On a Reprise MME-Style

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No – Monday Morning Entertainment (MME) isn’t returning – but given the holiday week for us in the US, mimicking an MME post is an idea.

How was your weekend? What did you do?

Crazy busy for me. Sure we had time for an evening of ballroom dance and an evening with the church wine tasting group … but I spent Friday afternoon, Saturday morning & afternoon, and Sunday afternoon with a paint brush and roller. YUK! Given that much time, we made progress – but now I’m way behind replying to comments. 😦

With my wife still in the handbell choir, I heard their pre-service rehearsal and both the services – thus enjoyed a beautiful piece that they played well.  For those who enjoy handbell music, here’s a recording of the song.

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Thursday is Thanksgiving for us in the US. It’s a good holiday marked by a grand meal and time with family. Turkey is the centerpiece of most Thanksgiving meals, but whether people say “dressing” or “stuffing” is regional. See this map.

Friday is a major shopping day, and some stores are even opening Thursday night – but I will avoid shopping areas as much as possible. When growing up way back in the day, I used to proclaim the holiday season didn’t start until I saw the commercial with Santa riding the Norelco sleigh. What the heck – with a few radio stations adopting an all-Christmas music format a month ago, why not show one of those commercials.

The holiday also means a different posting schedule this week. For me, I’m unsure about what lies ahead this week, so I remain non-committal for the days ahead. Surely I will have something, but I don’t know when.

It’s a crazy world these days, but I think of many of the good things for which I’m thankful. After all, there is always something for which to be thankful. A good disposition, good health, a loving wife, good family, good friends, and many fond memories. I’m thankful for what we take for granted – food, water, a comfortable home, modern conveniences, community services, and more.

As my volunteer opportunities continue to place me in the presence of many good people, WordPress provides countless positive interactions with members of the interactive global community. My blogging community touches my heart – and to think I receive bountiful sincere and positive vibes from all the continents is something I never envisioned. All of you help me keep my faith in humankind. May the blessings of Thanksgiving touch all hearts everywhere.

To send you into the week, enjoy this compilation of vintage dancing movie clips from movies brilliantly put together. Have a great week.