On the Unexpected

Life is full of many twists and turns that reveal joys, sorrows, trials, tribulations, happiness, shock, uncertainty, honor, hope, and countless other emotions. Sometimes life delivers an unexpected surprise, and other times it is a double punch to the gut.

I recently received one of those punches that has set me back on my heels. Believe me, there are many with problems far greater than mine – but we are selfish creatures, thus see our problems in magnified light, and probably make them out to be worse than they really are.

With that as the backdrop, I’m saying this blog will be free of new posts for a while. A week, a month, more or less – I do not know – but I must concentrate on an important matter that requires time.

I hope to stay active in reading and commenting on the fine posts listed in the right column, plus others I have on my bookmarks. I enjoy learning and dialogue with others, plus having others stimulating me to think.

Thanks to everyone who stops by to read my thoughts, and special thanks to those who add their comments. So, until my next post, blessings to all of you and I hope you watch this 20-second video that says a lot.