On Bluto


I was raised on Popeye cartoons, so it is only fitting I also to a tribute to other characters in the series. (Popeye here) … Time for Bluto!


Large, bearded, muscle-bound antagonist to Popeye

Classic bully as he prefers brute force over strategy

Like Popeye, a sailor and attracted to Olive Oyl

Occasionally, Bluto and Popeye start at as friends

Occasionally knocked out by Olive Oyl and by Sweet Pea


Created by Elzie Crisler in 1932

First appeared September 12, 1932 in Thimble Theater comic strip

Early Popeye cartoons had other villians

Also called Professor Bluteau and Pierre Bluto

Bluto-Brutus is a story in itself involving copyright

Here’s the first Popeye feature, which so happens to include Olive, Bluto, and Betty Boop