On Exploring the Most Beautiful: Part 1

We like to travel, thus have seen some places. Then again, the world offers so much, yet I have seen so little. How would you answer this question: Where is the most beautiful natural view you’ve ever seen? The Grand Canyon? Victoria Falls? A mountain view? A local scene? … after all, beauty is also close to home.  For me, the answer is easy … the Na Pali coast on the west side of Kauai. Enjoy.

20 thoughts on “On Exploring the Most Beautiful: Part 1

  1. I’ll tell myself I’ve yet to see it. Been to Australia, Thailand, all had stunning parts and all across Europe and even here in the UK had some great places. Nowhere quite yet stopped me in my tracks. Nice to know it will do so one day


  2. Niiice!
    Not sure what I would say is the most beautiful place that I’ve seen. I like being in the moment of beauty. If it leaves me speechless at the moment & leaves me at a loss for words for a description – then it’s up there too. I find beauty in things for different reasons too. So – hard to say.


  3. Frank, there are some truly gorgeous views on this great world of ours – some that are taken for granted as well. I can’t say if I have a favourite view of my own, although I really enjoy coastal views, cliffs, waterfalls, valleys, lakes, rivers… no, can’t choose!


  4. I, too, rank Hawaii at the top of my most beautiful natural view list, and I was only on Oahu. Your video makes me hope to return someday to see the other islands.


  5. I could never answer the question, as you can. It would be a privilege to see Na Pali though I probably never will. I would probably answer the question with a picture like this http://www.beyondplumcreek.com/shtufffs/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/old-women.png and many more just like it. As a Visitant we all travel, be it close or far, often we are at awe with the wonder, yet we forget to take pictures and see the real beauty of a place -it’s people.


  6. I’ve been to Oahu, but never Kauai. I’ve always heard it is incredible. I have many places that “do it” for me, and many are relatively close to home. There are few spots on California coast where the Pacific Ocean crashing on the cliffs really moves me. The Redwood Forests…Sequoia…Yosemite…I could go on and on. That may be why I haven’t been a huge traveler. I do want to return to the Grand Canyon before too long. It’s been years!


  7. Beautiful, Frank. 🙂 I’ve never been to Hawaii. For me the most beautiful place I’ve seen has been in the Highlands of Scotland. Cape Breton in Nova Scotia comes in a close second, and reminded me a lot of that area.


  8. Wonderful view Frank. I don’t know that I could answer the question. Natural? Bali, amazing. Parts of Malaysia, incredible. China, some of it stunning. The lavender fields of France, brought me to my knees. The Costa del Sol, Spain, stunning. The islands of the Caribbean, many of them and the waters, make me weep.

    There are so many beautiful parts of the world.


  9. ONE of the 2 most-beautiful natural views I have ever seen is a geographic sibling of your view: the view of the Pacific from the Nuuanu Pali Lookout on Oahu. The other is the view of Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong from the top of Victoria Peak.


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