A Small Step Saw a Big Need

Coming off the Thanksgiving holiday, I felt the need to do something for the community. After all, my two posts about Brendan Foster continue to occupy my mind. So yesterday, I drove into the city for some spontaneous volunteer work at a church that had a free clothing day.

November temperatures in Cincinnati were lower than normal, and the trend continued as December 1st was a cool, damp, bone-chilling day. My three hours at the center was gratifying, but my soul was still unsettled as I kept thinking about those seeking simple items as gloves, hats, and warm socks.

A short time ago I contacted my pastor and others in leadership at my church explaining not only the needs for hats and gloves, but also what I was willing to do. Hopefully, we can help.

So now, I also reach to all of you living in areas that experience winter, please remember the less fortunate. I challenge everyone to think of ways you can get hats, gloves, and warm socks to help those in need.