On Hats and Horns for September

How’s your week going so far? The recent blast of hot, humid air is about to move out of Cincinnati … Yippee!

First of all, upcoming days will feature flashback posts for you during my blogging break. These are reblogs, but a collection of a handful of post around a topic. I hope you enjoy them.

Meanwhile, it’s time to get your calendar because I don’t want you to forget important celebrations that occur the rest of the month. Which have captured your attention?

Hummingbird Celebration (12-15)
(13th) Blame Someone Else Day, International Chocolate Day, Peanut Day, Stand-Up-to-Cancer Day
(14th) Cream-filled Donut Day

Indoor Plant Week (15-21)
(15th) Felt Hat Day, Crème-de-Menthe Day
(16th) Play-Doh Day, Collect Rocks Day
(17th) Apple Dumpling Day
(18th) Cheeseburger Day, Respect Day
(19th) Talk Like a Pirate Day (Arrrrrrrrgh), Butterscotch Pudding Day
(21st) Big Whopper Liar Day, International Day of Peace, Eat an Apple Day, Responsible Dog Ownership Day, World Alzheimer’s Day, Pecan Cookie Day

Banned Books Week (22-28)
Dog Week (22-28)
Tolkien Week (22-28)

(22nd) Car-Free Day, Elephant Appreciation Day, Hobbit Day, Ice Cream Cone Day, White Chocolate Day
(24th) Punctuation Day, Cherry Jubilee Day
(25th) Math Story-Telling Day, One-Hit Wonders Day
(26th) Pancake Day
(27th) Crush-a-Can Day, Walk-to-Work Day, Tourism Day, Chocolate Milk Day, Corn Beef Hash Day
(28th) Fish Amnesty Day, Love Note Day, Hunting & Fishing Day, Good Neighbor Day, Museum Day, Ask-a-Stupid-Question Day, Strawberry Cream Pie Day
(29th) Coffee Day, Gnocchi Day, Mocha Day
(30th) Mulled Cider Day