On Beach Walk: No. 29

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I like walking the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

I look down watching the water move across my feet. It’s there – then it’s gone. In time the water returns, and then I start thinking about time.

The water of the sea has a schedule as predictable tidal movements, therefore announced for any given day; but as a snowbird, time is seldom an issue. Wake-up alarms aren’t necessary. Regular, required attendance items are off our calendar.

Time is steady – as is walking, but waves interrupt walking, but not time because time can’t be interrupted.

Time is a rate or a tempo – just like the rhythm of the sea with its waves washing ashore and caressing my feet.

Time is the past, present, and future – but I walk and think now, write later, and post later than that.

Time has come, gone, and yet to come – Just like the water, yet I chronicle specific moments as now.

Time seemingly runs free – just like the waves and the wind – just like my mind can be when it is free from obstructions – but nothing obstructs time.

Time is constantly moving and won’t stop for anytime, yet many of us try to manage it – but as we snowbirds try to free ourselves from the clock as much as possible – ahhhhhhhh – freedom.

Time is continuous – yet in intervals in some cases – but time also serves an opportunistic moment.

Time is indicated by a clock or a calendar – yet as a snowbird, I don’t worry about time but note it as a sunrise, sunset, low tide, and high tide.

Time is something that we look back it wondering about choices we’ve made – the good and the bad. Oh the power of reflections – but as a snowbird, we embrace the reflections in the water.

Time is a moment, a beginning, and an end – each determined by the situation – yet various landmarks serve as time and distance markers for us when we walk.

Time is something we waste, keep, lose, give, fight, dread, and look forward to – but during these days I try to embrace it by letting it do what time does.

Time is something that all of us try to understand – but one thing is certain – walking the beach is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

24 thoughts on “On Beach Walk: No. 29

  1. “but during these days I try to embrace it by letting it do what time does.”—Ah, yes. I was recently at the beach for a few cruise-ship days and tried to do just that. It’s wonderful to feel the sand beneath the feet and the waves lapping the ankles, and just let everything else go.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I was going to quote the exact same passage as contentedcrafter above…
    I have been trying to just go with the flow, lately. It serves no purpose to try and push time or slow it down as we are at its mercy. Might as well just go with it…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I, too, gravitated to “Time is something we waste, keep, lose, give, fight, dread, and look forward to – but during these days I try to embrace it by letting it do what time does,” because of its application to everybody rich or poor, but the one that really tweaked my curiosity, for the same reason, was “Time is continuous – yet in intervals in some cases – but time also serves an opportunistic moment.”


  4. “Time is indicated by a clock or a calendar – yet as a snowbird, I don’t worry about time but note it as a sunrise, sunset, low tide, and high tide.” As it was before being swamped by machines, emails, texts, and always being within reach of job and work – perhaps we could all use more basic natural time measurements?
    Lovely paced post.


  5. Seems to me it’s relative, going slowly at first, and allowing for a lot of action, and then speeding up as we get older. There are thoughts we might have that stretch it unbelievably… like the short dreams that tell a long story.


  6. Another wonderful beach walk. TY, Frank!
    I always liked what David Bowie sang: “Time may change me
    But I can’t trace time”.
    Now I just thought of Bullwinkle pulling a rabbit out of a hat (not) – “Next time for sure!” 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wonderfully refreshing, Frank. In this heat I enjoy even thinking about a beach walk! I do find that time at the ocean’s edge gives me an opportunity to slow my pace, and hat’s always a welcome relief!

    Liked by 1 person

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