On Christmas Eve 2010

The holiday hubbub makes us think that Christmas is Christianity’s most important holiday. Nope – that’s Easter – but Christmas is important.

On the secular side, Santa Claus is a spirit of giving that intertwines with the Christian holiday, thus a spirit that calls many non-Christians to the season of goodness. This week I featured gifts of humor, wine, images, and music this week, yet today is simple the gift of peace.

I love the darkness of Christmas Eve. The drive to and from church is peaceful as we pass stores with empty parking lots. Meanwhile, the car radio will air soft holiday music to match the peace.

Merry Christmas to everyone appreciating the greeting, and to others, best wishes to you in the greeting that you prefer – and peace to all.

Your choice of videos: Josh Groban’s great voice singing Oh Holy Night or the diverse ringing techniques of the Raleigh Ringers performing Christmas Eve Sarajevo. I want to ring those big bells!

Josh Groban

Raleigh Ringers

6 thoughts on “On Christmas Eve 2010

  1. Frank, que la Fête de Noël t’apporte tout ce que tu veux: bien du plaisir et des surprises!

    Je vous souhaite un joyeux et heureux Noël!

    Here’s wishing you all the joys of the season. May Santa Claus bring you lots of gifts! May your home be filled with peace and joy!

    A very Merry Christmas Frank!


    • Meesh,
      … and I thank you for my first-ever holiday wish in French! Of course I’m also thankful for the translation!!! 🙂

      Cheers and blessings to you and everyone in your presence. Merry Christmas.


  2. I’ve taken a liking to the Raleigh Ringers after listening to the video you posted yesterday!

    Yep, I know what you mean about driving out and about on Christmas Eve and seeing empty parking lots. You know what time of year it is when you see that!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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