On Exploring a Brilliant Light

You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere. (Lee Iacocca, business leader)

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. (Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher)

If the ambiance of her home had been different, she might have never chosen a career in mathematics, but the provocative discussions that swooped and soared around the young Emmy’s head sparked an interest that was overpowering. (Lynn M. Olsen, author)

In the judgement of the most competent living mathematicians, Fraulein Noether was the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began. (Albert Einstein, scientist)

47 thoughts on “On Exploring a Brilliant Light

  1. I wonder if either one of my gals has heard of her? Do they even teach about her? A very interesting post, Frank. I have two young women that are heading in the Math/Science fields. I am so glad the world is changing and recognizing that they, too, are intelligent in these studies. And can make positive contributions.


    • Audra.
      Good point. I can say that I’ve hadn’t heard of her, but once I saw the video, I had to use it. The fact that Einstein recognized her brilliance is quite the endorsement. Good luck to your two gals!


  2. Many Emmy’s in the world, in many fields, who have never and will never be known by the masses of people in the world. I’m not a fan of pushing girls into physics and math, unless that is where their gifts and desires take them. If that means fewer women in the field, so what? I notice Emmy’s theorem, though an abstraction, leans to the aesthetic…..most often a province of women.


    • Cynthia,
      Somethings I wonder if its assumed that if one doesn’t promote females into tech/science fields, one is promoting males. Bottom line is that those fields need more good people … and no matter the gender!


  3. Wow, Frank! Thanks for that introduction to Emmy Noether. I, too, was clueless.
    I wish they would stop pushing so-called gender-specific subjects on just one gender! There are most certainly many Emmys out there and many boys who excel at supposed women-only specialties.


  4. I admire even more as I am not good at Maths (meaning: not good at all o_O)
    Great feature and thanks for the introduction, dear Frank… 🌟★🌟
    By the way Schopenhauer’s quote is pure wisdom! …. I truly liked that one!.
    All my best wishes. Aquileana 😀


  5. Many thanks for including the quote: “If the ambiance of her home had been different, she might have never chosen a career in mathematics, but the provocative discussions that swooped and soared around the young Emmy’s head sparked an interest that was overpowering. (Lynn M. Olsen, author).” It went to the heart of a situation I’m dealing with involving one of my relatives.


      • True, but school quality depends on state and location in that state. There are some good ones out there and some great teachers ( who will eventually leave – many because the system grinds them down. If the stay too long discourage, they become lesser and melt into the system the fought.)
        Parents who are awake must constantly worry and look for better for their kids. The problem is far too many parents either don’t have time, interest, or the insight to see what is going on.
        School districts should be sued for graduating kids who can’t read (at least a 9th grade level ability) or do basic math…oh wait, there’s a proposal (another state) to replace diploma with a High School Certificate of Attendance. That’s going to work well. Everyone’s a winner – except society.
        You are so right


  6. I had never heard of Emmy Noether, and I am certainly intrigued by her brilliance. She would be amazing at any time, but given the period in which she lived she would have been even more extraordinary perhaps. This was a great share, Frank!


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