search for Common Ground between God and Evolution, by Kenneth Miller. It’s an excellent follow up to Saving Darwin: How to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution by Karl Giberson.

On an Artist
Last week I saw a piece on artist Jonathon Singer whose photographs are simply stunning. Here’s the best site; actually his site. Click Collections. (See these Joe)

On a Great Read
Here’s a touching must-read post from the Electric Quill with an important message about life.

On the Grilling Season
Since grilling season is geographically expanding, the Nutball Gazette provides a humorous look at this outdoor ritual.

On the Masters
What a great tournament and final day. Here’s a blogger giving reasons why the Masters is better than the Super Bowl.

Sergio Garcia said, “I don’t like it, to tell you the truth. I don’t think it is fair. Even when it’s dry you still get mud balls in the middle of the fairway. It’s too much of a guessing game.”

I know you have since apologized, but in the future, if a course is too tough and/or not to your liking, don’t play.

On a Baseball Pitcher
Although from 2007, this may be the best pitch ever.