On an Announcement for Monday

Welcome back from the weekend.  How was yours?

Our weekend involved ballroom time and hosting our dinner group – thus the latter involved getting ready. All in all, our afternoons were actually low-key. Also, we recently started watching House of Cards  on Netflix. Do you watch it?

The Explore post about the Gobi Desert was well received. Glad you enjoyed it. The Explore series aims at people, places, and things, so if you have any ideas, please tell!

Here’s a surprise. After thinking about it, Life: The Musical is going to have an epilogue. Besides, as I look ahead, this week is as good of time as any! Previous acts focused on words in the song title, but this time, it’s about the lyrics. There are many songs about life, and you may have a song that is special to you. Some are linked to situations or occasions, while others tug at us through their lyrics without a reason. In other words, this is a chance to post a song about life that is important to you. Curtain time is Wednesday, 9:30 PM (Eastern US).

Celebrations for your week

  • (Week) Dump Your Significant Jerk Week, Risk Awareness Week, Congenital Heart Defect Week, Homes for Birds Week, Celebration of Love Week, Children of Alcoholics Week, Jell-O week, Freelance Writers Appreciation Week, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Flirting Week, Friendship Week, Love a Mensch Week, Green Week, Love Makes the World Go Round – but, Laughter Keeps Us from Getting Dizzy Week
  • (Mon) Read in the Bathtub Day, Bagels & Lox Day, Hershey Day, Stop Bullying Day, GI Joe Day, Clean Out Your Computer Day
  • (Tues) Extraterrestrial Culture Day, Extraterrestrial Visitor Day, Umbrella Day, Cream Cheese Brownies Day
  • (Wed) Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day, Get Out Your Guitar Day, Make a Friend’s Day, Promise Day, Be Electrific Day, Shut-in Visitation Day, Satisfied Staying Single Day, White Shirt Day/White T-Shirt Day, Inventors Day, La-Z Boy Chair Day, Peppermint Patty Day
  • (Thurs) Darwin Day, NAACP Day, Oglethorpe Day, Paul Bunyan Day, Safety Pup Day, Pancake Day, Lost Penny Day, Plum Pudding Day

This week’s Monday Morning Entertainment uses Wednesday’s Get-Out-Your-Guitar Day.  You’ll have to click the video, then click again to watch on YouTube because the owners blocked embedding. Have a good rest of the week.