On Bored

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“Mommy/Daddy – I’m bored.”

That’s a line many of us have said at least once – especially when we were very young. – and I’ve got the feeling parents in the crowd not only have heard it, but they also have a response.

Bored – feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity. (Oxford Dictionary)

One side of me wants to side with the youngster. After all, kids look forward to events – they live in anticipation – and if they aren’t anticipating, they are bored.

As we move into and within adulthood, approaching deadlines come in our lives, thus shifting the feeling of anticipation toward the hustle to get something done on time. Life shifts from waiting to being rushed – frantic may be a more appropriate adjective – but I’m bored can also fit for adults.

In the work world, there’s always something to do. My parents were small-town merchants, and I still recall Dad saying, If you bored, there’s always something to do – and he meant sweep the floor, stock the cooler, wash the windows and more.

Today’s work world has amplified that thought by many workers have too much to do in too little time. So, it becomes not a question of boredom – but one of frantic, staying sane, and balancing life.

What if you had a job with only one thing to do? Yes … only one. I started working part-time in February – and yep – with only one duty – and if customers aren’t present, I could honestly say, I’m bored.

I quickly learned to bring something to do – commonly blog stuff – a notebook for drafting future posts, or hard copies for editing. No wonder I have so many posts in draft stage. Still, there were many times when I said, I’m bored. I left the one-obligation duty in mid-July,  so I now have time to write this post and include supporting songs – which (for the record) isn’t boring.

60 thoughts on “On Bored

  1. Boredom of course can be purely a disinterest in the world, an ennui of the soul, and a focus on only ones own pleasure. But you are not so much talking about that. Any boss who thinks it is okay for workers to have nothing to do for hours on end deserves to lose people who want to be helpful, earn their money, be employed gainfully etc. I suppose eventually they will have the type of employees who have no focus, drive or interest in working….. I wonder how that would work for them.

    Yay for you having time to upload videos!!


    • Pauline,
      Good point about boredom being a disinterest in the world … and with so much going on around you, how can anyone be disinterested! When I took the job, I was expecting other duties, but they never evolved … so having only one thing to do turned into a blog pressure because I was running out of topics to draft or edit. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with Pauline, that boredom is a disinterest in the world and an ennui of the soul. It’s much more of a problem now than it it used to be, when children– and adults– were interested in life itself and its natural, pleasures and did not need to be constantly stimulated and “entertained” by commercial bells and whistles. There is a lack of imagination now, and a nervous energy to want more and more activity and artificial stimulation. It’s as if everyone has Attention Deficit HyperActivity Disorder. There is no such thing as boring times in life, only bored (and boring) people.


  3. I agree for the most part with Cynthia. Boredom is a problem of consciousness, and a good part of the problem is that we’ve been relying more and more on entertainment to keep the young interested. Passivity leads to boredom. Learning how to explore and discover by ourselves keeps us busy with satisfying work, even when we don’t have to do our chores. I would advise always keeping a book within reach. Even the camera, now found on almost everyone’s phone, can be a very effective vehicle against boredom. By looking for something worth photographing, we step out of the passive mentality, typified by waiting for outside entertainment.


    • Shimon,
      I thought about taking a book to work, but I didn’t think that was too appropriate … and a camera would have been a welcomed relief on certain days as it would have stretched creativity for killing time.


      • well, I wasn’t actually relating to your own particular problem… but to the young people who stare into space… calling out, “I’m bored!’ I trust that in your case, it wasn’t the need to buy a loaf of bread that drove you to work.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I wasn’t looking for part-time work at the time … but the thought was in my mind … and then the opportunity found me. Extra dollars always comes in handy, but correct – it wasn’t upon need.


  4. Boredom isn’t something I’ve ever experienced. I think my mind is always too busy thinking of what I should be doing, even if I’m relaxing for a while. You’re dad was so right, saying that there’s always something to do. 🙂


  5. I haven’t been bored for years, then again I had to adjust to not being able to work eight years ago, but that is a whole different scenario when you are dealing with pain. I do remember often our children saying “I’m bored”, they still say it today as young adults. Our reply “there are dishes to be done, clothes to be washed, bathrooms to be cleaned, etc., they are miraculously no longer bored.

    As for your one duty job – that would have driven me insane, and I too would have brought work with me, or created work for myself.


  6. Love this post and the music! I would never think of you as bored! You have way too many interesting ideas in your head to blog about! As for me, I would love some boredom right now! I just wish there were more than 24 hours in day to do all that I need to do and want to do! 🙂


  7. when it comes to kids, if they are bored, then it could be that the parents have not done a good enough job teaching them how to spend their time doing something fun, exposing them to a good enough variety of activities, and the value that comes with accomplishments both big and small.


  8. I haven’t been bored in a long time, but I totally understand being bored at a job with nothing to do–at least you were able to work on other things.
    Fun post, Frank. Who knew that boring could be so interesting! 🙂


  9. Actually, I think it is important to get bored. There really is a lot in life that is boring but has to be done. So I think that kids who are never permitted to be bored will have a rude awakening in life.


    • Another blogger and I were discussing this earlier today. It was mainly about kids never playing outside or reading a book anymore.
      They are on computers from the time they get up to the time they go to bed when parents let them.
      I don’t remember getting bored growing up. Bobby didn’t either. There was never enough time do do everything we wanted to do. No computers /internet either till later.
      I get bored now. Daily chores BORE me.
      I get bored from sitting in my chair or lying in bed as much as I do.
      Usually though, I find something to keep me occupied.
      When I feel good and can get outside….I am never bored. There is always something that draws my attention.
      Awesome post Frank.


      • Sarah,
        Great point about kids today not being outside playing … just playing … and I agree that electronics have driven the changes over the year. On the other hand, the positive side of electronics is the way it’s helped you.

        Liked by 1 person

        • There are a lot of positives.Especially for a bookworm, writer, teacher….
          Parents just need to schedule internet times.
          In my case….it has saved me. I can’t write longhand for any length of time any more. It’s hard to hold a pen.
          I never really learned to type. I still use to fingers.
          What I hate to see are teachers using it all day. Or a good part of it. It lessons their workload….They aren’t teaching like they should. I know it is only a small fraction of teachers..The internet is no different than anything else. There needs to be limitations. For everyone.
          Me included. LOL


    • Renee,
      Ah ha … you’ve been fascinated with books for a long time. Very good. Unfortunately, I don’t think reading a book on my one-duty job is a good idea. Good seeing you again, and I hope all is well.


  10. Got a laugh over this one. Around my house you never said “I’m bored” – Mom always said there were weeds that needed to be pulled or dusting to be done. We stayed very busy looking busy.
    It’s easier exist being “bored” at home than at work. At home there’s always stuff you can find to do, at work lulls are a problem as you are dressed for work and in a place where you (probably) need to keep your “good employee” image and your stuff you want to do if you have time isn’t there. Electronic gadgets are a bit help with that. Odd though, that it is acceptable to surf on phone or tablet, but reading a book is not looked upon in the same fashion in most workplaces. Weird, right?
    Learning to deal with boredom is an important skill. Sadly few kids these days get a chance to learn that. Probably lots of inventions came out of bored daydreams.


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