Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 109

On Politics
After realizing Ohio voters will likely repeal his collective bargaining bill for public employees, my governor, John Kasich (R-OH), is now willing to renegotiate the bill if the repeal if organizers remove item from the ballot. Sorry Governor Kasich, you chose to ram it through, so I favor negotiations after the repeal. Of course, your excuse of saving money is a bunch of crap because it is political.

The White House reaction to the situation in Syria was long overdue.

Governor Perry has been in the race for almost a week, and how many times stupid comments did he make?

Unbelievably, the Republicans are lining up against spending to upgrade the infrastructure.

More proof (his Tweet) that Jon Huntsman is too normal: “To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy,”

Christine O’Donnell is back in the news promoting her book. OMG – help us all.

I remind Speaker Boehner that it is Week 32 of the Boehner-led House without a jobs bill. To quote Speaker Boehner, “Where are the jobs?”

Interesting Reads

Interesting Headlines I Saw this Week on The Onion

  • Supreme Court Rules First Amendment does not Apply to Annoying Man
  • FDA Approves Sales of Prescription Placebo
  • Crackling Warren Buffet Burns Entire Fortune in Front of Nation
  • Boy Scout Won’t Do Anything Unless there is a Merit Badge Involved
  • Local Toddler Shows Signs of Becoming Ugly like his Parents
  • Scientists Say Newly Discovered Earth-like Planet Could Support Robust Economy

On Potpourri
Hope for the human race – In Japan, citizens have returned over $46 million that have been found following the tsunami.

Hope you see Captain America in the theaters. It starts a little slow, but we enjoyed it.

Looking for reasons to celebrate? Here ya go: Bad Poetry Day (Aug 18), Aviation Day (Aug 19), National Radio Day (Aug 20), Senior Citizen’s Day (Aug 21), Be an Angel Day and National Tooth Fairy Day (Aug 22), Ride the Day (Aug 23), Vesuvius Day (Aug 24), and Kiss and Make Up Day (Aug 25)

In the words of Garrison Keillor: Be well, do good works, and stay in touch.

10 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 109

  1. A robust economy in space? Somehow that works, considering we’ve lost track of intelligent life here on Earth.
    On Friday, the 19th, you can also comemmorate the first invasion of Occupied Europe in WW2. On August 19, 1942, the Canadian Second Division, several groups of british Royal Marine Commandoes, and 100 U.S Rangers (the first Americans to fight the Germans, and the first US unit to land in Europe) landed on the beaches and surrounding hillsides of the French coastal town of Dieppe. My adopted Canadian unit, the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, made the furthest progress into town before the recall was announced on the disastrous failure, and they earned the first European Victoria Cross (the British equivalent of the Medal of Honour) when the RHLI chaplain, John Foote, stayed behind with the wounded to be surrendered to the Germans for medical care.
    So a salute, or salut for our French compatriots, to the brave Canadian soldiers, and their British and American comrades, who attempted to open the Second Front, with horrendous casualties but valuable lessons learned, 69 years ago Friday.
    And a good weekend to all!


    • John,
      What a great comment about space. I place those in there with anticipation of your comment. Ok … I’m a bit off center. Thanks for sharing the good WW II info. Hope all is well.


    • Nancy,
      Besides being boring and attempting to stay above the fray, his comment clearly shows that he is not crazy enough in a field where lunacy is an important measure. On the other hand, there’s a long way to go in the process. Thanks for commenting.


  2. remember when carrie prejean, miss virtuous who sent dirty pics of herself to her boyfriend, walked off the larry king show, because she was offended by the questions? how often did you hear about her after that? little chrissie mcdonnell walked off the piers morgan show mid-interview, because she didn’t like the questions. i predict that little chrissie will disappear just like carrie did.


    • 3rd Stone,
      Well … everything is a matter of perspective. If given the choice between the two, I’d take GW. Good news is that won’t be the choice I face. Thanks for stopping by.


  3. Local Toddler Shows Signs of Becoming Ugly like his Parents

    More proof (his Tweet) that Jon Huntsman is too normal: “To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy,”

    Will not go over with the Tea Party. Since they seem to have the GOP in their clutches, they won’t give the nomination to a guy that has the biggest chance of winning the White House.


    • Spinny,
      Normality is a reason Huntsman’s chances are very slim. Meanwhile, I seem to pic one headline that gets a chuckle. Hope my streak continues this coming Friday. Thanks for commenting.


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