On Personal Shorts

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This is a good image to lead me back to my regular blogging routine because this post is about personal shorts – as opposed to Opinions in the Shorts (which should return next week). Then again, there is that question of personal preference of boxes or briefs.

Our trip to Spain and Portugal was wonderful, and thanks for coming along on the travel posts. It was fun to share the highlights, yet it was important for me to have a balance of text and images – thus not be overwhelming on either.

It was also a walking vacation for us. Experts say 10,000 steps a day is a good goal – and 12,000 steps is better. We logged our steps each day and averaged 16,000 steps per day. That includes 3 days at sea (no land stops), but we went over 20,000 on 4 land days.

Yes, I still yearn for Barcelona – and still hope to make a video to that song using our images – but time will tell if I get to it.

Volunteering in English Second Language (ESL) continues to be very rewarding for me … and to think it happens on the same day as my ballroom dance time with the Downs Syndrome adults. Rewards galore!!! Sorry to say this, but one of the downsides of this year’s vacation was that I missed the dance competition for these wonderful people.

PlaybillSkyMajor announcement!

For those who didn’t get the advanced notice on the Hear Ye page, the next musical is Sky: The Musical. Act 1. Although the production team hasn’t finalized the details, I’m guessing 5 acts. Opening Night is this Tuesday, November 10 at 9:30 pm (Eastern US). All songs must have either Sky or Skies in the title – but no to compound words with sky (such as skyward, skyrocket, skyscraper). Meanwhile, I still have to secure an opening act and prepare the playbill – but at least I’ve completed the cover.

Ladies, do you need an outfit for Opening Night? See the Hear Ye page.

You may recall I was in the midst of working on a tango routine. We were very close to show ready at our goal – the end of September – which we had to do because of our cruise. The first time we practiced after getting back, we did well – which was a relief to both us. Last week we had a dress rehearsal at another studio with a live audience. It was far from our best, but we didn’t collapse … and it was a good learning experience for me because this idea is new to me. On to the show very soon. (Here’s the song … again)

We recently went to a young couple’s wedding. One song caught my attention because everyone was doing the same dance to a song I’d never heard! If you have an upcoming wedding, you may want to learn Watch Me Nae Nae.

Does anyone out there have a foam mattress as Leesa or Casper? If so, please share your thoughts.

It’s been an interesting football year for my teams: an undefeated pro team … my alma mater winning with an explosive offense … my local college having an OK year, but not what was expected.

The opening image gave me an idea for a future post about underwear. So, do you think I wear boxers, briefs, or others?

I really enjoy the song Counting Stars by OneRepublic. I stumbled across this a cappella version done by one person. I think it’s really good. Enjoy … Have a good weekend and I hope to see you on Opening Night!

42 thoughts on “On Personal Shorts

      • Yes, Frank I was so impressed I went to see in youtube… you right and each one is really great!
        About time: I guess is each one fault if we don’t “take” time for doing what our heart tells us is good for us… And I’m on top of the list… I wish I only could write my novels in state of working 80% as a human resource specialist! :-)c


  1. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t listen to this Nae Nae song for longer than a minute. It’s a good thing I don’t have any weddings to go to anytime soon.
    P.S. I’m guessing briefs. 🙂


      • I know you probably feel that there isn’t a dance you don’t want to be a part of, but that’s never been a problem for me. 🙂 While I might go to a nightclub and dance for fun, I have never once enjoyed doing choreographed dancing.


  2. Terrific song and I always enjoy a Capella. There are some good groups out there. Disappointed that The Sing-Off competition was never renewed. Looking forward to you new show. I’m guessing boxers..:) enjoy your weekend.


  3. First song, beautiful. Second, though talented just not my cuppa. Your entire travelogue was brilliant, made my feet itch to get out there again (especially with the terrible weather of North Texas right now).

    Can’t wait for the next musical!


    • Val,
      Oh yes … glad to cause the itch to get out of Dodge. Because you enjoyed the Barcelona song, hopefully I can do the video of my images to that song. I want to … but the question is when.


  4. Great trip and a very cool video of Barcelona! My Top 25 continues to be in flux.

    I’m excited to hear that you’re ready to get back on the blogging horse full-time. Fridays have been simply unbearable without Afrankangle’s political opinions to kick around.

    Good luck to UC’s football team today against the U. of Houston. May their victory today, along with the university’s successful renovation of Nippert Stadium’s restrooms, provide the pathway out of the purgatory of the American Athletic Conference.

    Also hoping you will follow the example of the Washington Nationals who this week hired Renaissance Man Dusty Baker as their new manager, and replace your increasingly buzzer-happy Producer before the upcoming debut this Tuesday of Sky: The Musical. Act 1.


    • Tim,
      A mountain of a task in Houston today for the Bearcats … but then can win. Meanwhile, please add your Top 25 list to your golf bag.

      The Producer is refreshed and ready to go … itching!


  5. Just love George Ezra. Such a voice coming from such a slight man…
    That a Capella version of Counting Stars is simply amazing.
    Cannot wait for Tuesday! Love your musicals and all your fabulous players.
    I think you are more of the boxing brief type – not as snug as briefs, not as loose as boxers! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Frank,
    In preparation for my Cayman trip and then the busyness afterwards, I didn’t have the time to read your Spain/Portugal posts (except the one on the Sagrada Familia), so will do so this weekend. Glad the dancing is going well and I look forward to “Sky.” As far as the shorts question? Wouldn’t even venture a guess…

    Have a good weekend,



  7. Thank you for sharing your trip! I can see why you would miss Barcelona! Of course I have already thought of 3 Sky songs I like. I need to get over to YouTube & see what videos go with them.
    OMG! When you say others….I hope you don’t mean shorts that belong to others? LOL There’s my cheeky side!


  8. “Watch me Nae Nae” was introduced to me via my granddaughters and watching 6 and 8 year-olds do those moves is pretty hilarious! I love “Counting Stars” as well, so thank you for this video. Impressive! We’re leaving town later this week, but still here on Tuesday! I’ll be looking forward to ‘Sky: The Musical.”


    • Debra,
      I can imagine your two granddaughters bringing Watch Me Nae Nae to you … and also your going along with them trying to learn because I know you are a good sport with them. Glad to know you’ll still be here for Opening Night!


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