On Exploring the City of Dance Through Time-lapse

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In Brazil every kid starts playing street football very early. It’s in our blood. As a professional I started at Sao Cristovao in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Of course I also played in the beach soccer league, barefoot. (Ronaldo, athlete)

Rio’s a beautiful city, a vibrant place, special place. (Eduardo Paes, politician)

People don’t really go to museums in Rio. I shouldn’t say it’s not sophisticated, but, you know, they go to the beach. (Francisco Costa, designer)


When my baby,

When my baby smiles at me,

I go to Rio

De Janeiro.

My-o me-o…

I go wild and then

I have to do the samba,

And la bamba. (Lyrics, I Go to Rio, Peter Allen)

In 2016, the world travels to Rio de Janeiro for the Summer Olympics. Let’s explore the city’s vibrancy through the lens of a time-lapse camera.