On the Birther Issue

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” (Patrick Monahan)

I’m disappointed in the percentage of the American public whose birther attitude may highly correlates to belief in Sasquatch. Disagreeing with any president is one thing, but hiding behind this charade is another.

I’m disappointed in the media for continual coverage of the topic.

I’m disappointed in any supposed leader who uses the issue and their name to rile the populous for selfish reasons. Donald Trump is a pompous, self-centered, gasbag who is using the issue and a misinformed, reality-show-oriented public to promote himself and his TV show.

I’m disappointed in NBC for accepting this charade for the sake of ratings.

I’m disappointed in the predictable response that where printed in the Cincinnati Enquirer, let alone throughout the country.

I’m disappointed in the way elected Republicans and the Republican Party continues to use the issue by their silence. Although they say the right things when asked, their inaction is deafening, unwarranted, and self-serving.

I’m disappointed in President Obama for stooping down to their level. I imagine he did it for political reasons, which (at least to me) is worse.

Regardless of the reason for the issue, partisanship has reached a new low. Watergate was a low point for our government, but this is a more profound because it demonstrates a low point for our society. Then again, McCarthyism was not in my time.

Though not published until later, I am proud that I wrote this the day following the release of the birth certificate, thus before columnist Kathleen Parker wrote this outstanding column. It’s columnists like her (and others) that demonstrate rational sanity while keeping me grounded.

Amidst high unemployment, three military encounters, an out-of-control national debt, and numerous other issues, this is a national disgrace.  In her column, Kathleen Parker writes,

We dwell in a time when buffoons are elevated and presidents are compelled to respond to the jester. These circumstances cannot bode well for the republic.

10 thoughts on “On the Birther Issue

  1. I “lurk” on a couple of far right-wing blogs, and the dedication to this whole “Birther” crap is incredible. I use a benchmark of Clinton and Monica Lewinsky to disprove conspiracies – basically, if about 6 people couldn’t keep it quiet that the Prez was screwing around, you think they could keep Obama’s “foreign birth” a secret? (Hey, it might not be a scientific rule, but it gets the point across.) If these people would put a tenth the effort the put into coming up with denials (“It’s not the long form” “The long form has the wrong race term” “OK, but what about his grades”) into positive outlets, we’d have a balanced budget AND a reasonable timeline to bring our troops home. And with the left being quite shrill themselves (if a lot more logical) doesn’t help either. We stared down the barrel of defeat in 1941 and pulled a fractious, pacifist, economically wounded country together to whip not one, but TWO world-class threats (Germany and Japan). I refuse to believe our mettle is so diminished that we can’t whip two and a half median but tenacious opponents, and bring our soldiers home after far too many years away. We owe it to our forebears to show that “the Greatest Generation” was not unique, and didn’t die in vain; and we need to show our current crop of heroes that we DO care and DO remember them. We need to hold ALL those in DC to a higher standard, and we need to demand the same of the media that feeds this frenzy. We need to bring this country back around, so that we can give our soldiers the best form of support – returning them home to a stable, peaceful, co-operative nation. They deserve nothing less.


    • John,
      I appreciate your undercover work … then again, this site may be one of your spy venues. Ah ha … you could be a double agent!

      I appreciate your statement your holding the media and political leaders to a higher standard. In the whole birth issue, the elected Republicans and their party heads bug me more than the birthers. Their unless-asked silence is pathetic – even worse, it’s about votes.

      Thanks for commenting.


      • Fear not, my friend. I would never spy on you – unless it was VERY profitable! 😉
        The recent Canadian election will prove an interesting potential foresight of our politics in 2012. While the Canadians don’t seem to be quite as … extreme … in their political spectrum, we will get a preview of Conservative policies and procedures. Granted Canada has its’ own problems and needs, but especially in global matters such as defence and finance, whither goeth Canada will be a good indication (and support, via commercial and military trade) of whither goeth a our own conservatives.
        Then again, with such … larger than life characters as Boehner and Trump, all comparison bets may be off! 😀


        • John,
          Good point about Canada. I will throw in the UK as well because of their conservative leadership. I continue to believe that Trump is just playing to his ego and to get ratings for his tv show – therefore not running. However, I see “keep him talking” so voters can see who he is. In other words, just give him enough rope. Boehner, on the other hand, continues his balancing act within his own party .. and the time will come when we has to make a fundamental decision. As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts.


    • About a year ago in a discussion with a friend, I told him that releasing the certificate wouldn’t matter because they wouldn’t believe it anyway. For instance, yesterday I heard a person say they didn’t think bin Laden was dead, and wouldn’t believe it until they see the pictures. (Of course the pics will be fake …. and fake ones are the ones that are currently available). Simply unbelievable! Thanks for the kind words and for commenting.


  2. Top of the morning to you, Frank! What a timely and relevant post, and my fellow Republicans should have had enough sense to have taken the high road and refrained from this matter altogether. Guess Huckabee, Trump et al would rather garner a false sense of popularity/ratings instead–major eye roll…

    It saddens me that in spite of our continued ailing economy, a duty to successfully manage two wars abroad, and author policies that enhance the quality of life for our seniors, youth and everyone else in between, all we can muster in these uncertain and unpredictable times is–at best–a weak, cheap shot “challenge” against a decent fellow human being, President Obama.

    Enjoyed your engaging sense of humor yesterday on 2012…Should our paths not cross again electronically before noon tomorrow, have a safe week and relaxing weekend. <==== Speaking of which, given your remarks on 2012 how you and yours spent last weekend–you guys sound like a "rich", cultured and funloving couple. Hat Tip…


    • Al,
      Whoa … this comment is powerful: all we can muster in these uncertain and unpredictable times is–at best–a weak, cheap shot “challenge” against a decent fellow human being, President Obama. … and yes, amid all the other issues out there, this one gets the headlines. And to top it off, GOP leaders and candidates embrace it by either participating in the madness or remaining silent.

      Meanwhile, I make it to 2012 before noon! BTW … having a Republican appreciate this post means a lot to me! Thanks for commenting.


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