On Catch-Up Tuesday

Whew. This past 3-day weekend was full of racing around, so I need a breather … and this post will give me a chance to catch up.

Before I forget, Time: The Musical returns Thursday (Wednesday night in the US) with an act featuring songs with Hour(s) in the title. Get ready!

From ballroom to several gathering of friends to a family wedding to a Cincinnati tradition, our weekend kept us busy. Toss in my mother-in-law’s hospitalization, we decided to forego Monday activities for some relaxation time.

We had to cut short a pig roast to attend a Cincinnati tradition … a grand fireworks display synchronized to music down on the river. Because a half million spectators gather for this, we have not attended in many years – but hassle-free television doesn’t do the display justice. Last Tuesday (and completely out-of-the-blue) we received an invitation to attend a private party at a historic mansion on a hill not far from the river. Knowing this may be our only chance ever, we left the pig roast for the Wiedemann Hill Mansion. (Their website has nice pics.)

The restored home is not only beautiful, but he had a great view of the fireworks, and it was our first time view from the Kentucky side of the river, which has downtown Cincinnati as a backdrop. The pic below was taken from a short distance away from our viewing location. If you have a spare 30 minutes and enjoy fireworks, view the show here.

From the Cincinnati Enquirer, Photo by Amanda Davidson

From the Cincinnati Enquirer, Photo by Amanda Davidson

Meanwhile, the weekend also brought a new month, so month-long celebrations in September include Bourbon heritage, chili peppers & figs, happy cats, guide dogs, apples, potatoes, honey, eating chicken, coupons, mushrooms, prime beef, peas & radishes, papaya, whole grains, rice, pianos, ice cream sandwiches, food allergy awareness, California wine (as if I need a reason), and being kind to editors and writers.

This week’s daily celebrations include:

  • (Tues) Another Look-Unlimited Day, Skyscraper Day
  • (Wed) Beetle Bailey Day, Peter Rabbit Day, and Eat an Extra Dessert Day
  • (Thurs) Be Late for Something Day, Waffle House Day, Teacher Day in India

Because this feelings like a Monday Morning Entertainment post, let’s honor Piano Month with a clip from the great Victor Borge playing while wearing ugly pants. Enjoy, and I’ll be back tomorrow with some satire bits.