On Warnings

As we were walking down from the top of the Rock of Gibraltar this past October, we saw two road signs that I’ve never seen before … but they got me thinking about signs at home … so one day, I took note.

I left the house for a few errands, but didn’t get out of the subdivision before I see my first warning sign.

Turning onto the main road, the lines are giving me a message … yes, in this case, a warning.


I stopped at the bank, which greeted me with this warning.

I stopped at a novelty store looking for a gift, thus encounter an owner delivering a warning with a sense of humor.

It’s lunchtime – I’m hungry. Instead of the No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service sign, I encountered this warning sign.

I stopped at the grocery store because tonight we have a homemade pizza – so I’m very glad the pepperoni company told me this. (Look in the label’s lower-left corner)

What are some of the unique warning signs you’ve encountered?