On Beach Walk: No. 29

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

I look down watching the water move across my feet. It’s there – then it’s gone. In time the water returns, and then I start thinking about time.

The water of the sea has a schedule as predictable tidal movements, therefore announced for any given day; but as a snowbird, time is seldom an issue. Wake-up alarms aren’t necessary. Regular, required attendance items are off our calendar.

Time is steady – as is walking, but waves interrupt walking, but not time because time can’t be interrupted.

Time is a rate or a tempo – just like the rhythm of the sea with its waves washing ashore and caressing my feet.

Time is the past, present, and future – but I walk and think now, write later, and post later than that.

Time has come, gone, and yet to come – Just like the water, yet I chronicle specific moments as now.

Time seemingly runs free – just like the waves and the wind – just like my mind can be when it is free from obstructions – but nothing obstructs time.

Time is constantly moving and won’t stop for anytime, yet many of us try to manage it – but as we snowbirds try to free ourselves from the clock as much as possible – ahhhhhhhh – freedom.

Time is continuous – yet in intervals in some cases – but time also serves an opportunistic moment.

Time is indicated by a clock or a calendar – yet as a snowbird, I don’t worry about time but note it as a sunrise, sunset, low tide, and high tide.

Time is something that we look back it wondering about choices we’ve made – the good and the bad. Oh the power of reflections – but as a snowbird, we embrace the reflections in the water.

Time is a moment, a beginning, and an end – each determined by the situation – yet various landmarks serve as time and distance markers for us when we walk.

Time is something we waste, keep, lose, give, fight, dread, and look forward to – but during these days I try to embrace it by letting it do what time does.

Time is something that all of us try to understand – but one thing is certain – walking the beach is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.