Opinions in the Shorts: Vol 4

Do you know the ten most common last names in the U.S.? The Census Bureau reported in 2000 these top 10 surnames: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Miller, Davis, Garcia, Rodriquez, and Wilson. So that’s why the GOP wants to attract Latinos.

Given Time’s Person of the Year, the Runner’s-Up, ad the People who Mattered, I can’t believe Joe the Plumber wasn’t listed.

Speaking of Time’s Person of the Year list, see the list of interesting personalities who left us in 2008, but still touch us today. (Once there, scroll down to see the list.)

Many people asked movie critic Roger Ebert to review Ben Stein’s documentary Expelled, about defending creationism. For those that didn’t see it, it’s an interesting read.

In a recent NY Times column, Nicholas Kristof uses a “finger in the dike” analogy about the U.S. automakers and their situation … and I continue to maintain that the automaker situation is more complex than many make it to be.

As part of my falling asleep process, I like to listen to Echoes with John Diliberto. I love the music! Sometimes I tune in early and catch the end of Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor. Two sayings stuck me the other night.

  • “Never assume the obvious is true.” (William Safire) Think about that one in terms of the Internet.
  • “Be well, do good works, and keep in touch.” (Keillor’s signoff). Wow, this is meant for a future post.

Thanks for those giving input on a potential new header, which will be coming soon.

Meanwhile, my Battle Cranberry recipe for Cranberry-Sausage Spaghetti got a lot of reads.

What a tough week for those in the northeast with the ice storm. My prayers and thoughts go out to them; especially to friends like Mo.

Good for Penn State giving Joe Pa an extension. Whenever I see news about Paterno’s contracts, I keep thinking about legendary Bear Bryant; who suddenly died only a few months after retiring. Similar to General Pattern, his mission was done.

As the Bengals continue their streak of ONE winning season since 1990, and a given tough economic times, a significant majority of season ticket holders will renew.

Entertainment World
Guy Ritchie, who had $25 million when his relationship with Madonna started, get somewhere between $76-95 million in a divorce settlement. Now that’s one good investment.

With NBC’s ER in its final season, how would you end it? I would close the show with the ER staff being introduced to the new chief of staff: Dr. Doug Ross (George Clooney).

I still can’t believe the Material Girl entered a relationship without a prenump, but I still believe Sara Palin needs Dancing with the Stars to broaden her base.