Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 65

On the Saving Rate
I find it interesting that after 30+ years of having an average saving rate of 2% or less, (even negative in some years), American savings rate is currently 6%. Is this a new economic standard?

On a Washington Rangel
After a long tenure in Congress, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) seems to be willing to fight ethics charges. Then so be it, so take him down! Oh – that’s right. This is an example of wolves watching the henhouse. Too bad that we can’t take them all out!

On to Amend or not to Amend
I find it interesting that many Republicans use “the Constitution says” for the basis of their argument. By the way, many in this group want to repeal the 14th Amendment. In other words, they want a Constitution interpreted in the way they desire.

On a Clueless Bias
I recently heard a radio host complain about the tired old song of the aging Democrats as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Barney Frank, and others. Do you think he mentioned Mitch McConnell, Richard Shelby, Jeff Sessions, Jim Bunning, and an ever-waffling John McCain? Here’s a link to the ages of our Senators.

By the way, here’s an interesting column from David Broder regarding Republican leadership in the Senate.

On the NL Central
It seems the St. Louis Cardinals came to Cincinnati to show that they remain the team to beat. In a short series, given their top three pitchers and the middle of the order, they are good. To have a chance, I still say get to their bullpen; but, no way that will happen when 1 though 4 in the order go 6 for 47 in a series, .187 team batting average – and Marlin’s ace Josh Johnson is on deck. The Reds are one game out with 47 to play, thus a long way to go. I stand by my prediction of this past Tuesday.

By the way, Brandon Phillips comments do not explain fielding errors, mental errors, base-running errors, and poor hitting. Yet, I salute the Cardinals for the way they played.

On Two Baseball Tidbits
Here’s two things I didn’t realize in baseball.
Umpires have different uniforms. The plate umpire for the game determines the uniform for the others on the umpiring crew.
1981 was baseball’s strike year. I knew the Reds had the best overall NL record, yet didn’t make the playoffs. I didn’t realize that the Cardinals had the second best overall NL record that year, and they too didn’t make the playoffs.

On Too Much Publicity
Here’s a question – Who is more pathetic: Levi Johnston or the media who continue to give him the unnecessary publicity that he craves?

Have a safe weekend!