On the Fourth 2018

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True or False: The British have July 4th?

Back in the day, I used to ask this question to my high school students, so I’ll embed the answer within this post.

Last week I worked more hours than normal at the golf course. Although I enjoy the work, the extra hours set me back in normal routines, including visiting other blogs. Hopefully, normal will return soon.

As the rest of the world sees July 4th as a normal day between July 3rd and July 5th, we Americans celebrate July 4th as our Independence Day. Many people will enjoy outdoor activities, family gatherings, and parties. Some towns will celebrate with a parade, activities, and music. Some concerts will include one of my favorites: The Armed Forces Melody. Fireworks will fill the night sky across the land to close the day.

Hoping your July 4th is a good one.

35 thoughts on “On the Fourth 2018

  1. Happy Independence day to you and yours, Frank, and to all your American readers. It is just another day in my country. But I remember, about 30 years ago, the Americans here celebrated in the ‘Liberty Bell’ park downtown, and quite a few friends joined in… I was among them… and we listened to a beautiful jazz concert, sitting in the grass… an event I still remember with joy.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Chris!
      Thank you … and all the best to you on this holiday!

      Well – the Reds have been playing much better baseball under Riggleman than Price. Last night was one of those rare nights when the top relievers give up runs. Stay cool!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy 4th of July! May the Reds win, may somebody win the Tundra Truck, and may the fireworks set the record for beauty and multiplicity.


  3. By my way of thinking, everyone who uses the Gregorian calendar ‘has’ a July 4th. It just may just be another day in July to them. You know, like Wordless Wednesday. 😂 We ‘Muricans are nothing if not totally ego-centric. Hope your day (however you chose to celebrate it) is safe and happy.
    Happy 4th of July


    • Jo,
      We attended a concert that always features music of Americana … and yes – they also played the Armed Forces Medley.
      Meanwhile, I fear the divide is getting worse – and time will tell the extent of the damage.


  4. Happy July 5th, Frank. I was tied up all day yesterday trying to keep my dog comforted. It wasn’t easy! We don’t really do very much to celebrate the day, but I have many memories of years when the family gathered and we had huge celebrations. We did take a beach walk earlier in the week. 🙂 Hope you had a lovely day.


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