On a Weekend Concert with The King: Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley

The Producer’s Guidelines

  1. Only songs performed by Elvis Presley
  2. No duplicate songs
  3. Include the song title in your introduction text so others can see it
  4. One song per person (on Day 1)
  5. To prevent browsers crashing from loading too many videos, please paste the URL as part of your last line (not a new line) – (I do not mind unembedding, so no  apologies are necessary)

Note: Return on Day 2 to submit more songs without limits. (My typical signal is posting a song for all attendees.)

“What I’d Say”


Next Concert: The Godfather of Soul – James Brown – TBA (either 28 Sept or 5 October)
Past Concerts (Category): Beatles, Ex-Beatles, Moody Blues, Queen, Neil Diamond, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Aretha Franklin, Carole King, Elton John, Billy Joel, Crosby Stills Nash & Young (the group), Doobie Brothers, Michael Jackson